My Tale with the Hungering one.

  • Ahoy thar! I just wanted to stop by and regale you with my adventures on the seas today. It started out a little rough, I joined my mate on his ship but he had 2 fairly new players one didn't not have a Mic but the other did so we made due, so like I said we started out a bit rough and by that I mean we were talked to Merrick our old drunken friend and for some reason we thought we had to go to black sands atoll first so we sailed all the way there only to realize that we were never suppose to go there in the first place!! So after kicking ourselves for the mistake we all crawled back on the ship and set off to collect Merricks Journals. We made quick work of collecting the journal's and at our last stop we meet a lonely sloop collecting journals aswell so I pull out my trusty trumpet and holler over and see if he would like to join us on the hunt for the Hungering one. He gladly joins our cause and now we set off to shark bait cove to speak with merrick once more once we arrived me meet another sloop who is also looking to take down the beast and make a name for himself, he joins the cause too. So now we have a galleon and 2 sloops we decided to call ourselves the banana fleet and raised our yellow flags high with pride as we sailed onwards towards the beast. Moments later we arrive and all the while I was playing the special tune to wake the beast from its slumber. We had atleast 6 people with us so once we got all settled we all gatjered arpund and started to play the tune together and moment's later we hear this noise coming from the deep next thing we know a giant fin is racing around our vessel so we all break into action 4 people manning the cannons 2 people below repairing the ship it was truly a magnificent sight cannons flying 3 different crews coming together to take down the massive beast. After a few minutes it started to rush our ship crashing mouth first into the port side we all went flying off the cannons nearly being killed in one fell swoop we all scramble back to positions and we were barely able to keep the best at bay. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes in we were all out of cannons bananas and planks if the beast hit us one more time our days would have been over we all grab our flintlocks and eyes of reach and hope we can take the monstrosity down before we go down as it begins to charge us the final time forever sending us to Davy Jones we manage the impossible!! all 4 of the cannon men were able to kill the beast moments before it struck our ship and today we were victorious!! We all cheered and sailed back to merrick to relay the good news. After we all danced and sang around the fire we decided to head to the outpost tavern for a drink of grog so the fleet was off to plunder outpost for some good times. Once we arrived we met another sloop who was also friendly but he was just leaving as we arrived so he went his way and we all toasted and cheered in the tavern it was truly a day to remember!

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  • That was a very great story pirate! I can't wait for my chance to take out this beast of the deeps!

  • @VoodooChild24 Yarr! Hello matey! It was an epic adventure, I was not so sure we would make it out alive or at least with both legs ;)

  • We did the same thing, sailed all the way to black sand atoll because we missed or didn't get the hint about one journal being on shark bait cove. 🤣

  • @astro-i7 well we couldn't have done it without you being such a great captain!! I've never seen someone as skilled at the wheel of a galleon as you are!

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