Te'En Tus

  • Come, sit down. Let me tell you a tale.

    Before the current era of pirates there was was the old ones. The old ones populated these islands of the sea of thieves long before the self proclaimed Pirate Lord came. The great god Te'En Tus gifted them with treasures of all kinds, as well as tools to give sacrifice to him. Many of the flocking to the Abbots to gain his favor. As time went on the old ones started using the gifts given by Te'En Tus to mindlessly and senselessly kill each other. Until the Great War which ended the civilization. Te'En Tus was Furious at the the old ones and to ensure his tools aren't used again he sealed off his realm so no one , not even the ferryman, can get his treasures or gifts again.

    Centuries after the great war ended the sea of thieves was greeted by new vagabonds. Some of which homes and shops on a few islands. Then came the rise of the pirate lord. This lord and his cohorts pillaged and plundered the islands of all the mysteries and treasures. He even caught the attention of Te’En Tus. This lord inspired many others to take the pirate way. The pirate lord introduced the pirate code for all to follow. Though many believe it was not he that made the code and rumors spread that it was the supreme god Ne'Ate. The pirate lord unknowing to him brought back Te’En Tus’ faith in mortals once again. So they decided to disperse is gifts across the labs want once again, to see what The Mortals would do.

    Some time after the emergence of the pirate lord came a rag tag group which formed an alliance. Te’En Tus was so please with the current path these mortals are taking. He decided to give a key to allow passage through his shroud to enter his realm. With no ferryman they will be tested harshly, but little did they know their success in Te’En Tus’ realm would serve as the gateway for others to follow. Due to their greed and betrayal of the alliance member named Jim. Te’En Tus became upset. He not only watched those inside his realm but outside as well.

    He watched as the other mortals fought each other but also come together. He watched as they pushed back the great Beasts of the Seas. He watched as a band together to take down The Hungry One. even though there were those toxic Mortals that just wanted to watch everything burn he saw in them, hope. As it was watching The Mortals he noticed that pair, pulling up that cannon from the sea. The cannon that belong to that cursive captain. What was his name, Firebark or something.

    Well whatever his name, Te’En Tus saw the war the war to come because of that cursed cannon. It changed that little girl, Wonda I believe…..or maybe it was Wanda. I forget which is which. She soon take the name Warsmith and lead those skeletons to sea. To prevent another great war Te’En Tus sent emissaries to test the mortals and prepare them for the coming war. Those that failed was sacrificed in Te’En Tus name and those that succeeded received a gift to help fight the skeletons.

    After Warsmith was defeated Te’En Tus became proud of the sacrifices to him and the way the mortals worked together to end that evil. With the rage Te’En Tus had for the alliance in his realm and the hope he had for the other mortals. Te’En Tus made the decision to punish the alliance and open the shroud to his realm. He forced their ship to be destroyed and broke the key to complete open his realm.

    Now with his realm open and his treasures ripe for the taking the mortals started coming. Te’En Tus wasn't going to let just anyone claim his treasures , so he made the mortals test their worthiness. Will you claim the treasure or lose everything in the process of your ambition.

    What do I know?

    Some call me a hermit, others say I'm a pilgrimage.

    In reality I'm just the last Abbot of Te’En Tus.

    But you can call me Kin. Kin Hachi

    (This is fanlore and not official story made by rare)

  • 20
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  • @kin-h4chi ah, mate! Come tell more tales for you’d be surely accepted at any taverns I’m at. I tasted kraken blood just to tell a tale of craze! A story woven of seasickness and grog all forming a wonderful tale, but
    hey I’m just a drunk at the tavern.
    Who am I to tell a good story ;)

  • @kin-h4chi

    An interesting tale and thanks for sharing!

    I've always been intrigued by the remains of the ancients scattered across the islands, their altars and paintings, statues and remnants of buildings!

  • @personalc0ffee said in Te'En Tus:

    Great story bro. Interesting take on ancients.

    Had to explain where they went and what happened to devil's roar. friends of friends recently just started blowing each other up with gunpowder because why not. So longis this

  • @katttruewalker said in Te'En Tus:


    An interesting tale and thanks for sharing!

    I've always been intrigued by the remains of the ancients scattered across the islands, their altars and paintings, statues and remnants of buildings!

    What do you think of my adding exe pro Joe neate as the supreme god Ne'Ate?

  • @kin-h4chi what about ne'ate?

  • @closinghare208

    About me making him the supreme god

    Unless you're asking about something else

  • @kin-h4chi ya what's his story?

  • @closinghare208 as of right now he created the God which created the sea of thieves and is a supreme being which controls all

  • @kin-h4chi ok mate I see can he come down from the sky and dress up as a pirate?

  • @closinghare208

    he already has he took on the form of a mortal under a new name to experience what everyone else has, with the current mortals in their Adventures

  • @kin-h4chi aye mate that more like it!!!!!

  • @closinghare208

    He wanted to experience the life of a more real so it came down to The Mortals level to join them in their Adventures. I cannot reveal his name to allow them to continue to have his adventures but some have already discovered it and some suspect who he really is

  • @kin-h4chi ok that's fine mate

  • @closinghare208

    But be warned he is watching and he is disguised and to always follow the pirate's code

  • @kin-h4chi it's more like guidelines anyway mate

  • @closinghare208

    Those who have said that has suffered a fate worse than death

  • @kin-h4chi how so and I don't fear death mate

  • @closinghare208

    You have been once whether you accept the running or not is not mine to decide. May Te'En Tus always protect you

  • @kin-h4chi thank you mate live long and proper

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