Victorious Sea Dog Set

  • I would really like the Victorious Sea Dog Set as a full set in game
    There only the Blunderbuss so Far.

  • 6
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  • With the complete and utter disaster and downfall that was The Arena, I doubt that set is ever getting anything more, but you never know.

  • @cptfrench22

    Rare has discontinued all “Arena” cosmetics. That particular item was given out to all who made it to legendary Sea Dog after Rare reduced the commendation from 240 to 100. Rare reversed the decision and put it back to 240 wins.

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Victorious Sea Dog Set:


    Rare has discontinued all “Arena” cosmetics. That particular item was given out to all who made it to legendary Sea Dog after Rare reduced the commendation from 240 to 100. Rare reversed the decision and put it back to 240 wins.

    Which they should stop doing.

    They should have left the change at 100.

  • @coffeelight5545 I got my 240 win but thus set is so clean, I really want the rest

  • @personalc0ffee said in Victorious Sea Dog Set:

    @coffeelight5545 said in Victorious Sea Dog Set:


    Rare has discontinued all “Arena” cosmetics. That particular item was given out to all who made it to legendary Sea Dog after Rare reduced the commendation from 240 to 100. Rare reversed the decision and put it back to 240 wins.

    Which they should stop doing.

    They should have left the change at 100.

    They never actually changed it. They said they were going to change it but didn't after feedback.

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