Ladders move in Option, to stop permanent boarding

  • @cannytwocrows it might help retain players, but are those players the primary audience of the game? Rare have been adamant that PvP is part of the game and follow the tools not rules philosophy, they have provided tools so it's up to the players to learn to use them, they have said they are planning on adding traps so that could be another tool in the arsenal for defense on ladders. But retractable ladders in my opinion feels more like a rule, you can't board unless it's a deck shot. And that does take a certain skill or awareness away from the game, I'm better at naval then I am player combat and don't go for boards unless I think i really need to too secure a sink. So my disagreement doesn't come from a I like boarding to sink people mind set, but more from a this is just part of the game learn to combat it mind set. Watching for boarders isn't difficult once you know what to look for, so for players struggling with that they just need to learn.

  • @cannytwocrows said in Ladders move in Option, to stop permanent boarding:

    @tesiccl there's playing in discord bubbles and there's playing in open crew. Focus forget what it's like being a new player. And kinda odd you used hours most use days.

    Usually when people talk about time in games, they tend to use hours most of the time. With sot a lot of people would use days because xbox app listed days for the longest time rather than hours and some people cant be bothered to convert the time.

  • @ghutar That's why they should just add a boarding system, block enemies from boarding by ladder unless allied or not in combat and once combat starts you can only board by firing yourself through a Canon and add a mechanic to where when a ships mast is broken or they take enough dmg and come to a stop the enemy team can hold or do something to trigger the boarding mechanic, once the boarding mechanic is activated all crew on both sides gets limited amounts of lifes and make it a temporary team death match, of course you'd want to make ships temporarily imuned to sinking during the event but it would be fair, people could only blame their skill in hand to hand combat and their even more lack of skill loosing the boat fight, however they're should still be an option to just keep shooting and hope they don't repair faster then you can light then up so it would still be optional not to team death match.

  • @crackedabyss399 it dosen't make eny sense at all.

    All damge you described would be repaired by semicompetent crew at allmost instant rate couse being immoblised is half way trough death.

    Then that "bording stance" with limited respawn, how that would work to bring enything more than stalmate after stalmate?

    And how about third party?

    For me (semi capable pirate with normal crew) it dosnen't sound right.

    Couse normaly it is like that:

    Engage fight,
    Few shots below water line to remove another crew bilge from canons
    Preasure (if they shoot well then on cannon line, if not bellow water line)
    Send border (cloud be send faster if enyone on other ship is dead)

    Making same stuff you kinda described.
    But this semi competent vs semi competent fight of same ships.

    In big skill gap and ship gap situation one crew will be squashed fast but its normal and described by you soulyion only prolongs whole thing.

    For me it is non issue.

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