• I Really do NOT Know why but ALL PLAYERS CONTINUE GOING HOSTILE ON ANYONE so please add Alliance enhansement, achievements and events (well... ANY content) THAT would definitely motivate the 78% of players who play hostile to anyone they see. I know there ARE achievements but they are nearly invisible because no one checks achievements so what should we do? Make an alliance event and alliance permanent advantage content (not just temporary event content).

  • 17
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  • @danchan2 More commedations and perhaps doubloons rewards could help to encourage alliance play.

  • If you want/ need an alliance make it worth their while. Be strong enough to defend your gold, and earn enough to make joining you worth it.

  • I personally kinda like it the way it is. Sure It's profitable to be in an alliance, you'll get your own loot and that of another. But luckily a lot of people choose their own path and forgo forging alliances.

    Why do you NEED alliances anyway? Each person doing his/ her own thing is a wonderfull thing, people CHOOSE to form an alliance, most often if/ when I want an alliance I can forge on without much trouble. It's a simple case of communication, be nice to people and approach them with friendly intentions.

    A few days ago we had a sloop racing towards our galleon so we shot him, he didn't announce himself or anything, why should we let him get close.
    He then shouted at us that he wanted to form an alliance, to him this might have been his true intentions but to us it's just an excuse to not get shot when he tried to sneak up on us.

  • @danchan2 There's already a huge incentive to be in an alliance. The only time I see it not a benefit is when you're doing skeleton forts and you're trying to get accommodations for turning certain things in.

    I will say, since the Shrouded spoils launched I have personally been in more PVP skirmishes in the last week than I have in the last 3 months. Partially probably because I do more forts, but even in just the open seas I have sloops rolling up on my A10 decked out ship trying to take me down, and my thoughts are, really?

    But back on point, never trust a pirate, even when allying is to their benefit. :)

  • Where are you pulling 78% hostile players? Frankly, the alliance system is already powerful. Their is already full server takeovers for farming loot and experience. Mind you I don't mind these, simply because they put in the work and effort to set it up. Collecting 50% passive loot of each ship in the alliance is already generous.

    If people want to be tyrants on the sea, let them. This game is all about creating our own stories, and not everyone wants to race to Legend status. Your post comes of as you simply not wanting to fight or defend from other ships. I would ask, what do you mean by "alliance permanent advantage content" ?

  • Alliances are garbage, get lost. Be brave and conquer the seas, it's not Sea Of Peace, or Sea Of friends, but Sea Of Thieves ...

  • Uhhh I don't agree. I'd actually argue that they need to nerf alliances. You get 100% of what you turn in and 50% of the other crew's turn ins, and we're already seeing this be abused where people are creating fully allianced servers for boosted gold/rep grinding. In my experience, I've seen more people who want to form a friendly alliance than attack.

    Right now, alliances are "everything to gain and nothing to lose" so I'd honestly say they need to cut the percentage you get from your turn ins so that there is some cost to forming an alliance. And also to discourage the way they're being abused.

  • @zormis Ive see a lot of people say there are huge incentives to be in an alliance, but that is hardly noticable in-game. I always fly the alliance flag and I have never been joined ever (I have been in a few alliances, but that was always after someone asked).

    If the incentives were that huge, I think people would join me in alliance.

    I think, even though monetary incentives might be high, game-play incentives might not be. It doesn't add a lot more interesting game-play. For some people I even suspect it would make the game more boring.

    If you want more allinaces, I think they should provide interesting new ways to play (sneaky betrayal is one of those).

  • @ottersteeth I have been in many alliances. You have to keep in mind not everyone is as educated as we are in game. Here are some tips.

    1. When Approaching, do not approach in a tactical manner, keep your distance and speak in a friendly voice.

    2. Explain to people that money earn is not divided but multiply. Most people think it works like most games were if you earn 1,000 coin, you get 500 each, when in reality it's worth shoots up to 1,500. This is important to explain as some allies will leave the alliance before they turn in loot.

    I mean, getting free money, why wouldn't you join an alliance, other than you're scared the other player will turn on you.

  • Alliances are okay sometimes but with the new DLC it doesn't make alot of sense to be in them because of all the certain commendations. I'm a PL A10 so money or rep doesn't concern me so alliances dont really help me.

  • It sounds like you're complaining that people are choosing PVP over PVE


    I Really do NOT Know why but ALL PLAYERS CONTINUE GOING HOSTILE ON ANYONE so please add Alliance enhansement, achievements and events (well... ANY content) THAT would definitely motivate the 78% of players who play hostile to anyone they see. I know there ARE achievements but they are nearly invisible because no one checks achievements so what should we do? Make an alliance event and alliance permanent advantage content (not just temporary event content).

    There is an advantage to being in an alliance. You're less likely to get robbed by pirates like me.

  • Alliances are probably where they are going to mostly stay game mechanic wise. It is meant to be an agreement between one or more crews with the risk of treachery lurking in the hearts of those you decide to trust. Problem, not that it is really a problem, is many pirates are having fun playing greedy double crossing pirates. It is all about trust. Trust on the sea can be as fickle as the wind.

    That is ok if those pirates are playing their pirate their way. It is something you have to expect and accept if you are going to sail on a sea full of thieves. One would think the name of the game would give it away. Someone saying “Arrgh, I be taking all the treasure for me self” should not be a big surprise.

    The benefits of alliances are already there. It is up to each and every pirate in it how it goes. Like others said make sure you sell it. Have fun role playing it out if that is your thing. If you started the alliance, show others the rewards by turning things in frequently so they see those rewards.

    Take the opportunity to go after bigger hauls together. Bigger the haul, bigger the shared rewards. However, be careful as bigger rewards could mean bigger the temptation for some to turn against the group or make you targets for outsiders.

    Most importantly have fun and do not get upset if it plays out differently than expected. Keep practicing your sword swing, pistol aim, and cannonball prowess on the skellies and players to be prepared to turn the tables on backstabbers when they show their grinning faces.

  • @danchan2 this is something that will never change this is a pirate game at its core people want to be pirates yes is it worth doing alliances sometimes yes but when i say its fun to convince a boat that just finished a fort to open the vault by offering a alliance then immediately double keg their boat well idk i just hope they comeback i always throw up the reaper after its all fair game to me

  • im a part of that "78%"

  • Alliances are great for making friends, but they're even better for getting gold - alone you get 100% (all of yours) of the gold; in an alliance you get 150% (all of yours + 1/2 of theirs); betray that alliance and you could potentially get 200% (all of yours + all of theirs) or 0 (you fail and your former allies get all of yours + keep theirs). So, you effectively have a safe option, a risky option, and dangerous option.

    1. Low risk, low reward.
    2. Moderate risk, moderate reward.
    3. High risk, high reward.
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