Anniversary Update Website Update!

  • That Hot Tub brings back memories from last year btw..
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  • @thor-von-blitz Such an iconic moment!

  • @skulliah I just don't see Rare having us "hunt" pigs and chickens. We already chase them down and capture them with crates from the Merchant Alliance. I can't imagine that we'd be doing the same thing with The Hunter's Call. I'm willing to bet we'll see some new beasts roaming the islands, maybe not a ton, but some.

  • @thor-von-blitz hot tub now you talking 🍻

  • Love the new update! Pirate legend gear looks great! Anyone else having issues with the sword not being in inventory?

  • @gwillagers Ahoy matey!

    You should find it in your weapons chest, but, never fear though, if you haven't received them yet you may just be in the queue!

    To those of you opening your chests and not finding your Year One rewards, don't worry, they're coming! So many of you have set sail over the past year that we need a little time to deliver all the gifts. They're processing as we speak and all should be delivered by Monday.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie Aye that would be cool, for example a big boar that you would need some mates to help you out in defeating it. It is also mentioned to hunt animals, not catch, so it would not be like the animal voyages from Merchant Alliance. Anyway, I am really excited for all those cool updates to come. This will be a great year for Sea of Thieves!

  • I might put myself in cryo-sleep until April 30th.

  • @maximillianzeus said in Anniversary Update Website Update!:


    Is it just me or does that look like a pet crab at 0:34?

    Maybe he's a little follower you bring along with 1 of the tall tales! Its weird how hes carrying a telescope and the pirate and crab spot out a crab constellation out of the sky. It seems to me like he might be linked to the tale itself!

  • @lord-pharqwad @MaximillianZeus

    Look at his happy little face :)

  • @musicmee sagte in Anniversary Update Website Update!:

    @skulliah I can just feel my free time slipping away :P

    Just as you think you are getting to the end of your commendation completions.... BOOM!

    Can't wait to hear what Merrick has been up to all this time!

    This was my first thought :D I’m playing since 1 Year and I’m not halfthrough the other 3 Trading companies, with Hunters Call and Sea Dogs im done, I see the 100% completion of commendations drifting slightly away :D

  • It's sad not to have presented Mr monkey, he would have conquered everyone! But can be as say above because it pays.
    In any case I can not wait anymore, it'll be just crazy this update, I want to hibernate

  • “New and terrifying foes arrive in Shores of Gold – figures arising from legend, packing deadly surprises.”
    .... hmmmmmm

  • @vorondil1 said in Anniversary Update Website Update!:

    @musicmee hooray, we were right! Merrick is back! :)

    Yep, and I personally loved to see that hint to a riddle including some of the star constellations.
    I remember „some time ago“ on the forums how we discussed it several times ( and most probably on too many separate posts) :)

    I somehow felt ... being part of something special ... Thx Rare and the whole SoT for having done that.

  • @seamus-hound Maybe, I just wish you could have cowboys in sea of thieves because it’s 1700s and a hundred years until 1800s

  • That thing laying across Merriks lap a rope with what looks like a rock in it I wonder if the other side has another rock?? Bolos confirmed?

  • Nobody talked about that, but Arena is a capture the flag mode. You need to capture ships that have red smoke on top of the mast.

  • @nic727 Hasn't it been confirmed that it's about multiple crews sharing the same "X marks the spot" maps? (Unless there are different Arena gametypes)

  • @nintenkid9000 I don’t know... I just saw that.
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