Store items

  • Dear Rare,

    Might be im directing this message to the wrong crew. BUT
    I bought a tankard like almost 6 months ago. I had a message that due to production it would be around the 30th of august to be send. I didnt recieve any information yet.

    Also there was a company called Mongoose publishing who offered a roleplaying SoT boardgame. I pre-ordered it so i would get guardian sails. Again i dont have any clue or idea when these items gonna be delivered.

    Do u know or anyone know whats up with deliveries?

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  • @weakdexx said in Store items:

    I bought a tankard like almost 6 months ago. I had a message that due to production it would be around the 30th of august to be send.

    Aye same here, I'll be giving until the end of the week then contacting via the email on the original order.

    Tel: +44 (0) 116 284 4760

    Also there was a company called Mongoose publishing who offered a roleplaying SoT boardgame. I pre-ordered it so i would get guardian sails.

    I believe... but could be mistaken... this is due in October?

    If someone at Rare... could maybe provide a little update, it would be appreciated.

  • @WeakDexx

    Thanks to @PirateCraggy for sharing the phonenumber.

    I just made a phonecall to Bandstores and they stated the following:

    They are on there way to Bandstores as we speak and we are just waiting for a tracking number but expecting delivery some time this week, this means we can start shipping them as they arrive.

    Due to the nature of the item and the size they will be shipped out with a tracking number which will be shared as soon as they are shipped.

    Its not the answer i was hoping to get but at leadt its something

  • @callmebackdraft

    Thx Matey!!
    Yeah it's one of those... a few times delayed.
    Thanks for the heads up... should hopefully be able to raise a toast to ya all soon!!!

  • @piratecraggy @CallMeBackdrafT

    Aye fellow pirates! thanks for this update :D
    I wait out a lil longer than before contacting them myself aswell.

  • @weakdexx

    The RPG and sails should be delivered in October.
    I preordered too and opened a ticket if the sails maybe drop earlier, but they said they would be available in occtober when the RPG Ships.

    Cant wait for it, game and sails :-)

  • Are there going to be any stores to order from state side?

  • @weakdexx As for the board game, according to their website

    Expected Shipping Date: October 2019

    EDIT: didn't realise @Bugaboo-Bill had beaten me to it! thanks.

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