Skill Gap

  • Skill Gap
    I have been seeing a lot of discussion lately about how PVP should be separate from PVE in sea of thieves.

    However I haven't seen a lot of discussion about combat itself. Obviously there is the aspect of mastering the boats and cannons. However if we are talking about gun or sword combat it seems somewhat limited to me.

    The pistol and sniper in sea of thieves are the middle/long range weapons (however they are used close range a lot) they are almost always used together because a sniper shot plus a pistol shot equals a kill. They are also used together because of a quick switching exploit currently in the game.

    The blunderbuss and the sword are the close range weapons they have no uses at long or median range. The sword is mainly used in close combat or for PVE. The blunderbuss is used commonly in both close up PVP and PVE.

    This was a very short post on skill gap combat but a lot of things were missed such as movement and pc vs xbox.

    My main question is are the developers shrinking the skill gap between players until it is impossible to beat a crew with more people then you. Or are they open to adding a skill gap to allow smaller crews to take on larger crews.

    please comment below I would love to see a wide range of opinions on the topic.

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  • To get an edge, especially once the double-gun exploit is taken care of, check out my handy combat guide. ✌😁

  • What do you refer to when you suggest the devs are making the skill gap smaller?

  • @mindless-searat sagte in Skill Gap:

    Skill Gap

    My main question is are the developers shrinking the skill gap between players until it is impossible to beat a crew with more people then you. Or are they open to adding a skill gap to allow smaller crews to take on larger crews.

    I hope they don't shrink the skill gap. It must always be possible, through experience, technique and practice, to defeat a team that is larger in number of persons.

  • Do you know what a skill gap even is?
    If I play more and practise and learn to get better I get more skilled. Why should someone who doesn't take the time get a boost to fight me?

    The game is completely balanced in the way that there is no vertical progression. This is a good thing because in this way a total noob CAN stand up to and win a fight with a pirate legend.

    Having a reversed progression system where a person gets less buffs when he levels up? (am I getting this wrong it just sounds wrong) just doesnt make sense to me. Even less sense than adding vertical progression to this game.

  • I am with @Hynieth on this one.. Or I don't really get the point you are trying to make here..

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