Pirate Times and Magazines ingame

  • I know this is an idea that, at least for the time being, is unnecessary and runs away from the focus of what we need the game, but I am putting here for discussion, because I think in the future it would be nice to have.

    I imagine a store of magazines and newspapers where we can. buy for a ridiculous amount (1 gold, for example), the Pirate Times to read in the game and also magazines with game tutorials such as basic and advanced combat, a bit of lore, many interesting things.

    Maybe this would be a help for new players, or even for more experienced players who want to collect these items. Searching, many of the players I know of SoT do not even know the Pirate Times (and this forum), it would be nice to show them that our community is active and that there are many more cool things besides the game.

    Maybe we could even put video-tutorials in this store, a crystal ball like the Order of Souls to watch the video? Perhaps.


    EDIT: Awesome similar ideas: (Thanks @Murkrage)
    There is this comment on the very first Pirate Times.
    Then there's this guy's idea of having it in-game.
    Also this post and this one.
    This one of having a physical copy on paper.

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  • I'm up for any lore that can be collected in-game. Pirate Times would be a great fit for it.

    Would be nice if we could collect the various journals around the world too.

    Even better if we can access our collection on the main menu screen as well somehow.

  • @realstyli disse em Pirate Times and Magazines ingame:

    Would be nice if we could collect the various journals around the world too.

    I thought of something Skyrim style, I would like to have something like that in the game.

  • @targasbr Ahoy matey :).

    Great idea, one that has been suggested many... many... many times before.

    Many different version have been thought of as well. I like your idea of having a news stand somewhere on the island. Other suggestions have been to use the loading screens, put the times on the table at the Tavern or have an NPC messenger stand there broadcasting the news.

  • I really like the idea of a newspaper ingame!

    Maybe that could solve the forum problem regarding double posts too! For example a column about the top community questions and / or known bugs or exploits.

    Maybe some column about "Most wanted", with the GM of the pirate with the most pirate / skelleton kills from the last week..
    This could offcourse be any subject, most snakes transported, most forts looted, most barrels exploded.. Something like that :)

  • @ktingaling Awesome ideas!

  • @murkrage I did a quick search but did not find anything like it. Can you send me the links to post here? Maybe there are some ideas that we did not mention and that could be used.

  • @targasbr said in Pirate Times and Magazines ingame:

    @murkrage I did a quick search but did not find anything like it. Can you send me the links to post here? Maybe there are some ideas that we did not mention and that could be used.

    Aye matey, here you go:

    There is this comment on the very first Pirate Times.

    Then there's this guy's idea of having it in-game. Also this post and this one.

    I like this one of having a physical copy on paper.

  • @murkrage disse em Pirate Times and Magazines ingame:

    @targasbr said in Pirate Times and Magazines ingame:

    @murkrage I did a quick search but did not find anything like it. Can you send me the links to post here? Maybe there are some ideas that we did not mention and that could be used.

    Aye matey, here you go:

    There is this comment on the very first Pirate Times.

    Then there's this guy's idea of having it in-game. Also this post and this one.

    I like this one of having a physical copy on paper.

    Awesome ideas! I'll put on my topic. Thanks!

  • @murkrage yes GREAT idea mate

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