Harpoon block. Find out more beolw

  • Harpooning people. Should be able to sword block an incoming harpoon atempt either the chest ur by if close enough or ur self. "twang. Harpoon denied 💪😂

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  • Although I do love the harpoon for the QOL purposes, I just remember when I first started playing, I never used it on anyone as I thought a massive steel arrow going through your chest cavity would kill you or damage the loot. Got used to it now, but still feels weird in a way to snatch people with it, it is fun tho!

    But yeah being able to block it should definitely be implemented.

  • @hornet-hill-19 sagte in Harpoon block. Find out more beolw:

    Harpooning people. Should be able to sword block an incoming harpoon atempt either the chest ur by if close enough or ur self. "twang. Harpoon denied 💪😂

    Yeah, would be a nice feature...but how often do you have your sword equipped AND blocking while they try to harpoon you? Probably easier to shoot yourself onto the other ship from far away...so I don’t think it would be worthit to program this

  • I don't know why you would want to do that.
    I've never seen a hostile harpoon attempt that didn't backfire on the harpooning crew because they just gave a boarder a free ride.
    Even had one where my crewmate firebombed the keg they had on board thanks to them harpooning her up.

    What I WOULD like to see is a way to more easily harpoon loot and only loot.
    Say if I'm carrying a chest and hold right click to "offer" it, the harpoon will take the chest and not me.
    Gets annoying when my crew is doing mass loading and people keep getting harpooned by mistake.

    I know that you can already do it by being super precise, or could before it got glitched, but it could be easier.

  • @scheneighnay just hold the loot out if ur holding it ie left trigger on controller nt sure for keyboard and the harpoon will just take the loot not the person

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