Sloop Captains should be able to kick people.

  • As someone who enjoys open crewing, I've had a staggering amount of griefers joining my crew lately, and doing what griefers do (toss blunderbuss at me, light the ship on fire, anchor the ship or drive it into an Island, toss loot and supplies overboard, etc).

    Galleons and Brigs both have ways of dealing with griefers, by having a majority vote to lock up said griefers. As things currently stand, sloop players have no such way to deal with griefers like that and it actively discourages using open crew on sloops. With the Captaincy update, I see no reason why Sloop Captains shouldn't be able to kick griefers (or at the very least prohibit them from interacting with anything on the ship).

    I already know the usual responses to this kind of suggestion so I'll address those:

    "What's to stop sloop captains from kicking someone just so a friend can join?"

    Well while that's a fair point, I have to ask how exactly is that any worse than a griefer joining a captained Sloop and sabotaging the captain's ship and loot? You could argue that the Sloop captain is taking a risk of being joined by a griefer by using open crew, but then I could counter that by saying someone who joins a captained Sloop would be choosing to risk being kicked.

    Another usual response to this topic is "Don't use open crew and just use discord or the forums", but like... if the only answer to sloop griefing is to not use open crew than doesn't that point out a massive flaw in the system? Galleons and Brigs both have ways of dealing with griefers, but Sloops do not and with the captaincy update it seems kinda silly that Sloop captains can lose control of their ship because of a griefer.

    I can understand not letting Galleon or Brig crews kick people, because that would absolutely be abused, but Sloop CAPTAINS should really be given a way of dealing with griefers since as of right now they have none and are actively discouraged from using open crew.

    TL;DR: Sloop Captains should be given a way of dealing with open crew griefers that doesn't just boil down to not using open crew. Not having a way to deal with griefers has been a unique problem for Sloops for far too long, and now that players can straight up be the captain of their sloop, they should be given a way to deal with griefers.

    Again, the fact that the only given solution against Sloop griefers is for people to NOT use an in-game system, shows a glaring flaw in that system.

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  • I hate to join a captain ship. Do loot gathering and get ready to turn in only to be kicked out. Wasted my time and lost out on a big hoard of gold. Because “captain power”

  • @zamasuslayer said in Sloop Captains should be able to kick people.:

    [...] "What's to stop sloop captains from kicking someone just so a friend can join?"

    Well while that's a fair point, I have to ask how exactly is that any worse than a griefer joining a captained Sloop and sabotaging the captain's ship and loot? You could argue that the Sloop captain is taking a risk of being joined by a griefer by using open crew, but then I could counter that by saying someone who joins a captained Sloop would be choosing to risk being kicked.

    You can report a griefer as it violates the pirate code; if kicking someone out becomes a feature, this kind of behaviour (kicking someone who acted as a good crewmate so a friend can join) becomes sanctioned.

    A griefing crewmate in most cases is apparent from almost the start, you can create a new ship on another server and lose perhaps a couple of minutes.
    A kicked out crewmate might stand to lose a couple of hours.

    A big No to your suggestion.

  • Honestly all Captains should be able to kick people.

  • This would be abused so hard. Definite no from me

  • Disagree, but I would definitely be up for having the game make it more clear as to how to brig a player, as not many people know what or how to do it, especially new players. In fact, most new players have to be told and explained how to brig another crew member

  • @red0demon0 Yea actually that is a real problem, should be an interactable option through the captains table, aswell Captains should have more options for ship stuff in the future through the table. like a possible option of disabling trinket interaction.

  • Kicking people might be too much of power. Like you said tho, Sloop is at disadvantage for not having the brig so perhaps letting the captains of Sloop to rope mutinious crew mates to the mast would be okay alternative.

  • u know, how, instead of the game having a HUGE milestone progression system that tracks all sorts of data and is intensly complicated RARE WOULD just start to track griefers and hackers with an algorithm, u know, like, everyone else who has got a huge game going on and making tons of money with it.

    Like, I dont see why the system would not be able to identify people killing teammates with blunderbombs, burning the ship in short time (outside a fight) with multiple flame bombs, etc.

    This totally would be calculate-able, and i dont think it would be more intensive data-hungry then the present milestone progression.
    Sometimes I impress myself with my smartness (joke)

    At the end of the day, we debate about how to fix an issue that could be fixed with a proper algorithm as well (eg. the "abuse" and the "trolling")

  • Everything can be solved by avoiding open crew. Find dedicated SoT friends on discord or real life.

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