Glowing figureheads

  • I’ve been playing for maybe a week now, so am kind of new and apologize in advance if my question is noobish or i am posting in the wrong section...
    But today I found a glowing figurehead on a beach that cause damage when I get closer...
    Second one I’ve seen, not knowing what to do, and since the first one killed me, I shot it repeatedly till it exploded...
    Can anyone explain what this is?

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  • Ok, What you found is a Mermaid Statue. They were part of an old Bilge Rat Adventure where you'd find these things everywhere. If you hit it enough times, it'll break. You used to get rewards from destroying the statues, but the event's over now. You can still get the commendations however.

  • @earmouse And, sometimes, you can find loot in the area. So, swim around. It’s not as often as I’d like, but I’ve found some good stuff around the statues.

  • @becausescience1 thank you!

  • @earmouse No problem

  • @MikeTheMutinous
    Expect to see a lot more of these threads about the debris left from time limited events such as highchairs and statues where new comers can see and feel disappointed by what once was but is no more.
    They're not doing anybody any favours being left in the game unless the events are fully reinstated as a list of options given by the bilge rats.

  • @admiral-rrrsole I enojy the mystery is finding what I missed out on, haven’t been disappointed so far....
    Although it’d of been nice to still be able to get a scar after that sea creature ate my ship and I.

  • Ive been wondering what them bleeding things are too!!! Thanks

  • It's a mermaid statue and if you destroy it then it will give you a mermaid jem for you to sell at an outpost. Hope this was helpful.

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