• I am all for a solo server!

  • @finanzminister Hi there! I wanted to let you know I edited out the part of your post telling people to just "git gud". Please remember the Pirate Code and respect all players in the community, no matter how you feel about their thoughts on the game. Thanks!

  • @isaarbrooklyni Hello. I wanted to let you know I have edited out the swearing in your post. Please remember that swearing on the forum, the full word or abbreviations is not allowed on this forum. You can make your point without profanity.

  • I too play solo, but mostly because I can't stand being placed in parties of people I don't know. Since if they end up annoying me or just partaking in activities I don't approve of (such as player killing in general) I have to leave the game and start the match making all over again. I really think they need some dedicated servers for PvE. For players like me and probably countless other who just want to sail with friends, explore, kill some skellies, and just have a good time in a "freindly" environment. Not all players partake in player killing and in fact it ruins the fun for many of them.

  • @myrm Don't know. Just seemed worth a try at the time.

  • @oakenlotus846 said in SOLO SERVERS FOR SOLO PLAYERS:

    @myrm Don't know. Just seemed worth a try at the time.

    Fair enough :-)

  • Tldr, out turn them. A sloop can turn much sharper, aim for rocks and try to make them hit one.

  • @chuigt - Not saying that I can do it every time, but I've held my own against every Galleon that has tried to mess with me ol' Sloop.

    You just have to play the map and use the wind to your advantage.

    Heck, the other day I hit the winds hard and rushed to a Skele-Fort. Dropped anchor and ran up into the Skeleton's Tower and blasted them.

    They sunk my ship -- but I did manage to grab some gun powder and do them one for the road.

  • @chuigt (I have not read the entire thread)
    If you are choosing to play single player, you are choosing to make it more difficult than having a 4 man crew.

  • @flowerofcarnage I've been jumped before and it definitely wasn't cool and I definitely complained the entire time XD

  • I often play solo and don't want to be stuck just playing other solo players. It'd be boring as hell.

    It's great to take on a Galleon - 1v4's a great challenge! Give it go, sink a few times you'll be a better pirate.

    If you're being chased by a galleon the out sail it, go through narrow rock formations, skim by the islands. It's all good.

  • @chuigt You can almost always run and get away if you spot a Galleon in time. And would you really like to miss this thrill? The whole treasure hunt becomes boring if nothing can happen to you, at least in my opinion. Also, you can even take on Galleons alone and win, if you do it smart and have a bit of luck. But I admit, with some treasures in my boat, I would always run.

  • I think they should be sloop servers rather than solo servers, either would be an improvement imo. Personally I've found no good argument against either idea aside from what essentially boils down to telling players to git gud. A solo sloop may be capable of taking out a full manned galleon, but let's face the fact that 4 and 1 is not equal. Even if you win it doesn't change the fact you're playing from a clear numbers disadvantage. Yeah, you could also run thanks to the fact the sloop is faster, but is that what Galleon crews want? Wasting time chasing down sloops? Also if the odds are so even why are the supposed solo players bothered by playing on a sloop/solo server if galleon is just as easy to take out? Nothing should change for you if that's the case aside from having a smaller target.

    If you care about this game you will think what's best for the general audience, because that's how the game stays alive.

  • I agree with you on this solo should be for solo players not for a 2,3 or 4 men crew you're right what in the hell where they thinking? Is it unfair to the solo players yes. I don't give a s**t what you other people think. But it's hard enough playing solo you have to do so much as a 1 man or woman it's not only driving the boat but it's also about avoiding stuff like rock's and land and working the sails and checking your map then trying to be on the lookout for other ship's then there's more.

  • It's pretty ridiculous especially when doing the skeleton places or when you have a bunch of loot you should be able to choose

  • Simplest fix: Sloops play in a server with Sloops, Brigs play in a server with Brigs, Galleons play with Galleons. Done. E Z.

  • @mizz-amelie simple answer nope harder answer look at all the other threads.

    Also it is against forum rules to revive (very) old threads. @Deckhands i think a lock might be in order for this overly asked and multiple times answered question since this thread came back after 5 months

  • Another option: passive mode. Can only harm Environment, not ships, not players, can't be killed by other players/destroyed by their ships, and not able to steal others' treasure as well as they cannot steal yours, or really, let each other steal loot. If a passive is brave enough and capable to steal loot unarmed, or one that isn't passive is able to do the same, whatever. It's mostly annoying getting killed/sank, especially solo on a Sloop after like what just happened. I stocked my ship, and got sank by a Galleon instantly, even though I tried to be friendly. I spawned in the same exact Outpost, and they sank me and killed me again. I spawned at a nearby island, any guess? They did it again. I don't care if I'm stuck permanently in passive the second I hit "Set Sail" to prevent passive glitches. Something, please, anything. I just want to be able to sail peacefully and enjoy the scenery, and have a little fun with friends. I don't want to feel like I'm playing Overwatch Competitive 24/7, low 3 teammates and being held at spawn. Also for anyone about to complain about it ruining the experience of a 1v4 for you, learn to run a Galleon solo then, it's not difficult, and if you're complaining about raising the anchor, maybe they could change that depending on how many players are in the crew. If you're going to be that sweaty, then why not go a little further if you want to do that that bad. Another option: don't allow Alliance members to kill anyone in the Alliance, there are times I'm actually capable of meeting nice people once in a while, I could just keep switching servers until I do and do that. I still get killed while in an Alliance just because as well. Anything is better than the current state.

  • @mizz-amelie Discussed that possibility with my friends countless times!! I cannot count the amount of times I’ve been royally and totally screwed over at a Skull Fort where my crew does all the work in conquering it, only to have a ship show up at the last minute because they’ve been waiting for the Skull Cloud to disappear. And of course, sink us, and steal every ounce of loot, especially since even in an alliance you don’t get 100% of the loot, and therefore, no incentive to just live and let live rather than slaughter and plunder.

  • @mizz-amelie Please don't resurrect old threads, it is against the forum rules. This thread will now be locked.

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