Anniversary Update Give Away - Share your Tales

  • I've done a few give aways through the first year and now I've got another to share with the community to celebrate the upcoming Anniversary Update.
    What's the loot?
    SoT Playing Cards, Limited Edition Coin, Badge and a copy of Tales from the Sea of Thieves up to win.
    I've loved playing and being part of the community over the last year, and want to hear your best tales of lost gold and treasure - I've lost count of the ammount of hauls on board my sloop sunk to the depths or stolen (or borrowed) by other pirates, but what is your worst loss and how did it happen?
    Post your tale below for a chance to win!!
    I will chose one random tale after the 30th April to bag the loot.....

    Good Luck and hope to catch you on the Seas soon

    (happy to cover International Postage, but may take a bit longer as in UK)

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  • @gazcoombe
    First you were Santa and now you're the Easter Bunny too!
    Very nice giveaway my friend, I will add my tale very soon. Cheers!

  • @gazcoombe

    'Tis a very generous offer there, Cap'n, good luck to all who enter!

  • @timboagogo Thank you, love a good give away and thought it would be good to share some tales while we wait for the 30th. Looking forward to reading them and hopefully be a bit of fun for the community :)

  • @gazcoombe

    You're a gentleman Pirate.. Gaz, I doff me hat to you... good Sir!!!

  • @piratecraggy not so gentleman Pirate on the Seas though - that's a different story! But good to share some bounty once it's traded in ;)

  • @gazcoombe said in Anniversary Update Give Away - Share your Tales:

    @piratecraggy not so gentleman Pirate on the Seas though - that's a different story! But good to share some bounty once it's traded in ;)

    Yarr... Aye... that it be! :) lol.

  • @gazcoombe me tall tale is about a skelly ship and how I sank it one day I was on the seas and I sail away from the outpost I think it was plunder outpost anyways I sunk a skelly this was me first time doing it but I've sank many more

  • My worst and probably most humiliating loss was this:

    Not too long ago I finished a fort while in an alliance with a sloop and brig. The sloop crew joined me in on the fort while the brig stayed nearby because we noticed a galleon was holding position just outside cannon range of the fort.

    The enemy began sailing towards us right as the Skellie captain fell. The allied sloop crew then told me to just load everything onto my ship and they'll buy me time. One of them took off in the sloop, the other stayed with me and ferried treasure onto my ship.

    My allies fought off the galleon as it tried to break through the line and collect the loot. The enemy turned tails and sailed off after a short skirmish.

    The allied sloop crew that was with me, ran off to join his mate. He cannoned himself off the fort towards the ships. About a minute later, they proceeded to attack each other as a message flashed on screen that a ship had left our alliance. I realized what was happening and started to double-time my effort to load what treasure was left.

    Once the sloop sank, the brig called out to let me know all is well and that the sloop was planning a mutiny. I checked my map and sure enough. the brig was still marked as an ally, but not the sloop.

    As I finished loading the last of the treasure, I asked if they wanted any of the treasure in particular to earn higher gold or XP on those items. They said thanks but it's not a big deal. As I started to raise my anchor, I heard the familiar sound of water splashing nearby. As soon as the anchor was up I dropped sail and ran to my cannon....I was not fast enough. I got taken out by cannon fire from the brig and was promptly sent to the ferry of the damned. While awaiting my resurrection, I saw a message flash on my screen.....the alliance has been disbanded.

    Shortly after my arrival on the ferry, one of them showed up here as well. He apparently blew himself up in order to deliver a message.

    He said "No hard feeling mate, but why settle for full gold/XP on some loot and half gold/XP on the rest, when you can get full gold/XP on all the loot."

    It turned out that the brig and sloop were both going to double cross me by disbanding the alliance and attacking me, but the brig crew fooled the sloop into disbanding first so it would look like they were the only ones.

    Ever since that day, I refuse alliance invites when I am solo. I only join when in a crew, and even then, I am at the ready with one hand on the sword, and the other on my gun.

  • My galleon spent about two hours in the devils roar collecting loot shorty after the devils roar was released when one of us needed to leave. He said he should be back in an hour so the three of us that were left told him we wouldn't turn in anything until he got back. We continued on for another hour before our third crewmate went afk spinning in the bottom of the ship. He wasn't coming back, just staying in the game for the turn in. Our first friend should have been back but we were still waiting and still collecting loot. The two of us left continued on when eventually I noticed a brigantine in the area. It made a huge circle around us barely visible on the horizon until it was upwind of us. Then it turned our direction. I took off going south until we hit morrows peak, then turned west. They turned to give chase but were still a good distance behind us. As we reached the edge of the ancient isles, we see another galleon and another brig battling each other near ancient spire. We turn north west to avoid them and the kraken hits us.

    The two of us try to fight it off as the other three ships close in. Eventually we sank and spawned at shark bait cove. We sail back to find the other galleon battling the kraken. The two brigs were nowhere to be seen. Before we get close, we see the kraken sink the other galleon, so we go barreling into the ink trying to save any of our treasure. The kraken turns its attention to our ship and we let it go as we come up on a rowboat. My crewmate starts swimming around in the ink looking for our treasure and spots another rowboat with a guy in it. He kills the guy and hops in the rowboat realizing it had what was left of our treasure. Just a few broken and ruined cargo pieces. We continue to search the area after the kraken leaves with our two rowboats hoping to find anything else but come up empty handed.

    About 4 or 5 hours of collecting treasure in the devils roar, easily having around 70k to 90k worth of treasure on our ship, all lost. The biggest haul any of us had collected by that time and we lost it all. That's when we decided we weren't going to wait for other crewmates anymore.

  • The day we heard new loot had started showing up at skelly forts, we dropped sails and headed off to the first active one we saw. Usual banter on the way there... sword lunging from stern to bow, shooting the ships bell, jumping from the crows nest and catching the ladder before smacking the deck, etc. Rule #18 limber up (works for zombies too). We defeated the fort and were anxious to see what the new stuff was worth. We had heard the Mega Keg would put holes in the ship no matter where you put it, so what the hell... we put it in the captains quarters with the rest of the booty.

    On the way to the outpost, the usual antics resumed. All of a sudden there was a loud BOOM! One of the crew had taken a shot at the ships bell, missed, and hit our beloved first ever Mega Keg :(

    We managed to patch the ole girl up and cash in what was left (cough, it was so dusty). Never will forget that day.

  • some great tales so far - haven't had a Mega Keg go off on my sloop yet, but come close a few times! Lost a sloop full of loot and an Athenas Chest in Devils Roar on the way back to the outpost, was passing an small island that I had a chest on found in a message in a bottle, thought about sailing straight past to cash in but greed got the better of me. A volcano erupted on a nearby island and before I knew it I was on the Ferry of the Damned, sloop sank and by the time I got back only one chest was left floating.

  • @gazcoombe said in Anniversary Update Give Away - Share your Tales:

    some great tales so far - haven't had a Mega Keg go off on my sloop yet, but come close a few times! Lost a sloop full of loot and an Athenas Chest in Devils Roar on the way back to the outpost, was passing an small island that I had a chest on found in a message in a bottle, thought about sailing straight past to cash in but greed got the better of me. A volcano erupted on a nearby island and before I knew it I was on the Ferry of the Damned, sloop sank and by the time I got back only one chest was left floating.

    On a joking dare to take pot shots of a crewmate carrying a gunpowder barrel to the crows nest, I accidentally set off the mega keg in the crows nest instead....which set off a chain reaction of the other kegs. Killed all 3 of us and sank our ship with all treasure aboard XD.

    One crew member was particularly salty about the ordeal and left the game upon respawn.

  • Moar shenanigans...

  • @OneEyed-W1lliam That's a fantastic story! I myself have been betrayed in an alliance. I was solo sailing when I met another guy doing the same. We made an alliance and throughout the game would keep tabs on each other.

    Later on, my journeys led me to Mermaid's Hideaway where my alliance-mate had arrived as well. Then, a brigantine showed up. I should have figured there would be trouble when the brigantine's crew swam up to my sloop, hopped on, and started playing music. But I figured they were friendly. I didn't have any treasure in my hold so I wasn't going to lose anything if it all went bad. Which it did.

    I was playing music with two of the brigantine's crew when a third shot me in back and I died. When I came back from the Ferry, they were back on their ship firing on mine. I managed to sail away, but stopped out of range of their guns and started firing mine at them. Unfortunately, my alliance-mate didn't bother fighting them, and instead sailed right into my line of fire. He got angry when my cannonball hit his ship and turned to fight me. Our alliance was disbanded.

    So I turned tail and ran. However, the sloop and brigantine allied themselves and gave chase. For about thirty minutes they chased me all around the Sea of Thieves. When one would get close, I would give them a barrage which would slow them down. Then the megalodon (Megan) decided to see what all the fuss was about. She would occasionally take a bite out of the other ships.

    Finally, I was shooting at the brigantine as I was sailing towards a pile of rocks. When I realized how close I was it was too late for me to do anything about it. My ship careened onto the rocks. Funny enough, my former alliance-mate was too distracted, lining up a shot on me, to notice he was close to the rocks too. His ship also went up on the rocks. Realizing my ship was done for, I grabbed ammo and jumped off my ship and made for his (the brigantine was distracted by Megan). My former alliance-mate and I dueled it out in the bottom of his ship, which was sinking. I managed to kill him, but got trapped in the sinking ship and drowned.

    So now, I don't trust alliances when I'm solo. I'll join one if my brother is sailing with me, and he will stay on the other ship while I sail ours. This way he can tell me if things go bad and I need to get our ship out of there.

  • Last chance to get your tale up - nearly time for the anniversary update!! Can't wait :)

  • Congratulations @testakleze being drawn out the hat and winning the loot.
    Send me a DM with your address details and I'll get your loot in the post :)

  • @gazcoombe said in Anniversary Update Give Away - Share your Tales:

    Congratulations @testakleze being drawn out the hat and winning the loot.
    Send me a DM with your address details and I'll get your loot in the post :)

    Congrats @testakleze !!!

    Enjoy the loot!

  • @GazCoombe @oneeyed-w1lliam Thanks guys! Im pretty excited. Im debating on reading the book before working on the tall tales in game. You guys think that's a good idea?

  • @testakleze said in Anniversary Update Give Away - Share your Tales:

    @GazCoombe @oneeyed-w1lliam Thanks guys! Im pretty excited. Im debating on reading the book before working on the tall tales in game. You guys think that's a good idea?

    You could do that, or even read it while running the tales. I think it's cool when you've completed a tale and you read about it learning tidbits that make you go "Oh, so THAT'S what that meant or was, etc..."

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