Solo Sailing in Safer Seas

  • I am very happy about the Safer Seas update. One big aspect of the game of course is sailing. However the solo sailing is an absolute pain. You may want to think about for Safer Seas only to have an easier, arcady 3rd person sailing option as it really just frustrates running around to adjust sails etc in 1st person

    I am not sure where feedback should be sent but hope this will at least be read by a dev to think if it might be worth improving the sailing mechanism for solo play.

    Thank you for considering.

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  • @binaryrocket said in Solo Sailing in Safer Seas:

    I am very happy about the Safer Seas update. One big aspect of the game of course is sailing. However the solo sailing is an absolute pain. You may want to think about for Safer Seas only to have an easier, arcady 3rd person sailing option as it really just frustrates running around to adjust sails etc in 1st person

    I am not sure where feedback should be sent but hope this will at least be read by a dev to think if it might be worth improving the sailing mechanism for solo play.

    Thank you for considering.

    Are you using a ship larger than sloop or something? Maintaining the sails on a sloop doesn’t really require any running around, or much movement at all actually. I’m really not sure how they could make it much easier.

    After a little practice I’m guessing you’ll find that sailing a sloop is very easy.

  • Solo sailing is easy because there are no crew mates to be considerate to/of.

    I solo in high seas and afk sail literally every day.

    I almost never adjust sails. If I gotta go somewhere far I aim the boat at it and get up and do other things until I hear a crash or a chain shot lol.

    With the noises by the rocks and other sounds like sea forts or event music, distant cannon fire, etc. I can tell what is going on pretty regularly/reliably.

    Safer seas is even easier because there is no pvp.

  • The sloop and even the brig once you get more experienced is quite easy to maintain alone, especially if you play in Safer Seas where you don't have to worry about other pirates and the risk of getting ambushed.

  • Sounds like you’re sailing on the wrong ship type my friend. Check out the sloop and you’ll have a much better time. Consider too you can dive everywhere now via the redesigned voyage table, so it cuts out the sailing part by a sizeable chunk!

  • Safer seas isn’t just for solo slooping. Sure you can but it isn’t just for that

    And as everyone pointed. Sounds like your not using a sloop

  • @binaryrocket You’ve got to be kidding.

  • @hectiic-pwner

    There is a learning curve to sailing for sure.

    But yes, I wouldn’t personally like an ‘arcadey’ SoT.

  • @binaryrocket as others have said, it sounds like you're using the wrong ship. Try the sloop. Also if you are using the sloop then rare should not consider this because people who use safer seas to get use to the game then move to high seas will be very confused why they can't sail "arcade" style

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