Crews /alliances

  • Hi all
    This is regarding the crew and alliance system I think it is very flawed
    I think you should be able to sail alongside your fellow pirates from your friends list as I’m sure we all have more than 3 friends that play the game
    And maybe have a lobby within the sea of the Thives world that we can search alliances.
    Please let me know your thoughts
    Many thanks sinnicksta.

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  • Good for sailing with friend groups larger than 4, but very, very easily exploitable

  • @taaaamas I understand this but if you look at any game now on multiplayer you can run groups of 4+ and they all play well

  • This is not like other games... It's wholly different and is its own thing (and I applaud the developers for that).

  • @galactic-geek yeah I get this and I love the game for it
    Just think it would be great for example say max of 8 players in your alliance so 2 galleons or 1 galleon + 2 sloops the list goes on
    I’ve always got more that 3 friends on sea of theives is a shame we can’t all sail the seas together

  • I can understand why someone would want this. I don't personally have enough friends that are playing the game to have thought about wanting this myself, but I get it.

    There would need to be considerations and limitations made to how it works so it could be balanced but still give players the freedom to play this way.

    First of all, alliances are overdue for a nerf as far as gold and reputation earning.

    As it stands, it is far too lucrative to just sit in an alliance of 5 to 6 ships with everyone getting 100% of their own profits as well as 50% of the other crews' profits. We currently have a system where players can profit off of eachother's gameplay while they aren't actually playing together and that doesn't seem right. I know there is a certain amount of work one has to do to establish this kind of alliance, but the ability to bring your friends straight into your alliance would further beg for a rework to the gold and rep gains.

    There would need to be a limit on the number of friends and ship type.

    I don't think you should be able to pull in more than 4 people in. Playing your session with two galleons would be overpowered, but would be necessary in order for people to want to bother with this feature so it's a compromise. This limitation needs to exist to prevent one group of people from controlling a server, easily taking skull forts, and steamrolling their competitors with no challenge. I understand that you can already use the alliance system to do all of that organically, but being able to come out of the gate with multiple ships and start monopolizing everything would be unfair.

    All in all, I'm in support of something like this as it would make for a great social experience, however logistically speaking it would need a lot of balancing to make sure the game doesn't become too easy for people who are playing this way. They would also need to make sure it's a fair match for single crew players, because it is a completely different story when you're able to come out of the gate with eight people and two ships worth of fire power versus a sloop coming in with one small ship and two people. Even a sloop versus one galleon is a fair fight, but one sloop versus two galleons who just spawned in together would be nuts.

    Of course there are probably more ways of balancing that Rare would probably consider, but these are just some thoughts I had.

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