Ahoy there Community! How goes it?

  • @iceman-0007 lol you play to much. Well done ice

    Perhaps if I did I would have kept my pioneer status too.

  • @ant-heuser-kush I have tried playing it a few times with friends but every time we just stopped for no reason. With the announcement of ES6 at E3 I reinstalled all of the games including ESO. I'm hoping to get into it especially because I keep seeing ads for Summerset everywhere lol.

  • Fabulous! And you?

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    Thank you all for this lovely thread! It was nice to be able to hang out with you today in between my meetings and other tasks. I'm off on vacation for a little while, but the Deckhands and other Community Managers will be around to give a helping hand!

    See you all next week!

  • Getting better, @khaleesibot. But more worried about you guys.

    Would The Crew consider making mini posts or vids in the veins of "Say AHOY to [insert name of SOT Dev or RARE Employee somehow connected to the game]?"

    ... I can't remember where the old posts were but I knew there was one of @OpticalMatrix and I think @Internal-Error had one too... so we can get to know more about the pirates behind the game and let them know how much we appreciate them -- to make things more personable and shiny around this danky ol' tavern. R')

    I hope everything is going swimmingly in HeadQuarters and that YOU have a great and safe vacay!

  • @khaleesibot Ahoy.

    This is great to see the more human side of Rare employees rather than only appearing to send us misbehaving scallywags to the naughty corner or brig.

    Thank you for taking the time to say "Ahoy" and showing us all that you are not just another discipline bot.
    *The admiral gives a friendly wave and offers the "make friends" gesture.*

    Fair winds and happy sailing. :o)

  • What a kind gesture, I would repay it with a bow but that emote has been missing from the game.


  • @khaleesibot can we please start a forum vote on if the events should require you to do things with other ships or crews!!!!! I was on vacation when the event started so wasn’t on the first couple of days so now I have all the small thrones done but I’m gunna miss a title and some commendations cuz I wasn’t around and now no one is willing to help!! I’m kind mad about it!! If this is how the events are gunna be every time then I think I’m done with your game.

  • @xironxhulkx911 Ahoy mate! I'm sorry to hear that no one will help you with completing the events, I am not sure if you've tried the Discord Crew Making Channels, or looking for crews here on the forums, but if not I recommend there first!

    I'd also strongly encourage you to provide your feedback in the Feedback Category, and welcome some ideas as to how to maybe make it work better next time if possible so they have some ideas to work with as well. :)

  • Hello doing great, and how are you?

  • Hi @khaleesibot! Enjoy your holiday!

  • @p0gue-mah0n it's my escape reality tool..haha

  • Hi @khaleesibot I'm good!
    Just busy working, pirating and planning our holiday to the UK. Hopefully we can bring some of our sunny Western Australian weather with us when we are over in August ☺

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi and here lies the problem with that. There is no server selection so now you have to hope by some miracle you get on the same server or you find a crew willing to invite your friend so you have two boats with different crews! Still comes back to no one is willing to help!!

  • Ahoy there! I'm waiting to see what else legends can do to up athena's or after because just the legendary voyage i start ot be a little tired to do this xD

  • @khaleesibot Doing great! Enjoying the fact that I can be super lackadaisical about "leveling" is SoT because I've been extra busy IRL

  • Good! And ye and your crew (team) ?

  • @khaleesibot enjoying the game as much as ever! just bummed I lost my Pioneer status :-[(

  • Doing as great as ever, but most importantly, enjoy your vacation @khaleesibot ! You very much deserve it!
    Until next time and fair winds to ye.

  • Pretty good....yourself?

  • Killing many pirate legends, sadly last time it ended in 3 sloops vs a galleon at an outpost and while we with the assistance of the sloops managed to sink the galleon and over 20 items of loot dropped, most sank because the sloop betrayed us. We promptly sank them and denied them the treasure but not before the chest of sorrows and six captains sank to the bottom, in the end we only got two crates of exotic silks because we lost the stuff on the other sloop as well by running it over.

  • Took a couple of days to find other crews to help me with the Duo thrones but got it done. An awesome French lady helped me with my first duo throne at Plunder Outpost. she didnt have time to help with the others but I thank her for my first throne. Met up with another solo sloop, we got 3 done before he had to leave the game. Marauders took forever! I had found a young kid in a sloop and we were sailing together to smugglers bay when a Megaladon "Megan" attacked us. He got bit and sank, then it chased me all the way to Smuggler's Bay. Awesome chase as Megan was right behind me, snapping at my boat but couldnt catch me at full sail. I was able to shoot it with pistol over and over. I got to smugglers bay and turned parallel with the shore. Megan got stuck on the shallows and I finally realized what happened, stopped, turned and was able to get off a couple of cannon shots while Megan was stuck. She was wiggling her way forward off the shallows, finally broke free and headed to deeper water. Another sloop turned the corner and saw me and Megan. I told him what happened, He agreed to help me with my last Duo Throne at Smuggler's Bay. It was awesome to meet up with these people who gladly helped me with the Duo Thrones. Later, I met up with another sloop and helped them get all their Duos. Guess you could say, I paid it Forward! Awesome several days.

  • I am doing fine now I have my PC back

  • Oh maybe not anymore I am not a pioneer anymore :(

  • @khaleesibot HElloooo
    alt text

  • Hello @khaleesibot

    Doing well and practising the eye of reach for these new gunpowder skellies this week, don't want anything to do with them.

    Also been balancing sitting in with enjoying the summer weather with PoGo.

    Oh and damn work inconveniencing all the fun stuff as ever

  • @tenlo But they can be friends too! Give Skellies a chance!

    Hi all! I'm back from vacation, doing lots of catching up!

  • @khaleesibot
    How was your vacation K-bot?

  • Thanks for asking @Erinom3! Vacation was good, very restful, but I missed you all!

  • @khaleesibot I'm having withdrawals sitting here on the night shift at work and trying to get my fix through the forums... It's not really cutting it.
    Nice to hear from you though. How are you doing?

  • @khaleesibot said in Ahoy there Community! How goes it?:

    Thanks for asking @Erinom3! Vacation was good, very restful, but I missed you all!

    But not really I truly hope! Everyone needs a bit of time away!

  • @khaleesibot Where was your vacation?

  • Here and there! Nowhere too exciting. I mostly focused on recharging, so I could come back and be awesome for you guys!

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