Looking for a PvP mentor

  • I am looking for someone who can help/teach me how to PvP properly because in S8 I've been in a constant void of losses, and my will to continue is fading.
    I'd like to find someone who is willing to teach me how to fight in both naval and boarding, because I'm afraid I'm terrible and I don't know how to improve. I consider myself very, very bad, perhaps one of the worst PvPers that the playerbase ever had and I want to get out of this level.

  • 8
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  • I have played this game since it started I'd be more than willing the help you out. We'll get you a few wins. And I'll teach you how to play.

  • I can't play tonight though. I've got bed in an hour.

  • @warren-michal Thank you very much. I'll add you right away, I may be a bit busy today and tomorrow because of new year holidays, but I'll send you a message later if you don't mind.

  • @dragotech123 I am more likely to notice your messages if you send them to my discord. It's Warren Michal#1847 If you don't have discord that's fine.

  • I probably wont be able to crew up, but i will say a small tip for naval is to practice out of pvp some when you can, skele ships are easy, but they can help refine your aim against moving targets or while turning your ship. The second being what gives the most people trouble in naval.

  • @goldsmen Your tips are appreciated.

  • @dragotech123 I feel your pain. I'm in a similar boat (pun intended). I haven't grown up with a controller in my hand so PvP is a struggle for me. I don't have a regular crew to play with and logging on for solo slooping just to get destroyed at first contact has become disheartening. It seems that I'm dead before I even get my first swing of the sword most of the time. I'd love to learn the ropes of PvP to make the game playable/enjoyable.

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