Merchant help?

  • Anyone have any suggestions on the fastest or even just the most fun way to grind merchant alliance? I’ve reached lvl 50 in gold hoarder and order of souls but I’m only lvl 38 in merchant because I just don’t find the voyages that fun. Love the game and its events though.

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  • @runchypock buy all three available missions, propose and collect the crates then cancel all three. Go to next outpost buy all three, propose and see how many golden animals. If two (ideally 3) or more run it, if not collect creates and cancel. NEVER collect crates for the one you run ( same goes for athena merchant ) that way if God forbid you sink you can still collect need crates and complete the voyage. Gold animals give the most rep. Chickens are most ideal.

  • @runchypock Unfortunately fun and fastest don't very often go hand in hand.

    My advice, just enjoy the quests. Get a couple of friends together, head out and complete them whilst having fun with what's available in the world. I pretty much completed every quest I was given. Only ones I cancelled were ones with more than two pigs, as they become pretty annoying to manage - especially if you happen to be alone.

    I guess I'm saying, enjoy the ride. Don't try to rush through the rep as they will soon become stale for you.

  • Whenever you are out doing any quest, stop at every fort you pass to collect 5-10 gunpowder from each and sell them all. Constant merchant Rep.

  • I solo slooped most of mine. Don't settle for bad quests. I liked to roll for the equivalent of 3 golds minimum. 2 blacks=1 gold ish.

    • get a 4 men galleon crew together
    • everyone buys 3 merchant voyages and you cycle through all 12 voyages while collecting ALL the coops and baskets
    • sail to Crooked Masts and catch any gold animal you find
    • shoot yourself out of the cannon as far as possible then mermaid back all together at the same time to make the animals respawn on the island
    • collect all gold animals again
    • repeat until all cages are filled
    • once you have a ton of gold animals start sailing to all the outposts in a circle to deliver the animals, at each outpost everyone buys again 3 voyages and you cycle through until you get a good one
    • once levelling up progression slows down stop grinding and just use the doubloons to buy letters of recommendation
    • then start doing Athena voyages, lots of animals need to be collected there anyway so no need to level until 50 before starting Athenas.
  • @iamwilliamb said in Merchant help?:

    @runchypock ... "NEVER collect crates for the one you run ( same goes for athena merchant ) that way if God forbid you sink you can still collect need crates and complete the voyage" ...

    Brilliant. Thanks for that tip.

  • @sanni wow, i dont know if that would work but it sure sounds good...🤔

    Now if only any of my friends actually played this game...😧

  • @theothervillain i will play with anyone that actually knows how to play this game.

  • @iamwilliamb Well I know the fundmentals and I'm willing to learn so if you ever need another crew member send me a message

  • @theothervillain i added you to my friends list. I usually play SoT nights eastern time between 7pm-5am

  • While I can't play all night, I'll do some merchant with anyone willing to carry their own weight.

    I also like the grog. I mean me, not my character.

    I'm sorry.

    NO I'M NOT!

  • @iamwilliamb Sounds good. I'm usually on GTA during those times on the weekend but I'll get off and join you if I see an invite. See ya on the Seas.

  • @gatorwocky I usually only play a few hours at a time in that time range

  • on the contrary, I think it is more interesting to collect hens and pigs, reached level 48, collect gold animals

  • Some great advice on this post.
    I still have a long ways to go with MA...

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