Using another Forts key on another Active Fort

  • My crew and I ran a little experiment last night. Due to forts popping more often, when we finished one fort, we wanted to see what happens when you use the key on the other active fort. Our finding included the following

    1. Skull Cloud remains
    2. Waves remain the same
    3. New Captain still spawns
    4. New Key still drops
    5. New key works on old Fort

    Edit: For better clarification without needing to look at other comments.

    We finished one active fort, took the key to a different active fort. Without completing any of the waves, we used the key to open the door. After that we cleared the waves like normal, to see if the fort acts as expected. While completing the waves, the cloud remained as usual. Captain spawned, we killed him, then took his key to the original fort. Loot was still there and we cleared out that vault as well.

  • 21
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  • I'll try this too...

  • @targasbr We must know!

  • @nabberwar next time get video of this I want to see you do it after all seeing is believing

  • @solestone563412 said in Using another Forts key on another Active Fort:

    I'm curious, could you open the new (second) fort's vault door before you had killed all the wave of Skellies there?

    That was exactly what we did. I do have recorded footage, I am unable to post it at this time. I should be able to put a link soon for a short clip. To better summarize:

    We finished one active fort, took the key to a different active fort. Without completing any of the waves, we used the key to open the door. After that we cleared the waves like normal, to see if the fort acts as expected. While completing the waves, the cloud remained as usual. Captain spawned, we killed him, then took his key to the original fort. Loot was still there and we cleared out that vault as well.

  • @chewywarden said in Using another Forts key on another Active Fort:

    @targasbr We must know!

    I can put a link up soon.

  • @nabberwar said in Using another Forts key on another Active Fort:

    My crew and I ran a little experiment last night. Due to forts popping more often, when we finished one fort, we wanted to see what happens when you use the key on the other active fort. Our finding included the following

    1. Skull Cloud remains
    2. Waves remain the same
    3. New Captain still spawns
    4. New Key still drops
    5. New key works on old Fort

    Anyone wondering if he is right, he is. My crew and I tested this theory A LONG time ago. Not on purpose but by necessity.

    Any skull key will work on any fort, whether there is a cloud over it or not. The tactic on wasting the key was around the time of release since people would be chased for hours while holding onto the key, they didn't want to stay because its been so long but they don't want the possibility of someone finding the key, so they would go to a different Fort and use the key.

    What my crew and I ran into was that we were being chased by 2 Galleons. We were chased for so long that another Fort Spawned, we sailed close to it and sure enough the Galleons stopped chasing us and instead tried to do the new Fort. They ended up double crossing each other I think since after like 10 mins we saw them sinking into the water. We figured we try the key on the new fort because we didn't like those guys chasing us for so long and didn't want them to get any loot whatsoever. The key worked, we grabbed the loot and ran with it.

    The skull cloud is not tied to anything but the captain. So if the captain is alive the Skull Cloud stays. It is not tied to the loot or the door.

    All keys work universally with any door.

    "What happens if no one gets the loot from a completed fort and another cloud spawns in the same location? Do we get double loot?" - The answer is no. The treasure room is reloaded with new loot. The loot spawn is tied to the Skull Cloud. When the Skull Cloud spawns because of the Captain the treasure room is recycled. Old loot if any is removed, new loot is loaded in.

    Captain - Skull Cloud - Loot Spawn

    Hope that helps you all.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    We were already aware of keys working universally. It was more on how it interacts with a new Active Fort.

    I don't believe the loot is tied to the cloud in your example, it most likely just despawned like normal loot does. If you ever leave chest and such on a beach for a long period, they steadily sink into the ground, its weird. Much slower process then water. I mean hours upon hours difference.

    Edit: Re read and misinterpreted. I am refering to a cloud on a different fort pre current patch.

  • @solestone563412 said in Using another Forts key on another Active Fort:

    @nabberwar That is cool. Thanks for sharing this information. So any key will work on any fort. As long as that fort is active. Fun to know. And may come in handy some day?

    The keys always worked on any fort, however opening the door on an inactive fort will leave you with an empty room.
    It's nice to see that the key isn't tied to the loot of a certain fort though.

  • @solestone563412 not quite keys work on all doors both active and inactive.


    Link for reference.

  • @nabberwar it doesnt work

  • This is very interesting indeed.
    However this isn't any feedback or discussion. I'd say this is Tips/help or perhaps tavern tales?

  • @chewywarden
    Lame I will get it on Youtube tonight. The video was uploaded on a private group. Probably why it didn't work.

  • @chewywarden

    This one should function

  • did the same thing today. loved it xD

  • @nabberwar well this solves the problem if you are under attack from other ships xD
    just open another!

  • Uh that's cool somehow.

  • I was wondering how that would work. Glad you tested it. Thanks!

  • Nice finding, and just to add the ability to use keys on other strongholds was always in the game.

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