Just played for the first time last night

  • Yesterday I played for a couple hours by myself. I watched some streamers play before I got on so I knew what to do. I was able to get 7 chest pretty quick. I will be on tonight also at about 8pm Central time. Xbox name: ButtChugTidePod

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  • I only 'ave one question fer ye Mr. ButtChug....

    Did ye, o' did ye not make th' Tide challenge? I curse ye if that be you behind them p**p deck s*******s gone bad!

  • @buttchugtidepod

    Ahoy there,
    Welcome to SoT

    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

  • Add me on Xbox live SIONYDOORS1212 I’m from Wales and sail solo most the time but progression has slowed now im levels 21 16 15 so need to crew up and sail forward

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