Installation Issues, Windows 10

  • Hi guys, I've tried every fix I can find on these forums, reddit, etc. and nothing has worked. I figure I'm probably screwed at this point and I'm just not going to be able to install the game but as a last resort I'm posting here just in case somebody has some miraculous solution. I really hope so, I just want to be able to play this game rather than watch it download endlessly. Thank you for your advice, it's much appreciated.

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  • I have no idea if I'll be able to help or not, but what happens when you try to install? Do you get any specific error, or does the size just keep increasing as it tries to install?

  • @drunkpunk138 Hi, thanks for the reply. The size keeps increasing and it occasionally switches back to "Installing..." and then back to 'downloading' again. When trying one of the other fixes and restarting my computer it did give me an error at one point, code 0x80070520.

  • @mad-maths said in Installation Issues, Windows 10:

    @drunkpunk138 Hi, thanks for the reply. The size keeps increasing and it occasionally switches back to "Installing..." and then back to 'downloading' again. When trying one of the other fixes and restarting my computer it did give me an error at one point, code 0x80070520.

    Gotcha. Both myself and a friend ran into this issue, the wsreset fixed it for me but I remember he had quite a few more hoops to jump through and I cannot remember precisely what he did to fix it. Assuming you've done the wsreset and that's where you're getting the error, I've found a couple articles that might help.

  • @drunkpunk138 Yeah I tried the wsreset so I'll have a look at these other articles now and I'll let you know how they go. Even if nothing comes of it thanks for the attempted help haha.

  • @drunkpunk138 Welp, that looks like the end of it. I've done everything I can to try and play this game but the Microsoft Store simply won't let me. After all the hype now all I feel is extreme disappointment and frustration... Thanks for your help anyway, mate. Maybe one day Microsoft will get their s**t together and I'll be able to play. Maybe.

  • @mad-maths I went through hell trying to get the game to run on my son's computer. Brand new HDD with freshly installed Win 10, just for this game.
    His PC is an identical twin to mine, both bought brand new at the same time from the same vendor.
    Funny how these sorts of things happen to one and not both systems.

    We went through the advice sent by tech support and tried everything.

    Below is the list of fixes they sent me.

    Fix #1
    Login to Windows 10 with a local Microsoft Account. This fixes majority of cases reported.

    Fix #2
    Open the Windows 10 Store, then in the top right corner click on the profile picture.
    If you have multiple accounts signed in, sign out all of them but leave the email account linked to the game’s purchase signed in.
    Next, in the Windows 10 Store download any free app at all.
    Then try playing Sea of Thieves again through the Windows 10 Store “Library” page.

    Fix #3
    Go to the below link and save / run the tool. Follow the on screen instructions to troubleshoot / fix your issue.

    Press Windows + R
    Type Powershell and hit enter
    Copy and paste the following into the powershell window and press enter

    Get-AppXPackage | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}

    In the end the only solution that actually worked was to uninstall reboot then reinstall the game.

    Good luck.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Wow, what a pain. Computers can be funny like that, they really are unique, even if they have the same build. Glad to hear you guys finally managed to get it to work, I've got to go to work now but I'll try some of these once I'm home later. I tried the first one quickly to no avail but it did say "Checking Product Files" which it hasn't done before so perhaps it's a step in the right direction. I've already downloaded the 23GB for the game twice now and I don't think I can be screwed with a third try considering it most likely won't work again but I suppose I'll see what the go is once I'm home again later. Thanks again so much for your help guys, it is very much appreciated. Hopefully I'll be seeing you on the Seven Seas later.

  • @mad-maths have you tried logging into your PC using your Microsoft account? might be a total long shot but 'fixed' a few issues for me

  • @triheadedmonkey Thanks for the idea mate, I was originally signed into my Microsoft account and then tried switching and using a local account, neither have worked sadly. Thanks anyway, much appreciated.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Thanks for all the help mate but it looks like it's just not going to happen. I've done everything I can bar a fresh install of Windows 10 and I don't think I can be screwed doing all that just so I can play one game.

  • @mad-maths No, it's definitely not worth a HDD format.

    I meant, uninstall the game then reboot before reinstalling the game again using the Microsoft Store app of Win 10.

    Mind you, I did use the Powershell ("Fix# 4") a second time right before (or perhaps just after) uninstalling SoT.

    After trying all of the Sea of Thieves tech support suggestions, I think that I ...
    1). uninstalled SoT
    2). Did the "Fix# 4" Powershell. Making sure I followed it to the letter. Administration mode, etc. There are YouTube videos of it.
    3). Rebooted the PC
    4). Reinstalled SoT from the MS store.

    Sorry, it was almost 3 months ago and at my age I'm losing it. lol

    Best of luck, mate.

  • @mad-maths One thing i needed to do which I don't think has been mentioned, is to go to my Apps and features, scroll down to the very bottom of the list to find an incomplete Sea of Thieves download and delete that, or any others I found in the list. This allowed the download to restart and complete successfully.

    There is also this resolved help page about that specific error message which might be useful

  • @mad-maths ahhh...thought it was a long shot....that's annoying you happen to have a large hammer nearby? :D

    on a serious note, I hope you do find a fix. (not sure if @KattTruewalker could nudge some of the magic PC peoples :) )

    Last ditch I could think of would be send in a support ticket if you haven't already and see if you get any joy:

  • Sorry I've just got confirmation of the error my son's PC produced when trying to install SoT on launch day.


    I know it's not the same but the cure might be.

  • My friends, fear not, for I have solved this issue. I have no clue how but I think it may have had to do with installing it on my system drive rather than my other hard drive I use for games and movies and such. Thank you all for your help, I'll sea you on the Seas. ;)

  • @mad-maths 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • Windows 10 Store Troubleshooting

    This article helped a lot but didn't have the fix for what seems quite a common problem.

    When installing from the Microsoft store, the download stops half way, saying there is insufficient disk space, even when there is plenty available:

    "Create space or pick another drive"
    "This app or game requires more room than your drive has available"

    The problem is you cannot download/install to a FAT32 partition, only NTFS. This is why is seems to 'just work' when installing to the system drive.

    Hope this helps someone, took me a few days to find the answer and I've been kicking myself since, as I shoulda known...

  • @habitualword7 dude those posts were 3 months old. Dont necro threads.

    @Deckhands found another necro...

  • @captain-coel I’m going to leave this one open as it’s another solution which may help others.
    Thanks for the tag tho :)

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