Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1

  • With todays Maintenance downtime and the update downloading i got a very good excuse to read through the Tales from the Sea of Thieves book today.

  • @sirradiodan I'm an over the road truck driver so i use a myfi device. 5mbs is usually my average lol

  • @sirradiodan
    I'm actually surprised not one person immediately responded that...
    I think we all know how painful it would be too have slow internet speeds.

    "Hoping you don't have a capped internet connection, or slow internet. I know some special soul will soar on through saying "hurr hurr get gud internet" but for some people there just aren't that many options where they live. I'm hoping this complete redownload is a one off, rather than the teams preferred way of "patching"."

  • @khaleesibot dijo en Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    • Seagulls now fly over floating barrels.

    I liked the surprise of finding them :-(

    Well, now we will see seagulls but we won't know if it is a shipwrek or barrels. Can be nice too.

  • @gaddsp I noticed this island and cave system as well, but when I went down into the cave i suddenly got respawned on my ship.

  • @guepard4 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @khaleesibot dijo en Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    • Seagulls now fly over floating barrels.

    I liked the surprise of finding them :-(

    Well, now we will see seagulls but we won't know if it is a shipwrek or barrels. Can be nice too.

    My First thought as well...

  • @thor-von-blitz just started reading my copy too! Its a really good read!

  • @guepard4 The birds that fly over barrels will be large seagulls and kind of sparce. The birds that fly over shipwrecks are smaller but much more densely packed. You will be able to tell the difference after seeing them a few times.

  • @khaleesibot Unfortunately I don't see an important part addressed here. There is still no change in ships respawning after sunk (in PVP) too close? I hoped we would see distance added to that this patch. I hope we will see distance added in the next patch. Having to kill the same persistant ship each 4-5 mins is getting really annoying real fast.. while they get their rescources renewed, you stand your ground and have no way to replenish as fast as they get their stuff back each spawn. Unrewarding to those who defended their place already. This was an important issue and short term fix would have been to make them spawn farther away, or into one of the other 2 Seas even.

    Edit: edited, because @Pir4te-Roberts pointed it out that this was purely a patch containing various fixes and no content tweaking.

  • @afro-pick-3000 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @khaleesibot where are the sever down times posted?


  • Guys at Rare,

    I like how much detail you put in all the things. Not just within the game but in your release notes as well. And especially your feedback to the community's feedback on death fee.
    Thanks for making the good times we had with the game already possible!

  • Joe, you have to sleep.

  • Nice patch fixes, as I've been getting a lot of those, but I thought we were also getting new food types (coconut, pineapple, pomegranate) and more features. It feels a little barren at the moment.

  • I gave up. Is there seriously no official page or blog post about what content is to come in future updates? We get hints and so on an so forth but seriously if I want to know what is happening to the game I have to check several youtube videos where no source is named. I understand you might not want to give away too much but at this point, it is some serious work to put together the little pieces of information spread everywhere in interviews, forum threads, and youtube videos. Again, most of them neither denying or confirming anything.

    So we know you do all this grinding for reputation to become a legendary pirate. We were told you would be able to get your own ship, do legendary quests. Thats it. Grinding to get better Grinding missions. And all you can spend your gold on are cosmetics. You are sitting on an awesome engine and an awesome concept, but you expect people to pay 70$ for a game that isn't done yet and the only promise is there is a big SOMETHING coming. Come on. Give us a real, official page on the site about what to expect from the game or your playerbase will shrink into nothingness.

  • @khaleesibot said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:.

    If you encounter this bug, a potential work around is to sail away from the island until it’s out of range, and then sail back in to trigger the Island Name banners.

    I was able to experience this error in the release version and even following these instructions twice it was not possible complete the quest, just feedback.

  • Fixes for 19gb. gg

  • @bradizzll said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    In the future could you guys make me a pirate skeleton? Just a dream of mine

    This should be a purchasable cosmetic outfit!

  • Please don't forget the bug 🐞 when feeding the pigs 🐷! For the love of my bananas 🍌!

  • @gaddsp said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @khaleesibot Great work, I do have a question though. When exploring yesterday, I found a mysterious island that wasn't marked on the map. It had a shipwreck in the middle, and a cave system. When going into the cave system there was a hidden room. Was it an accident that you left the island unmarked or is it special? Maybe it's the entrance to the pirate legend hideout. I have some photos of the position of the island on the map, as well as the island itself.
    Happy pirating to y'all

    I wanna see that

  • @lumpaywk sagte in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @assassin-x-jack said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    Coming Updates

    Thank you all for your feedback on our previously discussed Coming Update, Death Cost. Due to your passionate comments, we have decided not to move forward with this feature. Thanks for the honest feedback & discussion on this!

    This is a sad news, pity!
    It would have been a good repellent for those players who run just to ruin the gaming experience!
    Good job anyway

    it actually protects most from those them! thats why it got such negative feedback and thus removed. it unfairly punishing those that want to explore and not pvp that usually get ganked while moored at an island.

    It would have been PvE only. So nothing would have beenchanged for PvP deaths.

  • Just great

  • I was wondering if anyone has noticed the persistent game chat even when not near enemy crews. It’s very faint but if you turn off all your sound effects and music etc. and turn up your headsets/tv volume you can legit hear other crews talking. I have my voice settings set to non directional and sat at an outpost hearing other crews discussing where their next island was and surprised them lol just to see if it was actual people in my server. Also I have push to talk ON and whenever I join new servers my mic is constantly on even tho I’m not pushing a button. I also would like a notification showing me that I’m talking on my mic or something.

  • Part of the reasons this game is getting trashed with 4-5/10 reviews is because of the awful character creation options and experience. People regret them down the line, and due to bugs people's appearances have changed and they are unable to reset them back to the way they originally were.

    It's a disaster.

  • @g3o47
    Theres more than 1 secret island. Map locations are:
    N-10, L-14, L-15 and S-16

  • @khaleesibot This is awesome! Keep up the fantastic job "less then tree" :)

  • @khaleesibot they did not say anything on the upcoming updates

  • Nice Patch hope Server online next Houser :)

    mfg Stoke

  • It would be great to be able to send an invitation to join the crew during the game. I usually found a friend get out of the game due to connection problems, or whatever, and there is no chance to invite him again. Sometimes people leave the game during a mission and it would be nice to invite a friend to join us. I think it would be very, very nice.

  • @nd3e said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @lumpaywk sagte in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @assassin-x-jack said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    Coming Updates

    Thank you all for your feedback on our previously discussed Coming Update, Death Cost. Due to your passionate comments, we have decided not to move forward with this feature. Thanks for the honest feedback & discussion on this!

    This is a sad news, pity!
    It would have been a good repellent for those players who run just to ruin the gaming experience!
    Good job anyway

    it actually protects most from those them! thats why it got such negative feedback and thus removed. it unfairly punishing those that want to explore and not pvp that usually get ganked while moored at an island.

    It would have been PvE only. So nothing would have beenchanged for PvP deaths.

    well thats even more bias sgaisnt solo players lol and wouldnt be protecting anything so double bad news. glad its been dropped

  • Great work i doubt the team has had much sleep when u have the chance to rest u can peacfully knowing many of us are just as tired from days & nights of enjoying time at sea

  • Duh errrrr i tell you what guys , we cba to only update whats necessary as our team are to lazy , we will just release the full game again and call it a patch , happy row boating , pah

  • Good stuff, looking forward to trying it out.

  • Great job with the speedy update, and thanks MUCH for the transparency in issues and resolution. I don't care about update size at all...Id rather have it available now than play with ongoing issues.

    In the next update, can pc players not have to ever use task manager to quit the game? Thats very unpolished in a game thats supposed to be complete.

    As others have said, we need more diverse content and play diversity. Just increasing the number of items we need to collect in fetch quests does not make us feel like quests are getting better as we rank up. (at level 32, one pig (of 4 of the same type, which was a royal pain) was worth only 39 gold! It cost me more than that to purchase the job!

    The stores also REALLY need more content released, and there needs to be a wider spread in prices... there should be cheaper items for beginning players, and more expensive items for levelled up players.

    Lastly, I know you want to have content release surprises, but we DO need a roadmap of general planned release estimates..

    When will the additional food types be added? (New fetch quests can also be generated seeking them.)
    When will we see new items in the stores?
    When are new music additions being added?
    When will we see the words to the songs become discoverable?
    Simple planned features like these with a goal timetable will go a long way towards alleviating all the lack of content complaints.

    Please be more transparent about why these things aren't already in, and when we'll start seeing content additions.

  • @lumpaywk sagte in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @nd3e said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @lumpaywk sagte in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @assassin-x-jack said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    Coming Updates

    Thank you all for your feedback on our previously discussed Coming Update, Death Cost. Due to your passionate comments, we have decided not to move forward with this feature. Thanks for the honest feedback & discussion on this!

    This is a sad news, pity!
    It would have been a good repellent for those players who run just to ruin the gaming experience!
    Good job anyway

    it actually protects most from those them! thats why it got such negative feedback and thus removed. it unfairly punishing those that want to explore and not pvp that usually get ganked while moored at an island.

    It would have been PvE only. So nothing would have beenchanged for PvP deaths.

    well thats even more bias sgaisnt solo players lol and wouldnt be protecting anything so double bad news. glad its been dropped

    Bild Text

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