Not the finish we had hoped for, but still had fun

  • So Sunday was a strange day on the seas for our misfit crew (kidding, we actually work quite well together). @x-crowheart-x, @x-wolfstryder-x, @Ruigtand-NL and myself set about with a simple goal. Kill as many skelly ships as we could.

    When we started out we noticed a reaper flag ship and several other ships out on the seas. Some of these ships were already engaged in combat with each other and a skelly ship. So we sailed over to check things out, but by the time we got there, the reaper flag had been sunk along with the skelly ship. All that remained was another brig, that began firing on us as soon as we got in range. We had our make a friend flag up, but that did not deter them from trying their best to be a pest. So, we fought back. They didn't like it and tried to raise their white flag. Too little to late, so we went about sinking them.

    We then sailed over to our first skelly ship and sank with ease. With skull clouds in the sky we decided to take out the skull forts to try and bring up skelly fleets. Doing several forts we got our first fleets and sailed over to them. We took out all skelly ships in the fleet in what felt like record time. Moving on we continued to take out skull forts and skelly ships with little resistance. Occasionally turning in loot, while keeping all regular captains chests for Ruig to have decorations.

    We even sailed over to a reaper ship doing the reapers run. The brig didn't wait for us to come over to offer alliance before shooting at us. So, we went about sinking them. We then scoured the island finding many tapped but not fully dug up chests as well as a hiding spot that had several more for later collection by someone. Adding them to our growing collection, we went about our day. After finishing another fort, the skelly fleet once again appears. However, Ruig had to call it a night before we could sell the skull cloud loot. Being a man down, and trying to get someone else to join us, we decided to go for the skelly fleet anyways.

    Not wanting the clouds to disappear before we could engage, we sailed directly to them. Without selling any of our skull fort loot from the last skull fort.

    Now is when things get exciting. A man down, we are able to dispatch the first wave of ships, just as another brig comes along. At first they attack the skelly ships without engaging us. But then, quickly turn their attention on us and blow our mega keg in the crows nest, along with probably 10-20 more kegs. We desperately try to save our ship as they are boarding us, but being a man down, we were simply over matched. Our galleon sinks. Crow is on the fairy of the damned while wolf and I are still on our galleon as it sinks. Crow goes to our new galleon as wolf tries to load our most valuable loot on our rowboat. In an attempt to distract the brig crew to buy wolf time I swim over to the brig and engage them. Not sure if they have auto aim or not, but they seemed pretty darn good at hitting me with every shot, not missing one of them. So I don't last long at all.

    As crow and I are now sailing back, wolf is still frantically trying to load up the most important loot on the rowboat with the idea of rowing around a rock and away from the other brig. However, the other brig sees him, and descend on him in numbers. He is overrun and they get our rowboat.

    So now the chase begins, we get back and do our best being a man short to try and catch the brig, while also taking down skelly ships. But this brig crew proves to be quite competent, and with us being a man down, they had the advantage. We spent the better part of 20-30 minutes going back and forth with them. Even recovering our rowboat and some treasure at one point. But in the end, they got the loot back from us, and were able to get away from us before we finally declared them the victor and called it a night.

    In the end, while the outcome would have been better had we at least got some of our loot back, it was still a fun experience, and we got more skelly ship kills which was our main purpose. They beat us fair and square and our crew does solute them for a job well executed and for their own persistence that matched and even beat our own. I only wish we could have met up with them to raise a pint and celebrate their victory.

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  • Oooh nooooo you guys lost my decorations :D i feel so guilty but i got this stupid driver exam so i can play another 5 years with trucks at work so i had only 5 hours sleep but i made it with just 1 little mistake :") im so sorry :( should have been there so we can sink together

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Not the finish we had hoped for, but still had fun:

    Oooh nooooo you guys lost my decorations :D i feel so guilty but i got this stupid driver exam so i can play another 5 years with trucks at work so i had only 5 hours sleep but i made it with just 1 little mistake :") im so sorry :( should have been there so we can sink together

    To the plank with ye'!

    Sounds like y'all had a blast. The journey is more important than the payout at the end imo.

  • Sailing together was a definitely a lot of fun as always. The experience together is all that matters these days. We can always dig,win, and steal more loot whenever we want.

    Being behind the rock as we were we did not see the brig until they were passing in front of our bow. The skellie ships kept shooting anchor balls repeatedly at us instead of them. Not able to move we were too much a target for both the brig and skellie ships.

    The chase was fun. It did not matter if we got all the loot, part of it back, or just sunk it all. Again it was the fun we made just playing together. Unfortunately it did not end on such a high note after you left. We received a flip ugly message at the very end as we were logging out. Even though we were just sailing and having fun, their intent was sadly more what most find in this game.

    You did not know this, probably better that way. Wolf and I would not raise a tankard to them. Never will. I will raise one though to our next adventures together as all our stories continue. Cheers my friends!

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in Not the finish we had hoped for, but still had fun:

    The journey is more important than the payout at the end imo.


  • @ruigtand-nl

    Yes you needed to rest. It all was good even though we lost some of your decorations. More important you had enough sleep to pass your test and not think you were sailing a sloop. :)

  • I play tonight and tomorrow night if i see them ill hunt them down solo and steal one of their mermaid gems!!

  • @ruigtand-nl No worries mate, we completely understood and are glad that you were able to do well on your test. As always, looking forward to our next adventure on the sea.

  • @x-crowheart-x I am sorry mate, that is disgusting. And had I known I would not have posted this in the manor I did. What is sad about this is we even commented about thankful we were it didn't go toxic. That with all the back and forth there was nothing ugly said. IN fact, I remember being on the fairy a couple of times with some of them and dancing, thinking it was just some good ole fashion friendly competition.

  • @nofears-fun

    I know. It is ok. I would have felt the same. That it was even a good PvP experience if it was not for the single last shot. We ended our sailing and experience on a better note our way and that is all that matters. Nothing said otherwise can ever change that.

  • So anyone up to decorate a new boat or does it still hurt too much? XD

  • @nofears-fun lol nice mate will we be seeing each other soon on the same crew?

  • @ruigtand-nl

    Nope does not hurt at all. Sorry we could not sail with you and throw a bucket of water on you to wake you up from your nightmare on the sea last night. ;)

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