Excessive crashes?

  • Anyone noticed a marked increase in crashes just as you're about to surface in HG? It's becoming unbearable now. I'm on Xbox Series. Surely they're gonna have to sort this out with the impending PS5 players about to start...

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  • Yes and its not just hourglass. I am disconnecting or crashing on xbox at least twice a night now and I usually sail for 2 to 3hours.

  • I don't think it's hg specifically I think it's just diving/emerging in general.

    Especially raids on the pve side, but yeah it's a couple months in at this point.

    People might notice it more this weekend if they have been taking time off of sot and if the gold and glory event brings in more people, more active hours seem to be worse.

    There is an afternoon stretch of time every day where diving is pretty much constant crashing in my experience. Getting stuck underwater with no way to save the session is such a terrible bug lol.

  • crashes just as you're about to surface in HG

    Okie, but what about the rest of the game?

  • It's the gold and glory weekend, everyone and their folks are out there. With all the issues we been having this was to be expected!

  • @hongkythepanda yep, difficult to have an hg fight without them now. On brig yesterday I'd say maybe 3 out of 20 fights didn't include a crash our side. Mostly as emerging but odd one during fight which is a lot more punishing.

    It's to the point I don't bother with overheal from cooked food

  • Happened to me like 9 times yesterday. Not in hourglass but during normal play. Xbox series x.

  • @metal-ravage Personally, i crashed a ton last week, and I haven't crashed at all during gold and glory yet.

  • @whalelordgames said in Excessive crashes?:

    @metal-ravage Personally, i crashed a ton last week, and I haven't crashed at all during gold and glory yet.

    Quite a few people take off for a month+ of a season, especially when seasons have a lot of issues going on

    my guess is that some will be popping back in for the gold and glory event and aren't really used to how it has been for a while.

    It's been about the same for me. There is always a bit more rubberbanding and lag during events but it hasn't been significantly worse in my experience.

    I've had to pretty much remove diving out of my sessions lately (or just prepare for a crash) but the event hasn't made things much worse overall.

    All things considered it's been a decent event even with the frustrations. Activity on servers has been doing well the last couple of weeks. Really seeing some multi ship scenarios and activity going on recently.

    Can really see the PS5 hype turning into activity while people wait for the gate to open.

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