Captain Skeleton Spawn (not spawning) PLEASE FIX

  • I love this game! I really do. But I find it very frustrating when I literally glitch through an entire tall tale (trickster) (extremely difficult enough as it is with boobytraps and excessive amounts of skelly waves) just to get all the way through it and the skeleton Captain glitches out and deapawns. Plenty of music but no captain.. Even after attempting to Aggro in 4+ different ways to try and complete my quest, nothing... Finally had to quit! By that time I didn't even want to play anymore and felt like well what the heck was all that work for? A solid 2 and a half hours + of work down the shoot and nothing to show for it except the feeling of lovely to have to go through that all over again! You guys are RARE.. Cmon.. Y'all have worked on this in the past but it's still affecting the game and are you guys are going to lose serious supporters over these kinds of foul ups. Players don't like spending hours doing something just to get to the end and have to trash their campaign and say oh well better luck tomorrow.

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  • @piescream said in Captain Skeleton Spawn (not spawning) PLEASE FIX:

    I love this game! I really do. But I find it very frustrating when I literally glitch through an entire tall tale (trickster) (extremely difficult enough as it is with boobytraps and excessive amounts of skelly waves) just to get all the way through it and the skeleton Captain glitches out and deapawns. Plenty of music but no captain.. Even after attempting to Aggro in 4+ different ways to try and complete my quest, nothing... Finally had to quit! By that time I didn't even want to play anymore and felt like well what the heck was all that work for? A solid 2 and a half hours + of work down the shoot and nothing to show for it except the feeling of lovely to have to go through that all over again! You guys are RARE.. Cmon.. Y'all have worked on this in the past but it's still affecting the game and are you guys are going to lose serious supporters over these kinds of foul ups. Players don't like spending hours doing something just to get to the end and have to trash their campaign and say oh well better luck tomorrow.

    I got so mad at SOT I uninstalled the game and put in my Fallout 76 game disc, problem solved.

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