A compiled list of actual missing content

  • We are missing a lot of cosmetic items, also known as progression in Sea of Thieves. I love the base game and I've been playing for a while now. I usually don't make reddit posts but when the actual game released I couldn't help but feel a sense of dissapointment.

    Dissapointment because of the lack of cosmetics. There has been a lot of videos, trailers and pictures about Sea of Thieves before release but almost none of the cosmetics shown is in the actual game. Even a few things from the final beta/stress tests didn't make it into the game.

    So I decided to actually count the amount of missing items in shops, trailers, videos, promos and pictures on their website, twitter etc.

    And we are currently missing 132 items. (link - https://pastebin.com/MuKSbZ5P )

    I didn't take screenshots but I described the items I found in minimal detail as some sort of proof. If you look through the list you will most likely recognise some of the items.

    So my question is, where is all the items?

    One argument could be that it is content from before the game and not everything makes it into a game from the start. But as explained in this video ( https://youtu.be/fYpPbexHmig?t=1m50s ) about customisation this really should not be the case. Every cosmetic model like a jacket for example is shaped around their base template. If it fits the basic template it works for all character models. The characers used in trailers etc is actual ingame models so we know the cosmetics works. Or atleast should work.

    A second argument could be that they are saving content for later. But I really think that a game in a situation like Sea of Thieves should not hold content back. Especially not cosmetics when that is the actual progression in the game.

    A third argument could be that they want to complete a full set of items before releasing any clothes. (Example is - a full Bilge Rat set with clothes, equipment and weapons) I think this would be a bad approach considering most people don't buy 5 hurdy gurdy's for example. Clothes is usually the main item people get. (Also what I personally care the most about)

    If you take a look through the list you can see I mentioned npc clothes. the reason behind this is that the game is about making your own pirate. I believe that in such a game like Sea of Thieves you should be able to dress up like a merchant for example. This way you can feel more like a merchant or a crooked gold hoarder. I get that in most games NPC's are supposed to look unique but I think it could be cool if you somehow could unlock the different alliance clothes. Including glasses.

    That's it, I just wanted to shine some light on the thing that made me the most dissapointed about the game. I knew what I was buying but I thought it would be a tiny bit more to it.

    Tl;dr Shining some light on the 132 missing cosmetic items

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  • They shouldn't have been showing content that is already complete in trailers if they weren't including them for free or unlockable via in game progression.. Heres hoping they aren't purchasable items..

    I know future cosmetics will be, but they shouldn't have been shown yet.

  • The 132 missing cosmetic items could be in the secret pirate base when you reach lvl 50 in the 3 factions? it's annoying but i guess we just have to wait for that person to actually hit the pirate legend and see if this stuff is actually missing or not.

  • @mrchubb1991 said in A compiled list of actual missing content:

    The 132 missing cosmetic items could be in the secret pirate base when you reach lvl 50 in the 3 factions? it's annoying but i guess we just have to wait for that person to actually hit the pirate legend and see if this stuff is actually missing or not.

    Theyre not.

  • @mrchubb1991 He's already done it, the only items in the shop are "ghost" items that require further reputation gains with the legendary faction.

    There will be a lot more content added mind.

  • @xixxo123 Fair play, i didn't know anyone had actually reached legend.

  • This is really weird, in trailers and the website and the shop, all these clothing items and so on that just taunt you, with their unavailability and such :D

  • Kinda sucks. We need more clothing items badly. Hope they have to just fine tune them and will add many of them soon.

  • @redlockthefirst said in A compiled list of actual missing content:

    This is really weird, in trailers and the website and the shop, all these clothing items and so on that just taunt you, with their unavailability and such :D

    Heck, they even taunt you with stuff you can't get currently (but used to in the beta) on the in-game loading screens!

    alt text

    Even the flag on top is a different style and color!

  • I want the shark ship set I had in the beta. I was so disappointed I couldn't buy it from the Shipwright the moment I actually had money to spend :( So now I'm saving my money for when/if it is finally released.

  • Where's my Spinal ship decor!?

  • @jinxybinx Yeah, i had a random sloop in beta generated with the sharkset, and i loved it. I hope we sill see it soon.

  • Don't forget the ability to dress up as a skeleton crew member too. It would be huge to be able to play along that road, especially since there are no NPC ships in place. Giving new players the experience of engagement right there would be amazing.

  • So, yeah. With the bones and Wailing Barnacle skins coming out it seems pretty clear RARE is holding back built content for... reasons.

  • They also have to provide constant updates to the whining community of people who aren't happy with the game. All of those items will more than likely be released through updates such as bilge rat stuff or later in the game when they introduce some post pirate legend update where you'll have to increase you levels even more. But:

    We now have them putting out new content every 2 weeks. How soon will that run out? There's only so many ideas you can have with that stuff.

    My advice is, for people, if you aren't legend yet put the work in to do that. If you're so worried about clothing, but clothing while you do missions. When you are getting bored of doing missions, send it to forts of bilge rat adventure stuff. If you get bored with that, think of clever ways to rob people (don't chase people, only n00bs chase people, it's a waste of time for both parties). If you don't want to do that, then maybe the game isn't for you?

  • Oh yay. Rationing is awesome. Wheee.

    Game needed another year of development time. Minimum.

  • This list is unfair. Many of that objects are in the game. Like the barnacle hat, you wrote "green" like if kt were a different cosmetic but probably is not different but an old version of the barnacle hat we have now.

  • @guepard4
    This list is 3 months old. From launch sir. Nothing unfair about it.

  • @noobysoft-ahoy
    Stop being so entitled.
    Rare doesn’t owe you these items.
    There a lots of times where assets don’t make it in to the game but are in trailers during development.
    Do you know anything about design and concept?

    The clothes your pirate is wearing now didn’t just get plucked out of thin air....they would have had many iterations before arriving on what they thought was best.

  • ...ooooooooor...

    We can just call this what it is. An early access title.
    I doubt Rare had much say in that matter though. Thanks Microsoft...

    Calling people names and hurling accusations isn’t going to sway anyone to your opinion.

  • @mrgrim67686 said in A compiled list of actual missing content:


    We can just call this what it is. An early access title.
    I doubt Rare had much say in that matter though. Thanks Microsoft...

    Calling people names and hurling accusations isn’t going to sway anyone to your opinion.

    It is a GaaS. Development spent creating a game that is a sandbox that they can consistently add to.

    For as long as they keep adding to the game it will always feel more complete if you compare it year to year, or in this case items being added since this post was made 3 months ago.

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