Even more customisation?

  • So,

    The artbook mentions some more ship customisation like the Brig, some hammocks, etc. etc.

    But wouldn't it be nice if we could actually change the interior of the Captain Quarters? Let's say, the Rug, the Chair, the Floor. Just like the HMS Victory had a tiled floor instead of just plain wood, how some ships had white walls instead of brown. The chair in the Captain's Quarters should also be backed up a bit and should be straight, so the "Captain" of the vessel can actually do the sit emote on it.

    I think it would be fun to see a tiled floor cost more than maybe just another color of floor, or a Gold with red Admiral chair, so players can actually have more cosmetics to spend their money on.

    I think players would like more ship customisation to stand out from other players.

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  • @thevlaming
    This idea has been discussed in the past but never forgotten. The level of customization to truly make a pirate ship 100% yours is one of the missing ingredients that would make SoT a legendary game.

    ~Captain Maximillian Zeus:
    The Damned Rider of the Ferry
    and Master of the Song of the Dead

    Follow the link to hear my tale

  • @maximillianzeus said in Even more customisation?:

    This idea has been discussed in the past but never forgotten. The level of customization to truly make a pirate ship 100% yours is one of the missing ingredients that would make SoT a legendary game.

    I'm still waiting on that captaincy update and any future additions they make in this regard, every little thing added is that one step closer to having a more stand out ship and for it to become recognizable on the seas when people see it out there so they know whom the captain and crew are at a glance.

  • @th3xr34p3r
    Aye perhaps the March 20 update will add just that. 1 year anniversary and all.

  • @thevlaming I think that adding option to customize the entrance to captains cabin would be a very nice touch. Personally I would love to pass through an ornate arch like the one on the Ferry of the Damned as I carry my loot inside :D

  • @ardent-hallern Yeah that would be awesome!

  • @th3xr34p3r Yeah, nowadays when you see a ship, you can't make out who or what they are.

  • @thevlaming i would like to see different interior layouts, different exterior ship designs. the ability to actually customise stuff in your ship other than paint. i would also love to be able to actually create my own pirate. for a game where the only goal is customisation its pretty terrible.

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