Thank you RARE!

  • So a few days ago a guy on here had mentioned that the barrels 2.0 was trash,calling it a name that most people would NOT take offense to. Yet he was warned. I stuck up for him and was banned for 2 days. I would like to take the time to thank RARE. They fueled my fire toward the constant let downs they have given us update after update bug after bug, leaving pioneers and legends in the dust, giving us empty and horrific content that sets the game back. So that night I went on and EVERY...ship I saw I sunk. Every pirate i saw I sent to Davey Jones!. I have lost complete interest in voyages and leveling up. My captain now looks like George Washington and I dedicate 100% of my time hunting down everyone I see. I will board your ship, throw your loot out to sea and demolish your crew. I sail between 11pm and 3am est. Look for me. Black hull, black sails, kraken skull and red flag! See you out in the sea lobsterbacks!!

  • 22
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  • Today's adventure two galleons destroyed and a 2 man pirate legend sloop. Absolutely destroyed them one had a hack where he couldn't die by sword. Only firearms. Thank you legends for the 2400 in loot. Its been a pleasure pillaging the seas!

  • Oh ok this is a hate post, kinda, i wasnt sure at first

  • @becausescience1 not a hate post. A post to show disappointment in RARE. I now have a new outlook for the game. Just attack everyone.

  • @e11evenbsouth i hope me and my crew finds you out there and you habe the nerve of following us, we will give you a good time and a chance to say hi to Davey everytime

  • @callmebackdraft challenge accepted. Like I said all black ship with red flag and kraken skull figure head. Dressed like good old George Washington. 11pm est. Hope to sink you soon!

  • @e11evenbsouth yeah, now thats the thing we dont sink... the closest anybody cam lately wass a revenge plot from a 3 ship alliance, all of them sank by us and then bandes together to return the favor, first time in a long time we got even slightly close to sinking for months now.

    So good luck

  • @e11evenbsouth Ok that's fair

  • dude...u need a cup of rare tea;)

  • @weedstar-deluxe does it have bugs in it?

  • How ones thought of this idea before lol

    Also your discussing disciplinary action taking against you, so your probably gonna get banned again if you don’t remove it.

  • @knifelife I'm not worried about it. It's an online forum. If I'm gonna get banned for saying I was "disciplined" than that's pretty sad on rares end. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing in the game. Until they at least come up with an update without any bugs.

  • @e11evenbsouth Its because you are discussing why, i dont make the rules just thought i would let you know incase you wasnt aware.

    But its also just a game, modern games have bugs and issues. If its that much of an issue why even play? I dont even want to sound harsh but i just dont get the mentality, you are basically trying to strongarm Rare into accepting your views by basically threateningto troll there player base. Surely you must see how childish that sounds?

    And you don't actually believe it's going to work do you? Lol

  • Instead of spreading more hate why not try and be part of the solution. Offer constructive criticism through these forums. It is clear that Rare does in fact pay attention to them. They are more likely to listen to a reasonable request than someone that simply stomps there feat and yells they don't like something.

  • @e11evenbsouth It is Rare's Online forum, and by using it you agree to their forum rules.

    alt text

  • @e11evenbsouth said in Thank you RARE!:

    My captain now looks like George Washington

    complete with Water Wings? :)

  • @triheadedmonkey Straight from the gut laugh.. Thanks...

  • as long as u play the game rare is fine with it.
    if u rly want to make change than boycott rare. if the player numbers drop they will start to listen because they have no other choice. as long as the game is filled with life there is no need for this.
    what u are doing is just being a (Mod edited)

  • @perviouscello34 I can see that. I have edited my wording. Thanks for pointing that out mate.

  • @e11evenbsouth Me matey I have locked your topic.
    The reasons? Your post is not a discussion but a slightly salty post about your disappointment in the game, which you are free to have but as it is not a 'Gameplay Guide or Tip' it doesn't benefit the community in any way.
    As @KnifeLife has already reminded you, discussing disciplinary actions is against The Forum Rules.
    Might I suggest if you continue to post on the Forum you might refresh your memory with what's acceptable by reading them :)

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling
    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.
    These actions can be and are not limited to:
    Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest
    Making off topic posts to derail the conversation
    Excessively using the same phrase, similar phrases, or gibberish
    Bullying and encouraging users to bully others.
    Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions
    Discussion of disciplinary actions taken against individual players is not permitted on the Forums. Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @nofears-fun Ahoy! Please be respectful to your fellow pirates :) I have removed a small portion of your post that doesn't reflect this.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @thealcani Ahoy me matey! Please refrain from using sweary words as using them is against the Forum Rules and will be removed from your post.

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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