Stop the Server Merges

  • So last night I was doing a skeleton fort solo, it took me hours to complete. Once I was done I finally opened the big door and set my eyes upon the glorious booty. So I began carrying the loot back to my ship starting with the chest and before I could even put the chest down a message appeared on my screen. Most of you probably know what this message means but if you don’t it means the servers have merged. Anyway I noticed the chest had disappeared, it was really no big deal because it was just a seafarers chest but when I went back to pick up the rest of the loot I couldn’t. This is really frustrating and I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s seen the servers merge while collecting stronghold treasure. What really annoyed me though was that another crew went and completed a fort and came out with all their booty and the servers didn’t merge for them. Anyway I hope rare fixes this.

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  • So, is anchoring the ship a thing? wow, people keep doing strange stuff all the time...

    Rare, fix people!

  • @amancebacabras sorry what? Do you even know what I’m talking about?

  • @ant-heuser-kush well forts sort of are a waste of time if your not even able to collect your rewards

  • Took hours to complete.. dang bro it’s not that hard

  • @danklizard202 This happened to me. Got 2 items out before server merge. After the merge you can see into the stronghold and your bullets pass through but you cant cross the threshhold.

  • @alexspk13 yea mate go and try to complete a fort solo and have low supplies for me and then come back here and say it’s easy

  • @ant-heuser-kush well remember I was doing this solo and I didn’t have much supplies also I was on a sloop. You probably had crew with you too.

  • @ant-heuser-kush well if this starts happening to everyone who does skeleton forts will the forte be a waste of time then? Yes because what is the point of doing the fort if you know you won’t be able to collect the reward

  • It's really frustrating yes. Hard to argue against that. What's more worrisome is that there are so often server merges now.

    Before it never happened to me. Now it's merging almost every gaming session. A sign of players not playing as much anymore with to few people on each server...not a good sign.

  • @binaryplayerone imagine if this wasn’t just skeleton forts imagine you’ve finished doing a long Athena’s voyage and you’ve finally come across the legends chest but then the server merged and you weren’t able to pick up the chest. That would destroy the game

  • this has happened to me, as well. I had hoped they had fixed it with the latest update. after a server merge, it's like the door is closed but you can see that it is open.

  • We have a policy against dropping the anchor on Athenas and while at forts in order to prevent this from happening.

  • @iamkatman4 said in Skeleton Forts are a waste of time:

    We have a policy against dropping the anchor on Athenas and while at forts in order to prevent this from happening.

    Merges can happen whether you drop anchor or not.

  • I created this thread.

    It had to create a new way to play Skeleton Fort, with a big improvement to these raids, and to allow both crews and solo players to have fun. I think it's important to have fun, in that case you'd have less the feeling to waste your time...

    Anyway, I'm sad for you, I know how long the forts are, and it's not even fun so if the loot disappear before you can take it... I think a Skeleton Fort with the treasure room opened should bring all the chest with the player changing server on the island. Don't know if it's possible but, it would be a good thing.

  • I thought I read that they'd fixed this issue with the last update. Apparently not. I hate server migration on a good day, but if this kind of nonsense is still happening...ugh. I was merged 10 times during a 6 hour window the other day. I didn't lose fort loot, luckily, but it was nevertheless extremely disruptive. To be fair, in the past couple days since my "10 merge day" it hasn't happened nearly so often. Maybe they tweaked something, or maybe it's just dumb luck. Either way, merges suck.

  • @genuine-heather hmm, we have only merged when dropping anchor.

  • @iamkatman4 said in Skeleton Forts are a waste of time:

    @genuine-heather hmm, we have only merged when dropping anchor.

    Luck, mostly. I've sometimes noticed merges happening immediately after dropping anchor. There may be something to it. But I've also been merged without being anchored at all. And lately, I've even been merged while off the ship. As if that weren't bad enough, apparently they've actually made it more likely to be merged. So really, you just never know.

  • @danklizard202 dijo en Skeleton Forts are a waste of time:

    @amancebacabras sorry what? Do you even know what I’m talking about?

    better than you it seems, yeah. If you dont want to be merged, dont anchor at a fort.

  • @amancebacabras yea and how else was I supposed to get the treasure back if I didn’t have a ship? Anchoring bear a fort has nothing to do with servers merging as I said in my post I saw another crew anchor outside a fort and get away with all the loot

  • Doing an Athena last night and got FOUR server merges in about an hour and a half. Luckily didn't lose any loot as they all happened just after a Skelly Ship or Meg kill but it was still excessive. I really wish this "feature" would be removed.

  • Wasting time is the sense of playing games. So what?

  • Since I've only had a single server merge happen to me in my whole time playing this game I'm not even close to being an expert on this. But isn't there supposed to be an exclusion zone around a fort preventing a server merge from happening?

    Could you tell me if you were
    A. Really far away from the fort (IE shooting yourself from a cannon at safe distance to prevent PVP)
    B. At a newer fort? Maybe the exclusion zone doesnt apply there yet (slight oversight)

    Edit: The Anchor story might have some merrit. I've got a really good crew with me and we only drop anchor in case of emergancy. We've grown skilled at sailing and stopping without anchor (It's more of a sport then preventing server merges) and I've Never had a server merge happen to me since the one time 1 week after launch. So I'd say it has merrit seeing as everyone is complainging and me without seeing it a single time.

  • Okay, let's be honest, server merges are broken and need to be fixed, but they can't be removed. They're important. Server merges, in theory, happen when you're alone or almost alone in the server. It migrates you to another server with more population.

  • @danklizard202 said in Skeleton Forts are a waste of time:

    So last night I was doing a skeleton fort solo, it took me hours to complete. Once I was done I finally opened the big door and set my eyes upon the glorious booty. So I began carrying the loot back to my ship starting with the chest and before I could even put the chest down a message appeared on my screen. Most of you probably know what this message means but if you don’t it means the servers have merged. Anyway I noticed the chest had disappeared, it was really no big deal because it was just a seafarers chest but when I went back to pick up the rest of the loot I couldn’t. This is really frustrating and I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s seen the servers merge while collecting stronghold treasure. What really annoyed me though was that another crew went and completed a fort and came out with all their booty and the servers didn’t merge for them. Anyway I hope rare fixes this.

    Solo a fort is tough. More often than not, you do all the hard work and someone shows up to kill you, sink your boat and boot you off the loot. Solo'ing a fort is not for the faint of heart.
    That said, your explanation may be related to a glitch that server merges close the door on an opened fort. Forts are not a waste of time. What got you was a glitch in server merging. It broke your session by making your loot disappear. When you went back to get your loot, Why could you not get your loot? Door closed? Loot disappeared?
    How do you know another crew completed a fort and didn't get merged? How did you observe this?
    We can all agreed you were the victim of a server merge that broke your session locking you out of getting your just reward. Not fun, sorry. Your Choice of title is a waste of time.

  • @sprungnickel427 yea sure you want me to change it to suit you? Most of the points you made in your post made no sense. How did I observe the other guys completing a fort and taking all the loot without bother? It’s simple I was at the fort they were at it wasn’t the same fort that I was at when the server merged. Can everyone stop crying about the title? The title means nothing. To be honest I would’ve changed the title if I could.

  • @danklizard202 said in Skeleton Forts are a waste of time:

    @sprungnickel427 yea sure you want me to change it to suit you? Most of the points you made in your post made no sense. How did I observe the other guys completing a fort and taking all the loot without bother? It’s simple I was at the fort they were at it wasn’t the same fort that I was at when the server merged. Can everyone stop crying about the title? The title means nothing. To be honest I would’ve changed the title if I could.

    Good Luck. My post makes complete sense, and yours requires clarification. Clearly a dizzying intellect with a great command of the English language. So, you are at a fort and others can open the door, without experiencing a server merge, and it works as does that compare to you experiencing a server merge that broke your fort. Your explanation falls short on comprehension, both in quantity and quality.
    Adieu Mr.

  • @sprungnickel427 well if you would’ve read my post I was saying that it was humiliating that the other crew went in done a fort and collected their treasure without a server merge. Stop trying to act smart your making yourself look idiotic

  • @danklizard202 said in Skeleton Forts are a waste of time:

    @sprungnickel427 well if you would’ve read my post I was saying that it was humiliating that the other crew went in done a fort and collected their treasure without a server merge. Stop trying to act smart your making yourself look idiotic

    So you post something hard to decipher. We, fellow Pirates, look to understand, perhaps clarify, and I'm the one who looks idiotic.... I read your post twice. it makes little to no sense, but I felt for you getting taken by a server merge. Now you're calling me an idiot. Adieu means goodbye in case you're wondering.

  • To be fair, the title does suck. I can't defend you on that one, hehe...
    However, the problems being caused by server merges suck far more.
    I keep hoping they fix these sort of issues, but I keep seeing more reports of them happening.
    I understand the great idea and design of the mergers, but I'm finding their cost to be too far greater than their benefit. It's terrible to have the game world you are currently voyaging within, suddenly abandon what you were existing, adventuring, plotting, planning, and playing within. This can happen in far too many ways for these mergers to not be a problem.
    It's a strange thing... I never thought server mergers would cause so many problems - but they are and I'm not sure what can be done about it - without removing mandatory server mergers. Stocking and supplying the ship for the skeleton ships in the distance - MERGED - no skeleton ships there. That sucks (only thing you can do then is, clear the skull forts until you find another skeleton ship cloud and HOPE you don't get merged out of there - that sort of does not seem great).
    It was a while ago, but I solo'd the skeleton ship waves... dove in to grab the treasure, got one skull aboard right before the dreaded server merge that made the rest of the treasure floating in the sea completely incapable of being picked up. That's not great.

    I don't know. There's definitely a problem with these mergers and I think it may go beyond mechanics and into actual design. Is there a way to make the good outweigh the bad? Hopefully.

  • I think it's a Dank title.

  • Omg that sucks!! How awful! Hope they fix this.

  • @danklizard202 said in Skeleton Forts are a waste of time:

    [Mod edited]

    No troll, until someone calls me an idiot. Thanks Though. I done with you.

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