Personal Issue and Fear

  • So this may not apply to many people, and i know that, but im kind of afraid this game may turn to be too pvp sided, and leave the pve players way behind, this is coming from a recent problem i keep encountering, which is pvp obsessed people chasing me for literally hours, it happens everytime that i just want to sell some simple basic loot, or just go around, and for some reason 1 out of 3 sessions, that i wanted to play just for like 30 minutes, turn into 3 hours of just trying to scape some insanley stubborn dudes who chase me for hours, and its not just irritating, but it makes me wonder whats gonna happen when the harpoon weapon comes out, thats definetly gonna be used in many tryhard ways... idk i really like pvp once in a while, but with dudes likes this and situations which make it harder to simply just play the game to relax is just hard, and i repeat, pvp is great, its a really big part of the game, but people just make it their main focus and its annoying and i really hope the game itself doesnt focus on that too

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  • @itstred the games is PvEvP, always was, always will be...
    Use Safer Seas if you can't handle that...sorry to say this, but it's the truth

    Anyway, try not to stick too much to your loot on board and try to fight only gain experience

  • It’s pvpve

    Pirates see ship. Does it have loot? Yes/no. Do I want said loot? Yes/no. I’m gonna chase you down to have it.

    It’s that simple

  • @itstred

    Complete noob to SoT, but very much agree with this hope. Have to slightly disagree with those that go 'sorry it's PvP' game...

    If PvP was the only focus, why would Rare make the tall tales, why make the map so large, why such a low limit on ship server numbers, why have a separate HG function.

    Game seems designed to enjoy by yourself, with others or against others, and I hope Rare don't shift balance/efforts further in favour of PvP.

    That said, @ItsTred ... Jump server and accept the loot loss...?

  • If you turn and fight you might realise that the people who chase you are usually mediocre anyway

  • Honestly, running is not the answer. After a while it will become clear that many people are willing to chase for even longer than you are willing to run. take the fight, get sunk, scuttle and go to a new server. or use the voyage table to dive if you can get far enough away. or use a portal hop. or if they are a different sized ship you might be able to outrun them, especially if you can demast them or drop their anchor. Running and developing a bad attitude about the people who are trying to sink you and take your stuff will not help the situation, nor will it help you get better at the game, or have fun. You always have a choice. running without an objective in mind is often not the best move for your sanity and enjoyment of the experience.

  • @old-jumby said in Personal Issue and Fear:


    Complete noob to SoT, but very much agree with this hope. Have to slightly disagree with those that go 'sorry it's PvP' game...

    If PvP was the only focus, why would Rare make the tall tales, why make the map so large, why such a low limit on ship server numbers, why have a separate HG function.

    Game seems designed to enjoy by yourself, with others or against others, and I hope Rare don't shift balance/efforts further in favour of PvP.

    That said, @ItsTred ... Jump server and accept the loot loss...?

    Interesting take considering that the two previous responses called it a PvPvE game, which it is. I don’t see anyone in this thread stating that it’s a PvP only game. I do see a couple people who seem to think it should be a PvE only game, though.

  • @old-jumby said in Personal Issue and Fear:

    If PvP was the only focus, why would Rare make the tall tales, why make the map so large, why such a low limit on ship server numbers, why have a separate HG function.

    While it is not purely a PVP game, PVP is and has been a huge part of it the entire time the game has existed. The game is all about the random encounters you can have with other crews, whether that means combat, diplomacy, sneakiness, or all of the above in one encounter. Also HG is not a separate mode or anything. It takes place in regular adventure servers and is one of the easiest ways to level up your reaper flag so you can then go hunt down emissaries with treasure afterwards.

  • The main core of the game has always been and always will be PvPvE. It's basically a Sea of Tarkov, an extraction-looter, meets an online-chatroom. My only advice is to try not to take losing too seriously or personally. If the other crew gets mouthy, then mute them or switch servers. Once you learn to not care about loot or losing, it's less stressful.

    If you don't want a target on your back, don't raise an Emissary. If you care about loot, then turn in often.

    I do agree, to an extent, that Rare are skewing a bit too heavy to the PvP side of things lately in Adventure and enabling that playstyle a little much - which could put a lot of players off who are only interested in the PvE, but are disappointed in the limits on Safer Seas.

    This is coming from a day one player who is very much in the middle, though leaning to the PvE and social side. I don't feel good sinking those who don't know how to fight back - but I'm not going to judge those who only play the game as Rare have designed it. If the game was more balanced skill-wise, I may be more interested in the PvP aspects myself. Honestly, I get far more enjoyment from just meeting and talking to other chill players in-game.

  • @old-jumby sagte in Personal Issue and Fear:


    Complete noob to SoT, but very much agree with this hope. Have to slightly disagree with those that go 'sorry it's PvP' game...

    If PvP was the only focus, why would Rare make the tall tales, why make the map so large, why such a low limit on ship server numbers, why have a separate HG function.

    Game seems designed to enjoy by yourself, with others or against others, and I hope Rare don't shift balance/efforts further in favour of PvP.

    That said, @ItsTred ... Jump server and accept the loot loss...?

    Where did anyone say it's PvP?
    It is PvEvP!
    Most updates were PvE based

  • I think now with safer seas the game is more than fair for options. I also think its fantastic as the players I do come across are more open to fighting these days which is awesome. I lose my share but dont mind. love the pvp. Now that harpoon coming in season 13 is it? Going by what they showed in the video it looks very op. I expect it takes up a weapon slot so even if you board you will be single weapon fighting but with blunder bombs, firebombs and whatever else it just is WAY too easy to board other ships if it works as shown. I hope they balance it. On the other hand maybe it will be super rare and hard to find? I dont know but I agree I have very mixed opinions on it. Maybe if they balanced it so when you do harpoon onto another ship it makes a loud thud to alert the team on board someone has harpooned on at least or maybe when you hit the deck you are frozen in place for a sec. This makes it a very risky maneuvor and would balance it out a bit. No matter what way I look at it though that harpoon seems like a MAJOR buff to brigs and gallys against sloops. How easy it will be to have 2 or 3 people focusing on ships cannons and positioning while one guy simply cannons over to board constantly using harpoon. Up to this point your only hope is a deck landing or go for ladders which are risky. Even if he fails to anchor its a distraction while both players on sloop take him down. Really concerned about that harpoon addition.

  • The game would lose a MASSIVE portion of its allure if there was no PvP element. Risk can reward, on the edge of your seat (are we going to get this massive loot pile traded on or not?)

    PvE only would tire pretty quickly.

    I agree and hope that the Season 12 items are balanced, otherwise it could fundamentally skew the game towards PvP.

    I also agree with the timescales. I don’t know how many times I said, “I’ll just finish this bit off then I have to go”, only to get jumped and instead of a quick selling stop, an hour or more has passed chasing random enemies haha.

  • If you have by your own standards, very simple loot, it may be worth while to just fight rather than running away with the loot because the longer you run for, the more the chasing ship will think you have something really good. And if you sink with what you deem to be simple loot, it should not be much of an issue since its easy enough to get more.

    You really have to think of it from the pov of the other ship. If you started chasing some one, and they started running and refused to fight back, would you assume they had some simple loot? If some one starts running from me before i even do anything, i will assume they have something considerable onboard, be it a huge haul, or something valuable/rare.

  • @old-jumby it's not really designed for solo play, they have made solo play more easily achieved, but if you want to actually make any progress with rep or gold you do need to be quite skilled and able to take on bigger crews. PvP is at the core of the gameplay loop but it's not the main focus, the only PvP things they've added have been arena which is now removed, hourglass which is a tool to be used in adventure and the cursed cannonballs in 12 seasons and like 3 years prior to seasons everything thats been added has mostly been pve stuff so when the game does give something to pvp lovers its not skewing more to pvp they're just giving part of the fan base a bone since all the meat and potatoes goes to the pve side of things.

    (Edit) I missed reaper's bones in the list of more PvP focused things. So that's 4 PvP focused things added in total and 3 actually still in the game

  • @rotten-rocko

    Thanks for past context, makes sense.

    Yah, for me the PvP element is what makes it exciting and replayable as someone said above. And its a reliable yardstick for game proficiency 😁

    But I also want to be able to chill out, fish off the back of my sloop and explore a great looking, well crafted game - being relentlessly hounded for an hour as per original post not always fun.

    I think current balance is great and server switch is easy. But this is the perspective of a completely-fresh-to-the-game PS5 player 😁... Likely be singing a different shanty in a few months.

  • @old-jumby that's fair enough, I mostly do PvP but I'm not gonna chase someone for an hour 😂 the wilds and the devils roar are usually really quite and good for avoiding people (incase you didn't know), was trying to get my devils roar voyager milestone up yesterday and didn't encounter another ship for the entire session even after server merges.

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