
  • If you come across a player on the xbox1 with the name [Mod edited] beware . we just spent 3 hrs doing order of soles and treasure chests and we were on our way to the out post and he dropped the keg barrels to the deck from the crows nest and sunk the ship then left the game. And he was in our xbox live party ( yes he was a team mate that joined as a random player.) i know thats what you get for letting a random join but who would have figured after all that time and work you just blow it up.... I am not going to cry over spilled milk, just want to let people know to beware of him if he joins your game.

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  • @rippem911 said in Beware:

    If you come across a player on the xbox1 with the name [Mod edited] bear. we just spent 3 hrs doing order of soles and treasure chests and we were on our way to the out post and he dropped the keg barrels to the deck from the crows nest and sunk the ship then left the game and xbox love party ( yes he was a team mate that joined as a random player.) i know thats what you get for letting a random join but who would have figured after all that time and work you just blow it up.... I am not going to cry over spilled milk, just want to let people know to beware of him if he joins your game.

    Xbox love party sounds awesome!

    Ps: can't name and shame on forum mate...

  • Never join randoms, always assume they're as likely to sink you as the other ships

  • @RippEm911 Please do not name other users on the forums by name, this is considered naming and shaming and is against the Forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

    Witch-hunting and Call-Outs
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    If you believe a player has been toxic in the game, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket to Rare Customer Support.

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