Kraken Vs Sloop

  • I had read somewhere on these forums that the Kraken won't attack sloops. I'm unsure of that, but I had never been. I'm here to tell you lads that it CAN.

    While sailing to do some lame one-X map, I saw tentacles around a galleon. I always try to be nice first, so I sailed over to help. As I approach one tentacle, not wanting to get too close for fear of being murdered, I shout "Ahoy!" and they didn't fire, surprisingly. What I also didn't expect was...

    My vessel hits the inky water and I instantly stop. The galleon that was once fighting to survive is now sailing away, and the one tentacle I approached is now 8, all around me. I fought my best for an aspiring solo-octopus-slayer, but I was dropped to the ocean floor, bronze secret keeper in hand. wipes tears

    My questions for you are:

    Did I simply take their "spot"?
    Has the Kraken ever attacked your sloop?

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  • @maquark you took their spot. The sloop will not spawn the kraken but can without a doubt engage the kraken along with a galleon and as such be attacked by it

  • @shuoink lol good to know. it was hilariously sad to watch the galleon sail away for me to take the full force of the beast. as usual with this game, that's what i get for trying to be nice 🤣

  • @maquark

    We were in a sloop chasing a galleon. A kraken spawned and attacked our sloop while ignoring the galleon. One arm grabbed me, one arm grabbed my crewmate, and one arm circled over the ship. This all happened much faster then I had ever seen when being attacked by the kraken on a galleon as we didn't even have a chance to fire a cannon at the kraken. Our sloop was sunk in under 30 seconds and the galleon got away.

  • @little-squash said in Kraken Vs Sloop:


    Our sloop was sunk in under 30 seconds and the galleon got away.

    that's heckin harsh. hopefully you didn't have much.

  • Interesting story for this one, was in a sloop being chased by a galleon, running into the wind and escaping when another sloop in the distance appeared and engaged the galleon. Got to outpost and dropped off my stuff, looking back from the outpost dock saw tentacles around the sloop. Went over to help the sloop while the galleon watched. I was doing solo so my sloop went down first, was trying to swim over to the other sloop when they were sunk as well. Not sure who the kraken "spawned" on as I was unloading loot and didn't see the start of the fight but the galleon was untouched at the end of it. Other than that I play solo so at this point I'm assuming the kraken doesn't spawn on solo players, the other sloop above appeared to be a 2 man crew, so unsure if the kraken will spawn on them.

  • @maquark
    We had just started out and had nothing at the time so it wasn't a big deal. I just thought it was crazy because I had only ever been attacked in a galleon before.

  • @maquark
    Exact same thing happened to me yesterday. I was on a solo sloop and after the galleon got away the kraken destroyed me....didn’t have a chance

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