[CLOSED] Win Wednesday - Obsidian Eye of Reach and Drum giveaway!

  • Hello there pirates!

    We have another WinWednesday giveaway for you.
    This time, we've got two sets of exclusive Obsidian cosmetics, so make sure you don’t miss this chance to win such great plunder!

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    To be in with a chance of winning yourself a set just answer a simple question below:

    What's your favourite way of taking down the mighty skeleton ships?

    We'll pick the two lucky winners at random and announce them here at 4PM BST tomorrow.

    Good luck!

  • 160
    조회 수
  • Board em, mash em, stick em with some gunpowder.

  • @Old-Salt-Gorg - Chest of sorrows!!!

    Skeletons can't bail water 😉 leave it on thier deck pull away and watch the show!!!

    Tried this last night and it 100% works

  • Sitting on the ledge outside of the captains cabin and watching someone else do it : )

  • @old-salt-gorg Gunpowder, every time!

  • we've tried cannonballs, gunpowder, bucketing water at it, chest of sorrow (which we kinda lost in the process). Most satisfying was probably sinking the last last by ramming it, when we were out of everything and 3 people had to bucket nonstop.

  • Stage 1: Collect Chest of Sorrow
    Stage 2: Board Skeleton Ship and leave Chest of Sorrow on board
    Stage 3: ???
    Stage 4: PROFIT

  • Favorite way? There's something so satisfying about ramming them. Take that Skellies!!

  • Personaly... I have a good way to do it : Who's next ?!

    Bucket F*W

  • Ramming them is my way!

  • If you can pull it off....Chest of Sorrow planted on the lower deck.

  • Ramming them, one stays on to repair the other three get on with boom barrels and blow them on the bottom deck!

  • Get in an alliance with other two galleons and get in array, when two ships emerge from the left and the right of the central one, ask your friends to make a crossfire and win easily!

  • Having a crew member jump aboard with a GP keg and then just pummeling them with cannonballs.

  • I know there are much more interesting ways of doing it, and I have heard or seen or tried many of them. But my favorite is still on a galleon with all 4 cannons roaring and almost every shot fired hitting. Man that is some serious fun right there.

  • Powder Kegs!! We stock our ship with 15+ and make those skellies go boom!

  • Ramming speed

  • I was going to say gunpowder them until I read about the chest of sorrows trick. 100% trying that now!

  • I'm usually on repair duty, so if a skeleton ship is nearby I bail the water out of our boat and onto the skeleton ship. If I can't man a cannon at least I can help in some other way.

  • Ramming the smell ships and have one person board them with explosive barrel. Then that person trys to stay alive to stop skellies from repairing. Repeat till I kill all ships. Also use a chest of sorrow if we had one.

  • @trixster13 skelly sheep

  • @old-salt-gorg Get in a few shots, get in close so they can't shoot back. Boarder to help mitigate repairs on their ship. Kegs when we get the opportunity.

  • Board with a gunpowder keg, blow it up on the lower level, kill skelly's trying to patch said holes

  • Throwing buckets of your own water onto them.

  • @old-salt-gorg Let my crewmates pepper shots all over them, whilst I bail water onto their ship! Closely followed by boarding them, running around like a startled chicken, whilst my crew shout "we're cursed", and I suddenly realise I forgot to tell them I left the ship, and continue to panic run around the skeleton ship doing, well, not a lot !

    (Generally happens most times)

  • Ram em then use the water from your ship to sink em or use a 3manned sloop as a bait ship to draw fire while an ally vessel hits em with everything.

  • Used Meg to finish our fight one night, was simply epic..

  • I like to board them and take a barrel with me and blow them up and fight so long i can😍

  • Usually on repair duty myself, but when close enough I bail water onto the skelly ship, a nice gunpowder keg to the bottom deck is pretty good too, super fun when you multiple crews also when you are not ramming into each other anyway lol

    Though I think my absolute favourite is when we are lucky enough to find a chest of sorrows and are able to actually get onto the skelly ships with it and just leave it there.

  • Powder keg!

  • Raise all sails except the rear, leave that down a bit so you crawl. Send two over one with a keg and the other to keep the deck clear of enemy skeletons. Also make sure you both have a bucket of water. Takes not time at all!

  • @old-salt-gorg a dit dans [OPEN] Win Wednesday - Obsidian Eye of Reach and Drum giveaway! :

    Hello there pirates!

    We have another WinWednesday giveaway for you.
    This time, we've got two sets of exclusive Obsidian cosmetics, so make sure you don’t miss this chance to win such great plunder!

    alt text

    To be in with a chance of winning yourself a set just answer a simple question below:

    What's your favourite way of taking down the mighty skeleton ships?

    We'll pick the two lucky winners at random and announce them here at 4PM BST tomorrow.

    Good luck!

    It really feels good to drive by, jump off the Crow's Nest with a boom boom in hand and set it to blow up in the Skeleton Ship's Hull. I mean, if that doesn't do the trick, throwing buckets of water inside the ship is always the simplest way to go on about it :D!

  • bail water onto em

  • I like to try to sink them by getting a bucket of water from the sea, climbing aboard their ship and dumping it, and then jumping overboard and repeating. No reason you can't take down a few of their ships even after yours sinks.

  • Boarding with gunpowder keg.

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160 중의 31