Creator crews

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Creator crews:

    @glannigan said in Creator crews:

    I still can’t understand why the hell someone would watch someone else play a game they own!!!

    This world makes no sense to me!!!

    This. Never understood watching other ppl play.

    Cuz sometimes I don't have time to play, or am not at my PC but I have my phone and twitch :)

  • @andyxxpanda1290 what didn’t they define? The only thing I didn’t see was the rewards. A program just like the insiders that helps promote feedback, suggestions, and players. Everyone’s over here crying because streamers might get some sails that say creator crew on them and they don’t.

  • @xcalypt0x
    I got ya. Only time i watch anyone is if i wanna see what a new game looks like and check out the gameplay.
    To each their own. Im not knockin anyone for it.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Creator crews:

    I got ya. Only time i watch anyone is if i wanna see what a new game looks like and check out the gameplay.
    To each their own. Im not knockin anyone for it.

    Oh yeah, most of my time on twitch I'm watching someone play a different game. But when I'm not able to play I will sometimes watch people play the game I am wanting to be playing :)

  • @andyxxpanda1290 Nobody is crying except you about other players expressing their opinion.

    It's not that clear at all for the moment but I'm sure we will know more soon enough.

  • @xcalypt0x
    I tried to watch streamers before at work. But most ppl are terrible so it makes me rage out, plus it makes me wanna play even more lol

  • @jetorchidee97 maybe you need to get the video a couple more watches then. A program that you sign up for just like insiders that will help beginners get into streaming while the top-tier streamers have a better way communicating and providing feedback.

    Mixer and twitches already Linked to see if thieves so they can pull that data. And there will probably be a new section in the forums for creators.

    People are just greedy. I have played the game since launch and have gotten more than my moneys worth. Everything they have added for free has only brought more value the game.

  • It's a win-win for everyone involved. If you don't want to create content for the game, you don't have to. But as someone who has tried a few times to get into streaming and hasn't been able to break more than a handful of viewers, I would love tools from the game I like playing the most to help make my stream the best it can be. An organized community around content creation for the game sounds great to me.

    If they want to give people something back for creating tons of free content for Rare and promoting their game, I have no problem with that. [mod edit]

  • @chris-houlden said in Creator crews:

    @xcalypt0x lol gets me really annoyed n fired up to think these guys who already get enough reward from the devs are just getting more while the rest of the none streamers who love the game dont get a second thought (when it comes to competions weekly invites ect)

    People who create content put time and effort into the creation. Even streamers put some effort in their tuff

    You never did explain how it negatively impacts you.

  • They shouldn’t have time for junk like this. They’ve a game to improve.

  • Well considering alot of people played this game because of literally 1 person, it's great for marketing a product. If you have one or two views no one is buying a game because of you, you are not a good marketer to look into or invest time with.

  • I'm a completionist/collector and if I'm going to be left out on some sick cosmetics just cause I'm not a content creator I'll be less than happy with this.

    Not just the fact that I'm not even slightly interested in being a content creator but what if I'm not even capable of it due to hardware limitations and my connection being barely enough to play the game let alone stream it. (Yes I know streaming is not the only form of content creation, just an example)

  • @icymethodman

    I'm a completionist and if I'm going to be left out on some sick cosmetics just cause I'm not a content creator I'll be less than happy with this.

    That sounds more like a "collector" than a "completionist". To be the latter, you have to complete challenges or tasks. Any rewards are secondary.

  • If people are actively promoting the game, they should get extra stuff. Good on em.

  • @old-ratbeard Your post has been removed as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    - Cheat or hack. We have a zero tolerance approach to any form of in-game hacking or cheating, and transgression can result in a permanent ban. Data-mined content is also prohibited from our channels as it can ruin future game updates for players who have no wish to be exposed to incomplete or out-of-context information.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • @surveyorpete said in Creator crews:

    That sounds more like a "collector" than a "completionist". To be the latter, you have to complete challenges or tasks. Any rewards are secondary.

    Okay there Mr. Correction, sure. But just to mess with ya a bit, my "challenge" is to even get my stream going.

  • Record some clips, string them together with some narration, boom you're a creator... and if it makes some sense it may be a success.

  • @dadiodude with this feature they can help improve the game. With feedback from content creators and a better way for them to communicate to rare will help. It’s not just hey let’s find a way to give people stuff. Their intentions are to promote, resolve issue, and better the game. It’s not like they aren’t actively trying to resolve issues. They have different teams tackling different things.

  • @bumbumbac Wow it will be very interesting content for sure… Can't wait for thousands of videos that nobody will watch.

    What I would consider a good thing would be to provide tools to make videos ingame. Free camera, private server where you can invite whoever you want to make your videos, lots of parameters to adjust the weather, time of the day, skellies spawn, megs spawn, etc.
    That would be something really meaningful, I hope that's what they're thinking of with this Creator Crew.

  • I've given a bit of feedback on this before, but I'll just say this to you @chris-houlden and anyone that feels similarly:
    I understand feeling negative about the possibilities of in-game content creator rewards. It can easily fan a have and have-not issue that nobody likes to deal with - never mind the things already stated (that creating content already comes with its own rewards and benefits [when the content hits well with the community, at least!]).

    My advice, however, is to not let it bother you that much. I mean, I get it - our feelings are our feelings when we initially experience them. When I get those sorts of negative feelings over what a game I love will be doing, I just step back, and take into consideration 1) it's not that big of a deal 2) it probably won't be anywhere near as bad as I can imagine (and even if it were, it's not even that bad anyway), 3) they have their reasons for doing what they're doing and maybe it will be good for them. I take some breaths, smile, and carry on doing what pleases me and not dwelling on the things that bug me so much.
    That being said - when more information becomes available and if anyone disagrees with what they're doing - by all means, share your feedback and offer your criticisms (always best if combined with alternative suggestions). The community is much more than streamers and Rare will never fully lose sight of that. Part of this is and will always be business. And we all have to accept that. Plus, I think there are legitimately good reasons to continue to engage and foster the content-creating community beyond business/money.
    I believe that the people at Rare truly love the content, are somewhat humbled by the people behind that stuff, and feel a desire to pay it forward by giving more to content creators and such. It's not all about the money (even if it is ALSO about the potential money).
    So, it's not all bad - and might not even be bad at all. At the end of the day, if there are some cosmetics earned through this stuff - and more focus is continued to be given to those who choose to prop themselves into the spotlight by streaming and making videos and such - eh, big deal. That's today's society, right? Maybe there'll be a reality show spin-off of this - SoT Streamers on an island... :D :D

    Me? Even as someone that streams (and long planned to make some edited videos and tutorials - but STILL HASN'T LOL) - I would rather avoid stoking the flames of the streamer vs non-streamer animosity that sadly exists in today's community. However, they obviously are very excited about it and - who knows, perhaps it will be fantastic. At the end of the day - it's not like they'll be spawning Shrouded Ghosts based on your viewership numbers! :D (Umm, yeah, that would be horrible, haha!)

  • @chris-houlden

    To my knowledge you sign up for these events, and the reason the streamers are in there is because they are noticed by the community. Becoming a streamer is harder than one would think so they kinda deserve it if they get as far as they do streaming and are good at the game

  • Im fine with them gaining gold/doubloons but when they start to reward them with unique cosmetics that you ONLY can get through that programme, then it's to much.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 said in Creator crews:

    @glannigan I don’t understand why people watch sports on tv when they could just play them

    I get the sentiment but reality is all that dude is doing is sitting there playing the same exact game I can play.

    So the sport analogy really isn’t a good one. We can all do exactly what the streamer is doing. We can’t all do exactly what sports are doing.

    I don’t own the cowboys so I don’t have the option of showing up on Sunday and QB’n the team.

    (I don’t watch sports either).

  • @glannigan honestly I don’t watch much streams I watch more YouTube. Sometimes people catch something funny or interesting on camera and I click on it. Everyone plays the game differently. Every now and then you can learn from the videos you watch or wanna try something they are doing. Why watch anything on tv or Netflix when you can experience it in real life. Why play video games when you can go out and experience it in real life. It’s all entertainment. Pawn stars literally a show about going to a pawn store. I’m not trying to change your mind or opinion everyone has their own preference.5;

  • Its out now tho

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