This is not a salty goodbye post

  • @boxcar-squidy :( So long, squidy.

  • @Boxcar-Squidy
    Many people that I know have taken breaks from the forums, or have stopped posting alltogether for reasons similar to yours. I myself have taken long breaks from the forums, eager to get away from people that don't understand and don't want to understand things beyond their point of view. I understand how you feel, and how aggravating it can be to see Rare listen to the one group of players that you think should be the last one they should listen to. I've played the game a lot, but also left it to gather dust. But the Sea is there, and it always calls. Always welcoming me back when I want to sail it.

    I think we have all lost faith in the decisions that Rare has made at times, because they don't make decisions to apease to all of us individually but they try to apease the collective. In some cases this is good, in some cases it is not. All we can do is hope that they eventually see the direct result of some of the decisions they make. That they realize that sometimes listening to feedback as well as they are is not a good thing. I am honestly afraid of the future, afraid that Rare will continue compromising on what made Sea of Thieves so special in the first place.

    I wish you all the best matey, thank you for sharing your thoughts all this time.

  • @boxcar-squidy we'll miss ya mate I doff my feathery cap

  • Well said, sir. I took a break from playing this game for 2 months, and I was pretty hardcore with this game during the first 6 months. This game has been an experiment the whole way through, and I too have had my fair share of bitterness and feelings of betrayal.

    I remember when I cashed in my 1,000th chicken, 1,000th disgraced bounty skull etc only to see the commendations get nerfed into oblivion.

    I remember reaching A10 via old athena voyages. No alliances, no merchant nerf, no geysers to kill skeletons, no gunpowder skeletons, no islands with multiple objectives on them, no small islands, no ashen athena chests, no 6,000 gold and reputation for regular athena chests, and no athena rep from PL commendations.

    The games loot system and ranking system has become quite corrupt. Although, at the end of the day, I got my $60 worth.

  • I wonder if you were an 'xboxer' you would have wrote this thread?

  • @mcgovery said in This is not a salty goodbye post:

    I wonder if you were an 'xboxer' you would have wrote this thread?

    Truth be told, I'm embarrassed by this thing now. But you have to own your embarrassment in life, and I'll own this.

    I'm still taking a break from the forum though. It's the 1.3 k post thing. I don't talk to the people I should talk to that much. I'll pop by and browse from time to time (like I am now while I download this update). But I need to be prioritising spending time elsewhere right now and that's not going to change, whether I like what Rare are doing or not.

    Let's face it, I'm not the first Irish man to get really angry and storm off in a huff, and I won't be the last. It's usually best to be able to laugh at yourself, as I've found out frequently over the years.

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