Sorry for the misunderstanding, but thanks for the memories!....and captains chests!

  • So, there I am, on some random Looking for Group galleon crew trying to knock out some Shipwreck Bay Reapers Runs. Busy server that night. We drop one guy off on Shipwreck to dig chest while the rest sail to the riddle islands/ defend against other aggressive ships. He is a machine at finding chests and has them all cleared in the time it takes us to sail between islands and solve the riddles/ fight ships, haha.

    Anyway, we finish the voyage and it's time to collect our payday from Shipwreck. As we're sailing over he informs us there is a sloop at the island. We sail behind it, around some rocks undetected. Two of us hop off with a keg while he makes contact. He replies "They're stealing the chests and are NOT friendly!" So, I swim the keg over, the other guy shoots it, we board and make quick work of them while their ship sinks. They respawn back and they're good! It takes all 4 of us to dispatch them again. I'm the only one left alive and start loading up the rowboat with all the chests, and there are a lot!

    The crew repsawns on the galleon and inform me the sloop is getting close. I tell them to sail off and engage, I"ll row away with the chests. It works at first, they spot me. I'm doing my best maneuvers and thanks to our galleon and some large waves I'm able to slip away and hide by some rocks. Our ship disengages and they go back to collect the chests they're assuming are still on Shipwreck. Our galleon picks me up right when they realize what's happened.

    The chase is on! Another sloop that had given us problems earlier sails in and joins the chase. We don't have the wind and I suggest we sail to Morrows, maybe some volcanoes will take them out on the way. I tell one guy to grab a chest, hop in the rowboat, and row to Ancient Spire as a distraction. It works! and one sloop breaks off to chase him.

    We anchor/ crash into Morrows and start unloading but the sloop arrives before we're close to done. It's chaos! Our ships are exchanging cannon fire. We're cashing in, they're boarding our ship and stealing loot to cash in. We're fighting on the dock, the ship, and the outpost while everyone is frantically turning in loot. Eventually their ship sinks and we dispatch them, allowing for us to turn in what's left without fear.

    I comment on how they were really dedicated to stealing our chests. At that point our guy who was on chest duty informs me that all he did was tap our chests. All the chest we took were the other crews he just happen to find on the island! I mean, there were probably 30-40 chests! Ahh, the memories!

  • Nice reaper run :D i love it all those extra chest laying around :")

    Nice story sounds like a exciting voyage cheers :D

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