(Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes

  • @jet-fire-diego disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    What perhaps they could do is something really aimed at children's audiences, an offline mode where you would just do basic story missions where you would not hear progression like online and the rewards were also different so that they even avoid contact with players who use the game chat and talk nonsense.

    This could solve most of the "problems".

  • @goedecke-michel said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Although I agree with you on every point, I do not share the title. Who are you to command a stop? All players have the right to comment - even those who don't agree with me.

    Took the words right out of my mouth... Like! ❤

  • @luiscool1009593 disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @targasbr good point now the double gun does not need to be removed players can use it if they want to but they need to make the animation longer because what I have seen is that they fire a second bullet without taking the other gun it's an animation issue or maybe something else also you can do the same thing with a cutlass and a gun so it's not just a double gun thing issue they need to fix the animation for swapping weapons

    This could be a cool solution. I think it will come with the Arena Mode.

  • So, I changed the title to a better understanding of what I'm trying to say.

  • @nofears-fun disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    And yes, I would want to teach my kid good sportsmanship and all that while playing. But a private server, maybe not even PvE only, but age appropriate, or family friendly, I would be all for that. Yes, you can mute other crews, but what fun is that? Plus, I have sadly had some occasions where thankfully my son was in the same room as me when someone sent him a toxic message in xbox after sinking our ship.

    Like @JET-FIRE-Diego said, a Story Mode could solve most of these problems. I would like to play a Story Mode too.

  • @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @nofears-fun disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    And yes, I would want to teach my kid good sportsmanship and all that while playing. But a private server, maybe not even PvE only, but age appropriate, or family friendly, I would be all for that. Yes, you can mute other crews, but what fun is that? Plus, I have sadly had some occasions where thankfully my son was in the same room as me when someone sent him a toxic message in xbox after sinking our ship.

    Like @JET-FIRE-Diego said, a Story Mode could solve most of these problems. I would like to play a Story Mode too.

    See that, we are discussing something that you originally asked us to stop asking for, and yet here we are talking about it constructively coming to some common ground. :)

  • @nofears-fun said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @nofears-fun disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    And yes, I would want to teach my kid good sportsmanship and all that while playing. But a private server, maybe not even PvE only, but age appropriate, or family friendly, I would be all for that. Yes, you can mute other crews, but what fun is that? Plus, I have sadly had some occasions where thankfully my son was in the same room as me when someone sent him a toxic message in xbox after sinking our ship.

    Like @JET-FIRE-Diego said, a Story Mode could solve most of these problems. I would like to play a Story Mode too.

    See that, we are discussing something that you originally asked us to stop asking for, and yet here we are talking about it constructively coming to some common ground. :)

    Maybe he just needed a big pirate care bear hug.

  • You can of course keybind to change this but curren Yo you have to take your finger off the joystick to change weapons on Xbox making pc players have a huuuuge advantage to the double gun. For me the double gun is still easy. I just don’t like to be cheesy.

  • I never get tired of reading through threads that ask for more variety in all elements of the game, be that quests, items, weapons, world locations, islands, region and monsters. No matter how many times I see people suggesting these things over and over again almost verbatum I don't ever mind, because it's the correct type of suggestion SoT needs right now.

    All the suggestions listed in the OP as the one's that are constant begging for unecessary changes are indeed dull, uninspired, selfish and a waste of time to read through, they have no creativity to them, mostly come from badgeless people who never learn anything, don't have any arguments or have room temperature IQ. If I were a mod they would get their threads locked on sight to shut down any discussion on the topic, that is never constructive.

  • @nofears-fun disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    See that, we are discussing something that you originally asked us to stop asking for, and yet here we are talking about it constructively coming to some common ground. :)

    I think an offline mode or private server is different from a story mode. GTAV has a Story Mode, Red Dead Redemption too, lot of games has story modes.

    @x-crowheart-x disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Maybe he just needed a big pirate care bear hug.

    If u live in Brazil, come and give me a pirate hug and let's drink some rum!

  • @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @nofears-fun disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    See that, we are discussing something that you originally asked us to stop asking for, and yet here we are talking about it constructively coming to some common ground. :)

    I think an offline mode or private server is different from a story mode. GTAV has a Story Mode, Red Dead Redemption too, lot of games has story modes.

    @x-crowheart-x disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Maybe he just needed a big pirate care bear hug.

    If u live in Brazil, come and give me a pirate hug and let's drink some rum!

    I do not. I think it would be a very cool place to visit and it has always been on my list of places to see. However, we do not have to be in person to raise a drink to a fellow pirate. Be thinking of you next time I do.

  • @x-crowheart-x disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    I do not. I think it would be a very cool place to visit and it has always been on my list of places to see. However, we do not have to be in person to raise a drink to a fellow pirate. Be thinking of you next time I do.

    If u visit here, call me. I'll show lot of cool pirate stuff we have here.

  • @x-crowheart-x don't come here, "cool pirate stuff" that @TargasBR said is an euphemism for getting killed horribly.

  • @targasbr

    The 'Like you said' is irrelevant and you're missing the point. There is a perceived notion you're making and the actual truth.

    This is a Feedback forum designed to give feedback on the Game. People are subject to the rules equally. Moderators moderate frequently. You have free reign to disagree with anyone's feedback here. It is an open forum.

    This thread is Feedback against Feedback. Though you're not entirely breaking the rules per sey, it is coming off as a sophisticated way of bashing.

    Rare had different ideas for the game when they made it. Those ideas changed after they tested it. Those ideas changed again after they launched it. Those ideas changed again after we got to where we are. The point is whether or not you like the idea or you read into what the original plan was for the game is irrelevant in a feedback forum set out by the developers.

    Joe Neate clearly has stated in his videos send us all your ideas good and bad. They want to hear it. So, if someone 'requests' a PVE server and make some ideas around how it could work then who are you to tell those people otherwise?

  • @urihamrayne Unfortunately, I must agree with you. But Brazil has good things. Here, I do a revival group and study of pirates. Okay, there's not much good things...

  • @lord-szarvas Did you really understand what I was saying? I think I've explained too much.

  • @targasbr

    Its clear by the title. You're telling people to 'stop' giving feedback in an open feedback forum.

    The rest, as I already mentioned, is good content. You write well. I like how you organized your logic and information.

    You're a smart person. Common.. do I have to explain it further?

  • I genuinly think spawn rate of everything should be increased seeing only 1 thing per hour is kinda lame

  • @lord-szarvas I'm responsible for what I say, not for what you (think) understood.

    The title: (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes
    What i mean: (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes

    Let's dismember for a better understanding of it.

    • (Please) - I added this later, I noticed that my title was a bit rude. I did not want to force people to stop giving feedback, but rather to show that some of the feedbacks go against the game's proposal. Some people seem to have even read the game's proposal. It would be like going to the Atlas Forum and asking them to remove the Survival system.
    • Stop - Yes. Stop. Or think before you do.
    • Begging - People here, for the most part, do not show up to give positive feedback. They appear to complain, to say things that affect their game, appear to beg for change. Did they, by any chance, think the reason for the game to be like this? Like I said a hundred times, instead of them researching the game, they appear with useless requests, which clearly go against the game's proposal.
      "Wow, an online game! I'm going to ask the forum for an offline version of it, just because I want it!"
    • Unnecessary - Is it really necessary to go in the community of a racing game to ask for the removal of the opposing cars? Is it really necessary to go into the community of a fighting game to ask the enemy to stop beating your character? Is it really necessary to go into the community of a shooting game to ask for weapons to be removed? I think not.
    • Game - Sea of Thives is a game. ONLINE MULTIPLAYER game.
    • Changes - Many do not show up for cool features. Most posts are complaining about something that happened in the game. People confuse the freedom that the game provides with toxicity or grief.
      Many appear asking that mechanics that leave the game balanced be removed. Ask for different weapons? Very good idea! Ask for more varied enemies and missions? Love it! Ask for new types of chests, a more elaborate combat system, larger (or smaller) ships, new musical instruments, different events or even a better alliance system? Yes! We need it!
      Ask to change a pirate game because I can't catch 10 chickens? I think we went too far...
  • @targasbr you need to clam down mate

  • @targasbr

    Got my vote.

  • I dont agree. Redbeard dont understand greenbeard.

    Unnecessary for you ..

    People are different you know i for one am not interested in playing redbeard style and feel no need to learn it..

    I can learn you my greenbeard playstyle.. interested? Guess not

  • @closinghare208 said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @targasbr you need to clam down mate


  • @targasbr

    If you come into an open forum then be prepared to take criticism. Why did you make a post to break down your title just to get your point across? What is your point?

    Stop does not mean think before you do. Think before you do means think before you do. You're responsible for what you write. And it does not mean people have to cater to what you may or may not be thinking. You cannot invent definitions that are already readily available and used on a daily basis.

    Begging is begging. It is earnestly asking for something. You're trying to fill your own ideas into what that means. Again, the devs clearly have stated give 'all' your feedback. Which means negative feedback is allowed whether you like it or not. And the process is for you to find those threads and give your opinion on those bad ideas.

    On a side note, people don't have to research the game to give feedback. People can make their own judgments and conclusions based on experience while playing the game.

    By your response, it appears you cannot handle criticism. You're breaking the spirit of feedback. That is all.

    And your first line is rather silly. It is like this;

    Judge: "Did you say I am going to kill you?"
    You: "Your honor. I did say I am going to kill you. But I am not responsible for them to actually think what I meant was true."
    Judge: "So, if the victim thought that they would be killed based on what you said to them as previously established, is it unreasonable for them to believe as such?"
    You: "Uh oh.."

  • @lord-szarvas disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:


    If you come into an open forum then be prepared to take criticism. Why did you make a post to break down your title just to get your point across? What is your point?

    If you do not understand what I mean by now, I do not think it's waste of time trying to explain.

    Stop does not mean think before you do. Think before you do means think before you do. You're responsible for what you write. And it does not mean people have to cater to what you may or may not be thinking. You cannot invent definitions that are already readily available and used on a daily basis.

    Again: Stop means STOP. OR think before you do. It´s easy to understand this.

    Begging is begging. It is earnestly asking for something. You're trying to fill your own ideas into what that means. Again, the devs clearly have stated give 'all' your feedback. Which means negative feedback is allowed whether you like it or not. And the process is for you to find those threads and give your opinion on those bad ideas.

    It's not my ideas, it's the concept of the game. It is not difficult to read about the game before asking for things. Just as it is not difficult to search the forum before creating a new topic on a topic that has been discussed before.

    On a side note, people don't have to research the game to give feedback. People can make their own judgments and conclusions based on experience while playing the game.

    Again, the least you should do when giving feedback on something is to know what you are talking about. The biggest problem in the world today is that everyone decides to give their opinion without having read the least about something. I saw a lot of people criticizing, for example, the game Hellblade. "No action," "Too short," "Looks like a movie," "I expected an AAA." People have not even researched the game before talking. The same is happening here. This is a PIRATE game.

    By your response, it appears you cannot handle criticism. You're breaking the spirit of feedback. That is all.

    I take criticism very well, if I did not take it, it would not do most of the things I do. Whoever works with leadership NEEDS to deal with criticism. But that's not what we're seeing here. Instead of showing a counterpoint to what I said, you came only to criticize the way I write, and worse, to distort what I meant. There is a huge difference between giving feedback and distorting what people say. No one goes in the Rocket League community asking to take out the cars and put players in. But this happens all the time here.

    And your first line is rather silly. It is like this;

    Judge: "Did you say I am going to kill you?"
    You: "Your honor. I did say I am going to kill you. But I am not responsible for them to actually think what I meant was true."
    Judge: "So, if the victim thought that they would be killed based on what you said to them as previously established, is it unreasonable for them to believe as such?"
    You: "Uh oh.."

    I even dismembered the title for better understanding, only you still do not understand. I think the problem is not my title...

    There is no problem in asking for new game modes, a separate story mode, an arena mode, but it is very wrong to ask for changes in a mode that is already defined.

  • We need a private server for people who want peace and not war on the seas

  • First of all, almost all your points seem rushed and without any thought or knowledge.For example the first one, your argument is that it is an ONLINE game followed by a game description, this is stupid to say the least. Forcing people in an mmo to pvp to achieve a goal , rarely works long-term. If they don't add PVE servers or at least some pvp restrictions this game will die from the griefing as soon as Summit stops streaming it. Pirates rarely attacked each other , they mostly attacked merchant ships btw,so the "its a pirate game be a pirate too" argument is invalid. You can enjoy the game as it is now as much as you like but the truth is without new players and/or casual players quitting, the game will die eventually. So yes, asking for changes and not begging as your titles says, is fine as long as these changes will help the game grow. Adding a 10 20% bonus on loot and rep in PvP servers will be enough to keep people there. Some want just to explore or want a break from the action, no one has the right to deny them that except the devs. PvE servers can work as a gateway to PvP and a good opportunity for casuals and new players to learn the game, instead of getting sunk every 10 minutes.

  • @targasbr

    "If you do not understand what I mean by now, I do not think it's waste of time trying to explain."

    You see everyone. This is exactly what someone says when their logic and ideas fall apart. Why can't you just accept the fact that you're bashing people on here with this thread?

    STOP- https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/stop

    I see no evidence to support your semantics or idea that suggests STOP means think before you do.



    Like I already said, the Devs had ideas for this game that have changed many times over. And that is due to research and what has been orally communicated by Joe Neate. They changed based on the 'feedback' on what people have been saying. That is the point of feedback. And look, the game is way better since launch.

    Feedback can be based on experience. You're putting a requirement that people 'research' the game to satisfy your problem which is that you cannot simply ignore 'bad ideas' or 'negative feedback' in an OPEN forum.

    That is the heart of the argument here. I see no other purpose for what you're writing because all your ideas could have simply been stated as a counter-idea to someone's post as you refer (negative feedback). You're not a moderator so stop pretending to be. The moderators can do their job and determine what is fit for this forum

    Most importantly, stop being cancerous in a community where all ideas should be freely spoken. There is no distortion here via your thread title. Duh...

  • @eph1zul said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Why would you be against PvE servers? It wouldn't bother you one bit, if you don't like it don't play on them. Or are you afraid you'll only end up against other try hard crews?

    Because this is a Shared World Adventure Game meaning PvPvE is how the game was built.

    Every server has the option for both and it's dependent on the play style chosen by each player. I think there could be more incentives for co-operation between crews. Hopefully some form of player bounties on the captaincy update whenever that is rolled out but I really hope there aren't ever PvE servers.

  • Though I agree with you (OP) for the most part, some suggested solutions that are bad can inherently hint at some concerns with the game like the "only sloop" servers though I think it's a bad idea it does bring up the topic of better matchmaking which is needed in the game. Noobies shouldn't be on servers with experts who will completely destroy them and likewise having single players join servers on servers that have nothing but galleons seems dumb if there are better server options to choose from.

  • PC players do have an advantage actually, fps advantage, dpi settings, way better aim control vs a little joystick are you dumb??? Mouse vs controller....you have to be an idiot to think a controller joystick can outperform a mouse when it comes to aiming

  • "The only advantage on PC is macros".


    10 Doubloons says OP plays on PC.

  • @xx-elite-kb I understand, but this is a pirate game...

  • @zeralf111 It´s not stupid show the game description, is the least people should do. Pirates did not attack each other, in fact, rare cases occurred in history, and were only isolated cases. However, the game makes it clear that you can attack other players if you want. It is attacking or being attacked. Asking for changes or giving positive feedback is different from asking things that go against the idea of the game. The servers are empty just so players have the opportunity to escape potential attacks. It's not difficult, just need some attention. When I do not want a fight, I just sail away. No one is denying feedback, I just mentioned something that has been going on for some time now: people who ask for changes that clearly go against the proposal of the game. If the person is sunk every 10 minutes, the problem is not in the other players, but in her that has not learned to play this game yet.

  • @lord-szarvas I'm still waiting for some good argument from you. I only saw personal attacks on the way I wrote. English is not my native language, if this bothers you, learn Portuguese and come and talk. I believe that the game can really grow and improve, but as I said before, there is a huge difference between giving feedback and asking for changes that go against the game's proposal. I've already mentioned a dozen examples, if you do not get it yet, I don't think you can afford to waste time with you. You talk so much about being free to talk, but you just come here to offend me by saying I'm cancerous. If you disagree with what I said, be free to quote points, if you did not understand what I wrote, it is not my problem.

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