A lesson learned and loot shared.

  • This is a cautionary tale of dread and woe. One where some of you might find a lesson and maybe one of you might get an answer to the question: "Who was that dashing pirate from the other night?"

    It all began yesterday eve,
    we stopped at a tavern, a quest to receive.
    Duke gave us a quest
    It was qute a test
    One that surely we couldn't reprieve

    We set sail
    for surely we cloudn't fail
    We went for some skulls
    So we charged in like bulls
    And with us was a boutifull gale.

    record scratch

    I'm sorry I cant keep this up for long I'm no doctor Suess.

    We went for Marauders arch and we saw a ship there, it was a sloop. As we approached a fog creapt in. Perfect to mask our approach. Me and a friend hopped off the galleon with gunpowder barrels (just in case) and we went in to take a look.

    We found the ship was doing the same sort of quest and had more then a dozen captains chests on board. We set off our barrels and killed the pirate there. We took the loot and turned it in together with the almost 20 skulls we had. It was a good day for loot and I'd like to thank the pirate who shared his loot with us. It's truely a pirate holiday!

    Now remember kids sharing is caring. Share your voyage with friends. Not only will you be able to protect eachother you'll also have more voyages to do because you each have 1.
    I don't feel bad for taking a full haul from a single person who didn't share in the fesivities We shared his loot in stead.

    Happy holidays to you all! ^_^

    P.S. Here's some of the loot (we were already moving it on board), the fog looks amazing!

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