A Trading Company Nobody Asked For

  • I'm sure nothing like this will ever be added, and that's fine by me. But I figured I'd get the idea out there.

    In a world of unkempt and unsophisticated pirates, the Sovereigns stand alone in their regal clothing, surrounded by the fine arts and refusing to deal with those pesky non-captains. Even the Pirate Lord himself runs a grog house filled with crude sailors and nasty alcohol. But what if they weren't alone? Hence, the Royals.

    Recently, a prince from the "real" world paid his way on board a pirate ship destined for the Sea of Thieves. He expected grand riches and adventure, but was met with a world too harsh to bear. Unable to leave through the shroud, he grit his teeth and began the search for those who shared his love of fortune and fame, and a certain degree of sophistication. However, nearly everyone he met was unlike him. The Gold Hoarders loved money, but cared little for fame. The Sovereigns, although sophisticated, cared not for money. Eventually, he found 6 other like-minded pirates strewn about the seas and formed a new company, the Royals.

    The Royals care little for your lesser-valued loot. The representative at any outpost will only accept items with a base minimum sell value of 2.5k gold or more, turning their nose up at anything else. This does not include accomplished logbooks or emissary flags, in order to keep the reapers viable gameplay-wise. Additionally, only items with this 2.5k value will level up the emissary flag of the Royals.

    The Royals have 100 levels to grind, providing rewards such as magnificent jeweled clothing, regal purple ship cosmetics, and a few titles. They would also have their own emissary ledger rewards, which include titles such as "Esteemed Bringer of Fortune" or "Master Noble of Sailors"

    I think a company that accepts anything, as long as it's expensive enough, is a pretty good idea.

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  • Recently, a prince from the "real" world paid his way on board a pirate ship destined for the Sea of Thieves.

    Problem with this. Even if you set out to go to the SoT, doesn’t mean you will get there.

    The shroud prevents you and only those with ancient items, know how or luck will make it

  • @burnbacon I'm not a lore writer

  • yes. I want to dress myself in more jewels than I already do. I will gladly grind for HOURS just to get some noble title and royal clothing, even if that means Im going to have to look for loot over 2.5k. Because right now I have so much fancy clothing and equipment, it seems that there is no way I can get any more FANCé.

  • If they're going to add a new trading company, i'd expect that to come with new types of loot (like skulls for Souls and chests for Hoarders) and new voyages and captains voyages. I don't know if this faction you propose will support that.

  • @hefty-henri said in A Trading Company Nobody Asked For:

    If they're going to add a new trading company, i'd expect that to come with new types of loot (like skulls for Souls and chests for Hoarders) and new voyages and captains voyages. I don't know if this faction you propose will support that.

    Who cares?!? I get to dress like ROYaLTY BABBBYYyYYyYyY

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