Is there going to be country flags with the HD? Or is it just the ones that were revealed?

  • Just curious

  • 5
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  • I'm just hoping for more than the 5 or 6 options that were pictured

  • If the state of the game at release is any indication, there will be fewer flags available than shown. Then they'll make a flag roadmap with a bunch of question marks on it and call it a day.

  • @ttargetpractice said in Is there going to be country flags with the HD? Or is it just the ones that were revealed?:

    If the state of the game at release is any indication, there will be fewer flags available than shown. Then they'll make a flag roadmap with a bunch of question marks on it and call it a day.

    You basically explained the whole games as service concept in a short, simple and single paragraph. Quality level of the concept, at least in general, is mindbogglingly low while the price tag is the same or even higher most of the time.

  • A good question
    and if not -
    A good suggestion
    Seems easy enough to implement
    I'm sure plenty of crews would love to rep their home country
    (I think the only issue would be it not making TOTAL sense in the lore)
    Ooh! Maybe stylized versions of several countries' flags. That takes a bit of time with the art department though

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