Trip wire bomb

  • Now that we will be having enough items and methods to facilitate boarding ships easier, why not have measures to counter it?
    One idea would be trip wires, what if we could have the ability to setup around 3 trip wires per pirate and place them where ever you feel like, either by the boarding ladder or below deck.

    Whenever they go off they would do minimal damage to the ship but would instantly kill any pirate including yourself if you are near it when it goes off so this way you would have to think strategically as to not just go wild and place them anywhere.

    Also the wire can be cut with a sword only so you would have to be nearby.

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  • @eva1977 While I can see that idea working for survival games, Imo it will cause more chaos aboard a ship than repeal boarders.

  • @metal-ravage More chaos than what the game already has?
    For me boarding should be the last resort especially during naval battles and instead it's the first and now we will have even more methods to make it easier so anything to change that is good in my book.

  • @eva1977 At least now you are not risking to kill your own crew in process with trip wires.

    Boarding it's important in this game as much as the naval battle, for these are the mechanics of SOT. Repealing boarders is a must yet that doesn't mean to turn the ship into siege towers in order to do so.

  • @metal-ravage you do if you use firebombs or blunderbombs, and thats just the point it's not a failsafe option its more something you have to think about as well as boarders instead of saying let me just board especially if it's instakill, for any player in the immediate blast radius whcih can be about a meter or so and maybe lower anything after that.

  • @eva1977 Using blunderbombs in your own ship where you cause more damage to yourself and your crew rather than the boarder, as his ship engages yours is a tactical error.

    Using trip wire and the like will just add to this error and turn your own ship in a death trap. Your crew will be unable to repair or man the cannons for fear or triggering their own trip wire or get caught in the radius of an explosion caused by the boarder (we are talking close quarters here not COD maps)

  • @metal-ravage yeah but ultimately thats up to the player to decide, you don't have to place them if you don't want to and also i did mentioned it could have minimal damage on the ship
    Same thing was carrying an explosive barrel which was the norm, players knew the risk and willing to take it just so they can use it, things only changed when not even the mast was safe from them but you will still see the occasional player with a barrel on their ship.

    Anothet thing to point out is they can be limited to ship use only otherwise players would place them all around islands or outposts.

  • @eva1977 said in Trip wire bomb:

    Same thing was carrying an explosive barrel which was the norm, players knew the risk and willing to take it just so they can use it, things only changed when not even the mast was safe from them but you will still see the occasional player with a barrel on their ship.

    Yep nobody uses the kegs anymore because it's a double edge sword, this is why there are explosions at the end of every fort event. Imo same goes for the trip wire and the damage they will cause triggered by cannon fire.

  • @metal-ravage Doesn't have to be set off by cannon fire otherwise whats the point?
    You might as well just put a barrel there and shoot it when someone is boarding.

  • @eva1977 said in Trip wire bomb:

    @metal-ravage Doesn't have to be set off by cannon fire otherwise whats the point?
    You might as well just put a barrel there and shoot it when someone is boarding.

    So you can cut it with a sword but the wire is immune to cannons?!

  • @metal-ravage Yes just like we can have a stockpile of fireworks, blunderbombs and firebombs inside of a barrel on the ship that is immune to cannon fire.

  • @eva1977 said in Trip wire bomb:

    @metal-ravage Yes just like we can have a stockpile of fireworks, blunderbombs and firebombs inside of a barrel on the ship that is immune to cannon fire.

    Can you cut any of those elements with a sword as you proposed for the trip wire?

  • @metal-ravage No thats different mechanics and they all serve their purpose, just like you can't harpoon a shark or a skellie, they have their own particular qualities to balance gameplay, if someone could just destroy your supply barrel on the initial shot then the fight would be over before it even started and same thing with trip wire if someone can just cannon it then why have them at all?
    The whole purpose of my suggestion is to make it harder for players to board ship IF you play your cards right and find strategic locations for it or if a particula player has a particular method of boarding or spawn camping and this might make it so it's not as simple as it was before.

  • @eva1977 I still don't see the advantage of using an element, with peculiar qualities that acts like a gunpowder keg immune to cannon fire...but hey that's me.

  • @metal-ravage my suggestions was clear, a method to assist with players when they were boarded with limited damage to ship (or maybe no damage to ship) but to players yes and not an equivalent to a gunpowder barrel.

    The point is it's not in the game it was a suggestion and there are many many ways the development team can fine tune it to serve this purpose only, while we're going back and forth like its a given it has to be one way or the other with no way of changing it.

  • Most ships that were commandeered in the maritime era were actually boarded first, I think the most famous example was black Sam and his crew boarded a ship but naked with only their weapons and the ships crew just didn't want to fight naked men so gave up 😂

  • @rotten-rocko Yeah but this is also a game where you can launch yourself from a cannon to another ship, harpoon Megalodon's and submerge your ship undewater.

    Point being it's not about realism it's about what makes the game fun and i think the majority might agree naval combat is more fun than fighting boarders, while i do appreciate fighting a boarder i do find it annoying that sometimes there is no naval combat involved because of this.

  • @eva1977 I wasn't saying it was realistic I was just saying even in the real world at that time period boarding without naval combat was common. I do find your argument that in a world of fantastical pirate adventures, that boarding first is to realistic odd tho.

  • @rotten-rocko For me it's not about it being realistic or not it's about not finding it enjoyable or at least not more than a naval fight.

  • @eva1977 I've never given it any thought, I just assumed pirate's would act like pirates in a pirate game

  • they said they were adding traps. let's see what kind of monkey's paw traps they're gonna make before we start blowing ourselves up to say we predicted traps...

    kinda like the AI that doesn't actually do anything.
    a gusty flute instead of a parachute
    one handed double gun...

  • @pithyrumble the natural progression of any game like this is to add more so for me all things added are welcome.
    Would also like the ability to have 3 of the main weapons available on your pirate and not 2 but thats for another time.

  • Honestly, this is a good idea. Loads better than most "Guys i have an idea to nerf boarding" posts. This sounds actually interesting to use

  • Boarding traps can be super interesting if done right

    If designed well it could make defender fighting a lot more enjoyable

    as well as solo

  • @wolfmanbush Additionally if it can only be cut with a sword, it would force whomever is boarding to want to take a sword and not just take 2 guns, or the other is that he simple uses 2 guns but has no ability to difuse them and basically a higher risk for that player, so it mostly generates strategy on how you want to approach a board.

  • @eva1977, I love this idea!

  • I love this idea, but needs work.

    Perhaps not applicable to boats, rather island locations only. Super fund sounding.

    Would add a TON of creativity in killing skellies, bosses, etc.! Bump up!

  • Love the idea, super fun tool BUT the tripwires should do a keg's worth of damage to your ship, so they're not overpowered and overused. Players should have to carefully consider whether or not to use them.

    Also, with the harpoon gun coming in Season 14, they might be irrelevant to keep out boarders (but still a fun addition to the game).

  • @prescafatty Yeah i mean imagine if its a device where you can specifically set were the explosion will be directed to and also the height of the device meaning if it is at eye height you have a better chance of spotting the wire and cutting it, if you don't see it, it's insta kill, but if it is set to knee level it's harder to see but will only deal broken leg damage or something like that.
    Obviously something that they have to determine it's not to overpwoered or not completely useless like cursed cannonballs which to me makes no sense why they nerfed them so much to a point where they really do nothing for the outcome of a fight anymore.

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