Weapon rebalance for PvE

  • I have a big gripe with how the flintlock and Eye of Reach performs against skeletons in this game.

    A lot of skeletons and other creatures will die to a blast of a blunderbuss (100 damage for all 10 pellets) but if I try and take out the same enemy with a flintlock or EoR we are talking 3-4 shots (165/210-220/280) damage.

    Did we ever get any explanation for this? those two guns basicly only 1 tap the skeletons for brand new players and become so weak afterwards. With firebombs and blunderbombs being a thing there are other ways to blow up kegs.

    Think the game could use a proper combat rebalance.

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  • @cptfootballhead enemies have more health, the higher tier the voyage is you got...I'm fine with the damage the weapons deal

  • @schwammlgott I know and it's not my point. My point is why do blunderbuss 1 shot a skeleton (100 damage) when the other guns have to deal twice the amount of damage to do the same? spending more ammo and way more time doing so.

  • That's an interesting point, and something I believe that can be seen especially with Gold skeletons, as it takes a number of shots with the flintlock or EoR, but only one point-blank shot with the blunderbuss.

    I don't know if that's because if you are at range you are safer, and thus they are trying to entice pirates to enter into close quarters combat or what. As it is, none of the enemies have a health bar, so we cannot really see what damage is being dealt by each shot.

    I guess I personally don't have a problem with it. Playing D&D you get used to different weapons effecting different creatures differently. There are different types of skeletons as well, even disregarding "special" types (like gold, plant, shadow), there are skeletons with pink bandanas, all-white skeletons, and skeletons with little bits of grey on them. Pink bandana skeletons seem to be the toughest of the "normal" skeletons, with the "bits of grey" being the second hardest, and "all-white" being the easiest.

    Am I right? Are there these types of skeletons or am I seeing something? Anyone know what the difference is?

    As for rebalancing: I guess everything seems fine to me, so I don't know if that's necessary. I think they tweak certain things behind the scenes every so often anyway.

  • @maximusarael020 > "I guess I personally don't have a problem with it. Playing D&D you get used to different weapons effecting different creatures differently."

    I agree it does not have to be a problem, however nowhere in this game are you informed blunderbuss is a more effective weapon than a flintlock against PvE, or has any damage multiplier on skeletons, yet it seems to be that way.

    If it's intended by Rare to be like this, fine. But inform players that it's the case.

  • It usually takes one pistol shot to "kill" skeletons , two for phantoms. I don't use EOR.

  • @calico-jack3172 sagte in Weapon rebalance for PvE:

    It usually takes one pistol shot to "kill" skeletons , two for phantoms. I don't use EOR.

    For "regular" skellies, without voyage equipped...yes
    Athena skellies take some more shots...
    Phantoms on sea forts just need one shot with the flintlock

  • @schwammlgott , correct ... during voyages skellies require 6 sword hits or 3 shots , iirc.

  • @calico-jack3172 sagte in Weapon rebalance for PvE:

    @schwammlgott , correct ... during voyages skellies require 6 sword hits or 3 shots , iirc.

    Depends on the voyage...high tier voyages have mostly stronger skellies

  • A lot of skeletons and other creatures will die to a blast of a blunderbuss (100 damage for all 10 pellets) but if I try and take out the same enemy with a flintlock or EoR we are talking 3-4 shots (165/210-220/280) damage.

    I have to ask, what Voyage are you doing and what lvl is your faction of that voyage?
    I believe the skeletons Hp is based of crew & voyage lvl (im sure to be mistaken but it appears to be so)

    Reason: I still have a crew mate who is still lvl 15 OoS, and the skeletons we fight by me die by two shot Flint, but when I drop a voyage....it takes almost 4 shots.

  • @cptfootballhead

    Understood. But to be fair, Rare doesn't really give any information on anything. It never tells you that an EoR does more damage than a flintlock, does it? Or that a blunderbuss can one-tap a pirate at point-blank. Or that a sword lunge does 50 damage, etc. Everything that is learned is learned from playing, without HUD info or numbers or anything. Nothing ever tells you what the Trident of Dark Tides does, you just pick it up and use it. That's the kind of game Sea of Thieves is.

  • Don't change it.
    PvE weapons are working fine and have been tucked into niche uses for situations. Gold skellies bring a blunderbuss. Everything else either EoR or Flint for splodey bois. You need to adjust your tactics and learn how to use other enemies as meat (or in this case bone...) shields.

  • I have never had issue with my pistol doing damage to npc enemies, typically, if an enemy takes a lot of shots from a pistol or eor to kill, even a blunder wont 1 tap them.

    Not to mention, skeles arnt too smart, theres no reason to buff player weapons against them when you can typically down them in hoards with a sword by using their ai against them

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