Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2

  • @x1-two said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Known Issues
    Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection.

    Wasn't this supposed to be fixed with the first patch? Why is it still an issue after the second?

    Gonna have to see what the revised respawning actually means. Outside of the players view can mean behind an island. They really should at least also start with zero cannonballs at an outpost.

    You spawn approximately 15 blocks in any direction now, and as for starting with 0 cannonballs,
    IMO they should have implemented spawning with no supplies and be required to gather everything after sinking, this would eliminate/decrease people choosing to scuttle and ramming into other players

  • @professare yeah, I checked and it said no updates available so, I guess the fix from XBOX support worked lol 😂🤣

  • Can someone please explain why captains chests dont pay over 1000 anymore and why im level 30 gold hoarders getting nothing but castaway and seafarers. Before the patch my buddy was 28 gold hoarders and we were constantly getting captains, grog and sorrows chests. You guys secretly nerfed gold drop rates and otem drop rates.

  • I dont disagree with crashing your galleon into another one.
    My crew ran out cannonballs at a fort and had no choice but to crash into the enemy galleon and have one of our crew repair while the other 3 boarded and killed them while they were repairing so they sunk. But a ship constantly coming back who cant actually sink you but just rams you every 6 minutes gets annoying quickly.

    Also agree with the secretly nerfed gold hoarders quests. I dont mind sailing across the map to an island to do a 4 sentance riddle if it doesnt give me a sea farers or a castaway chest every bloody time.

    Have done 3 complete gold hoarders voyages with multiple riddles and islands and only getting 2 captains chest.

    Also most treasure maps i get now only have one chest on them.

  • @stealthsmiff

    The pvp is great.
    I thoroughly enjoy fighting people getting killed and killing people.
    The fact there is no safe places is great.

    A stats page somehow of kills and deaths or ships sunken would be a cool feature or a title you could get from sinking a certain amount of ships or enemy pirates killed.

  • Hello forums!

    I'm an avid fan of Sea of Thieves, and I have an idea on how to fix the Gold Hoarders Level up issue, where more expensive and difficult voyages give insubstantial returns and profit.

    After each promotion a Value Multiplier Stacks.

    I believe adding a value multiplier to each promotion would make leveling up feel more rewarding, it would also make the abnormally high prices far more understandable.

    I know me and a lot of my friends are disappointed by spending 120 gold on voyages and getting one map with a castaway chest, truly heartbreaking to see the dusty bone-green top when you hear that satisfying clunk of a discovered chest!

    Here's my idea!

    Level 5:
    Castaway Chest
    2x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    2x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +50% Value
    Captains Cheat
    +50% Value

    Level 10:
    Castaway Chest
    2x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    2x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +50% Value
    Captains Cheat
    +50% Value

    Level 15:
    Castaway Chest
    2x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    2x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +50% Value
    Captains Cheat
    +50% Value

    Level 20:
    Castaway Chest
    2x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    2x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +50% Value
    Captains Cheat
    +50% Value

    Level 25:
    Castaway Chest
    2x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    2x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +50% Value
    Captains Cheat
    +50% Value

    Level 30:
    Castaway Chest
    3x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    3x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +100% Value
    Captains Cheat
    +100% Value

    Level 35:
    Castaway Chest
    4x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    4x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +100% Value
    Captains Cheat
    +100% Value

    Level 40:
    Castaway Chest
    3x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    3x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +100% Value
    Captains Cheat
    +100% Value

    Level 45:
    Castaway Chest
    3x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    3x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +100% Value
    Captains Cheat
    +100% Value

    Level 50:
    Castaway Chest
    5x Value
    Seafarers Chest
    5x Value
    Marauders Chest
    +200% Value
    Captains Cheat
    200% Value

    If the numbers seem kind of high due to the Value stacking, rare can try to make balances, I just wanted to give the multiplier idea.

  • @fallenxgh0stx01

    Agree with this. Maybe not as high, but still something to give make the higher levels more rewarding.

    Oh and we need to get rep for completing voyages. Doesn't have to be heaps but needs to be there.

  • Nice work :)

  • @D382H
    Well said sir! Wonder if the PVPers will continue to have as much fun if the pvp people are playing elsewhere.
    Would be happy to pay a little extra to play on my own pve server as well.

  • @longbongsparrow

    Love your attitude, so when a huge chunk of the player base goes to play something else hope you have still have fun.

    Less player =less funding=less updates and content.

  • Keep up the good work ! Anyway i think that this patch is a good thing but from my point of view the respawn distance is even too small from the sinking point. for example in a raid i've defeated 14 sloops ( 4 sloop that respawn continuosly) ... i know that sloop is easy to defeat with a galeon and a 4 player team but the resourses on the ship is not infinite. An other example just yesterday i've defeated 3 times the same galeon ( the last one with a BIG disadvantege) only because the spawn point. My idea of spawn point ( maybe only during raid ) is like a half map away ,so the treasure goes to the best team and not to the worse (only because out of resources).

  • @willowmnstrrawr But they already payed so it wont matter

  • @khaleesibot the souls quests need fixing. I understand that a work around is to sail the ship away and back but as its happened on numerous occasions its really killing the game off for me.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    What about bounty quests not spawning skeletons? Also why am I still getting a ton of castaway chests doing lvl 35 gold hoarders quests?


  • @aac-the-crow

    Yep. Even post-patch, we had the same galleon come after us 3 times and the same sloop come after us 8 times during the same raid/outpost run. Luckily, we were filled to the brim with resources/powder kegs and we’re a solid crew. They didn’t stand a chance.

    It was a ton of fun, but I absolutely see your point.

  • @diamondvp here some ideias!

  • The New spaw is perfect need to find a way to Deal os hackers or at least let us choose If we want to play only with our platform

  • "Performance Improvements"

    Hah, good one. This update was a performance downgrade for me. Before this update I had no performance issues at all, running it with everything set to Mythical.
    But since the update, I've been experiencing fps drops in different places and situations.

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