Cornish Pirate looking fer shipmates!!

  • Ahoy! Me name be SaltyRollocks.

    I've come to the Sea of Thieves to pilfer & plunder me weasely guts it were. SHARRRK! Oh...there isn't one? Oh...

    Me interests consist of rum, the sea (love the sea I do), sea shanties, firing me gun, swinging from the yardarm cutlas in hand, malarky on the main deck, shenanigans onshore and booty! Be there treasure or adventure on the high seas, that's where I like to be. Oh, lost me right leg below the knee to a devilishly hungry shark too. I'm after 'e as I'd like to be reunited with it.

    I'm in the it were, to join a fine crew as sailing by me onesie is proving somewhat problematic in me current endeavor. I be new to these waters, but, a firm hand on the mast.


    P.S. Got rum?

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