Cooking Times

  • The cooking times are quite long. I definately think cooking should range from the 30 sec. to 1 min. range. Or at the very least, reduce the amount of time it takes to cook megaladon/kraken meat. Thoughts?

  • 13
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  • @kexol
    Cooking isn't meant to be an active activity. I think the times are fine

  • @blazedrake100 said in Cooking Times:

    Cooking isn't meant to be an active activity. I think the times are fine

    You have to be active enough to cook the meat. Imagine cooking five megaladon meats. That's 10 minutes of cooking. I'm not saying there needs to be a drastic change but I cant imagine a reduction being a bad idea.

  • @kexol
    If I cook, I usually voyage or man the ship while I wait. Sometimes it burns, but if you know the time we'll enough, it won't

  • I think cooking times are perfect. I think only being able to cook one item at a time is the problem. If the stove had 2 spots it would be way better.

  • Most meat and fish take ~1 minute to cook. Trophy fish, kraken, and megalodon meat take ~2 minutes to cook.

  • The cooking times are fine. I do think a galleon should have two stoves (there's plenty of space), but sloops and brigantines only need one. Meanwhile, if you want to cook more food at once you can always find an island with a cooking fire. Some islands even have two. You can get a lot of cooking done that way.

  • @genuine-heather Yes, you can, but that's a lot of running back and forth.

  • @galactic-geek said in Cooking Times:

    @genuine-heather Yes, you can, but that's a lot of running back and forth.

    It can be, but it depends on the island. Some of the cooking fires are located on the beach, so it's not much of a run. Obviously it's faster with two people, but even one can benefit from having two fires going at once. Anyway, I think the cooking times are fine.

  • i think the times are ok but I wouldn't complain if they put a second pan on the stove.

  • @captain-coel
    I didnt think about that. That is a great idea! I can get behind that.

  • I agree ,it’s to slow and frustrating
    and wastes time .

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