Pay to Stock Ship

  • One of the most annoying features I find on SoT is the inability to just start a game and sail off. Anything we usually do requires a little bit of prep.

    I think it would be good to have the ability to pay for cannon balls/food/planks. So on the odd occasion you could just start a ship and get straight into some voyages.

    With limited times in the evenings I have found I end up loosing interest due to the time it takes for us prepare for some voyage and goals we have planned.

    To avoid rich players getting an advantage or players buying crates to complete merchant voyages. They could be made only available at the sea posts and be slightly more expensive than they are to sell.

    This way you could stock up at a port but still have the option to gather and store resources during voyages.

    I think this would also make gold a little more useful. Perhaps even the ability to buy a rowboat as well?

    Anyone else having the same experience?

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  • @chunkgb Isn't one of the largest complaints of this system (which I believe could work in certain ways) that players contesting forts and the such can simply wipe and restock - whilst the players "defending" positions then slowly dwindle their supplies.

    I always think that this is not a game to jump in to for a quick spin - I like to have at least an hour or two preferably, otherwise it's arena all the way.

  • @sshteeve I get that, however I dont always have the time to jump in for a long go.

    It's good when me and my mates have a few hours but for example work nights are just too hard to get anything done.

    Maybe they could balance that scenario by preventing you feom stocking up again if you get sunk?

    Even if you could only buy goods once a day I still think would be beneficial.

  • @chunkgb not sure what to think of it as "rich" player (who doesn't need the loot besides for buying the last parts of the cosmetics in the game).

    I can see a benefit in it for ppl with less "prep" time altough it has been over half a year that we as crew prepped for anything.

    We just start a voyage or tale atm and we gather supplies while doing the voyage.
    Just keep shooting everyone (except the captain) to every island you pass, let them fill their inventory and take a mermaid back. That way you should have enough supplies for anything.

  • @chunkgb shipwrecks, and floating barrels are the easiest to ways to stock a ship. Barrels are the easiest as you can harpoon them.

    I too play for a limited time. I just jump on open crew adventure mode and help whoever I join. I no longer care about turning in the loot, so I sign out when I think my time is up.

    Solo slooping is alot of fun, but I spend a lot of time just sailing between islands. When you only have a small amount of time. Try open crew. They are usually new players who could learn alot from others. Occassionally you get a ship full of legends. Enjoy!

  • @chunkgb

    No.. discussed many of times, the initial ship should have a buff in resources to provide you with this ability to set sail on a new server, scuttle and sinking should not be buffed.

    Resource management is a key aspect of your ship and shouldn't be replaced with a cheap purchase mechanic.

    Plus old vs new pirates is a balance thing as well, gold has different values to different pirates and should never cause an imbalance that affects combat.

  • I can't really see any down sides to this, we should be able to buy supplies. I think this is just another time sink to waste our time since the game isn't exactly stuffed with content. But at this point now that the game has been out for over a year, who here really enjoys spending time fetching a hand full of items and delivering them to the barrels on the ships? Does anyone look forward to this activity?

  • I don't think this is a good idea.

  • @sshteeve simple solution only be able to purchase one set of each supply type per logon

  • I am, and will always, be against the purchasing of supplies. Not only does it, literally unavoidably, gives a benefit to 'wealthy' players over newer players, but it detracts from the management of the ship, which is a really important aspect of sailing. A crew that can manage it's resources has a benefit over those that can't/don't. Allowing supplies to be purchased completely removes this ability-based facet from the game. Restocking on the go is not difficult at all and basically removes the need to stop and 'farm' supplies. Essentially, some of the best practices you can do are:

    The Golden Rule: unless combat is imminent, all crew members (except the dedicated helmsmen, if there is one, since they never leave the ship) always keep an empty inventory (no cannonballs, planks, or food at any rate)

    While traveling:

    1. always keep someone looking out for barrels. Harpooning barrels can be hard, but the restock potential is very high. Even if you miss, people (up to half the crew) can still jump off for the barrels and then mermaid back.

    2. every time you pass an island you're not going otherwise stop stop at, have half the crew jump off and pick up as much supplies as possible, then mermaid back. This and harpooning barrels are the 'passive' way to restock and can generally stock everything you need unless you're getting constant back-to-back action.

    3. hit every sunken ship you can. These are often crammed with supplies and it takes much, much less time to drain these of resources than it does an island, by virtue of them being more compact (less traveling time). Having a rowboat makes this even faster

    If you're a PvPer: siphon other ships. e.g. zone them out into cannon/lunge boarding range, board, anchor, kill the crew, and then cart resources from their ship onto yours. This is best done when you have a surplus of wood and a deficit of cannonballs, since no shooting is strictly required and you can also afford to get shot at. Either ship having a rowboat makes siphoning dramatically faster.

    Note: if they're doing a tall tale, be a nice person and don't sink them. Still steal all their supplies, but let them keep the ship and the tall tale items. Sinking them basically resets their progress. Almost all siphoned ships won't try to steal their supplies back, by virtue of not being able to (no supplies).

    Note #2: some PvE only crews will literally let you take their supplies in order to avoid a fight. This is the holy grail of honorable PvPers ("honorable pirates" do not mean 'kind pirates'; it means not causing suffering beyond what's necessary for their goals) trying to restock, since it's still player interaction but you're not mashing down on people who actively don't want to fight.

    If doing a quest: always dedicate one person to stocking supplies while others work on the quests. Rarely ever does a quest require every crew member working on it. Swap it out each island if people aren't gung-ho about that role.

    The "Big Addendum" to this is that I may be fine with the exchange of treasure for supplies. e.g. every outpost has an NPC you can bring any treasure to in exchange for a given amount of supply, or maybe session-based (a.k.a non persistent) currency that can be spent on supplies. Some system like that could be feasible, since it gives the advantage to players who have being playing longer within a single session, rather than players that have been playing longer overall. The feasibility of a system like this would really come down to the details, but all-in-all I feel it's best simply to avoid the concept of purchasable supplies altogether

  • @chunkgb I always thought it was strange that the Merchant Alliance has his sell all of these crates of supplies to them but they don't sell any of them themselves. What are you doing with all my cannonballs???

  • Same here.

    It's a session based sandbox and everything other than cosmetics that would carry over to another session would create an imbalance and favor powergaming.
    One if the base design decisions was to have people always on equal foot, no matter if you play since day one or just joined half an hour ago.

    Storing or buying supplies would make many aspects of the game imbalanced.
    Best example is returning attackers to a fort.

  • @contentzilla sagte in Pay to Stock Ship:

    But at this point now that the game has been out for over a year, who here really enjoys spending time fetching a hand full of items and delivering them to the barrels on the ships? Does anyone look forward to this activity?

    I do, it's part of my immersion as a pirate.

  • @chunkgb

    Paying for supplies is kind of unbalanced when you think of the fact that there are crews of Legends who could restock their ship without a second thought, while newer crews may have a more difficult decision to make on how much gold they spend on something like this. There's a myriad of ways that this could affect how battles play out that would ultimately result in a progression based advantage which should never be present in this game.

    I believe there's more thinking outside of the box to be done here to think of ways to streamline the process of loading up and setting sail. Perhaps a brand new ship could have higher default supply numbers, but a ship that has been sunk and respawned simply reverts to the current default numbers?

    Perhaps we could purchase supply crates that make it so we can transport supplies in larger numbers when looting an outpost/fort? Maybe each ship starts with supply crates already spawned on it? These could be different supply crates (unsellable) designed specifically for transporting supplies, and could hold food, cannonballs, and wood?

  • The entire game is a bit of a grind fest. I’m sure there are many things could be streamlined to improve the gameplay. This is definitely one.

  • @chronodusk I think they cpuld.make this balanced by maybe just tripling the starter supplies for 10k gold and you can buy whatever food you want separately

  • @jza16 they are giving your cannonballs to the ships in arena

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