Atrocious Ping/Framerate

  • What is going on!? Please, if anyone else is having this issue, collect here and make it known! No way it's just me. I just started getting back into SoT for season 9 and started up again a week before it launched. No issues for that week. Come season 9, the frame rate is making this unplayable! I'm on a Series X. This should not be an issue so late on. I'm actually livid! I can't get anything done! I tried to mess around in the Devil's Roar the other day and my frames started dropping halfway through my session. I was too deep in to lose all my progress and figured it was just the Devil's Roar screwing with me because of all the annoying earthquakes, volcanoes, and geysers. So I opted to not switch servers. Honestly, does anyone do Devil's Roar stuff or is it just taxing on performance with little player interest? Besides the point. Today, I've been in a few different servers and I can't even play! I turned in a Reaper's Chest and another sloop started approaching. I was almost certain they were near before even seeing them because I started teleporting around the island and lagging off of my ship. Then I tried to do some hourglass PvP to level up my factions and I can't do anything! I try to repair, and I teleport away from the hole and have to try again. I go to bucket water out of my ship and I teleport over to the side causing backsplash. I was trying to battle over the Chest of Fortune, but I could barely move. Teleporting all over my ship, can't fight properly, just a miserable experience. Server stability doesn't seem all that great right now. I don't know if we need to bump it back down to 5 ships per server or if we need to not have the Kraken be able to spawn during word events- I genuinely don't know what needs to be done, but please do it fast. I'm unfortunately regretting buying the plunderpass because I can't even play the game. A friend was going to buy the game to start her pirate adventure with me, but I'm afraid to advocate for SoT if the experience is going to be miserable.

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  • So is it FPS or ping that you are having problems with?

    I experience similar problems, but I believe that's mostly to do with my internet...its really really bad in UK, but they are upgrading the infrastructure everywhere at the moment.

    So yeah I get problems with my internet causing high ping and things you described happen as well!

    Framerates are only terrible around New Golden Sands as far as I remember.

  • @zig-zag-ltu could very well be a ping issue! I'm on East Coast US servers which have had a tendency to be quite stable, but as I'm on console, I don't have my ping displayed nor do I believe there is an option to display it. I just went on an 8 ship sink streak before season 9 began so I'm wondering if the servers are just overloaded now with new/returning players. Thanks for your input!

  • @zig-zag-ltu oh and just for some extra clarification, the teleporting is totally ping. Gotta be, right? But the frames are dropping on top of that too, where the screen seems to stutter and become choppy and slow.

  • @secret-vveapon Yeah I think that description sounds about right ^^

    Btw since you are playing on the new console, is there any chance that your console is heating up causing the fps drop?

    Otherwise I would imagine we will start seeing a lot more of these reports from players using the same machine.

  • @zig-zag-ltu I highly doubt it. The console tends to expel quite a bit of heat, but that just means it's doing its job and removing all of the heat from the inside to the exterior. It's been fine on far more demanding titles. I'm not disregarding the possibility.

  • @secret-vveapon Makes sense, I have very little knowledge about them and was always under assumption that every game released for consoles will work perfectly as intended as those games would be designed to work around those specs.

    But overheating certainly does this to PC's and a console technically is a computer too. So it's possible.

    If you wanna rule that out, check your dust levels and try to put a cooling fan next to it to see if it changes anything.

    Years ago I had a potato laptop, that would switch off from overheating, using the above methods I completely resolved that problem and fps became stable ^^

  • Are you stacking?
    Is someone on the server stacking?

    Don't stack lol.

    Series S, Florida. I've noticed when things get sketchy there's a Reaper or GH on emissary. Notorious stackers.

  • @pithyrumble definitely not stacking and doubt that there's a crew stacking in the amount of servers I'm struggling in. Just tried again to enjoy the game and immediately started lagging like crazy. I went to dive into hourglass PVP hoping the new server would be better and was still lagging. Idk whats going on at this point because I'm not lagging in any other game so it's definitely not my connection. I'm just getting really frustrated. I love this game. I want to enjoy it.

  • Yesterday I have same problems with massive lags and fps drop on some servers, some time I got ping like 900-1000 or some time it 5 fps drops/lagging, only way that I know in that case it change server by restarting the game session. Usualy my ping is 120 in SoT and I have no that problems before. I tested other games and run videos on Youtube with 4K resolution right after that incident and have no any problems with internet latensy or something else...(edit) right now I have same problems with high server ping on mostly sessions (800, 600, 180) and I restarting the game several times and got my 120 fps and seems like for me it has a some rating as 1 good one / 6 bad one

  • Yesterday was awful for input lag/overall lag/"feel" in NAE. My ping wasn't terrible 50-70, FPS was "okay" in number. but it was the (two) least smooth and most janky servers I've been on in months. Very choppy, stuttering, clumsy. People warping around. Couldn't ADS even when prepped the guns, strafing around hoping I don't get shot while mouse 2 was non-functioning over and over.

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