NPC as part of our crew

  • Hello, Sea of Thieves creators, my friend and I have watched the season 7 trailer multiple times and are super excited to get our hands on it. After looking through the comments and finding out that many players play alone, we have come up with an interesting idea that we’d like to share. It can help one or more players to experience the feeling of true piracy and what it’s like to take control of the ship.

    Some online players play alone or have 2 players and want to ride on the Galleon just like in the movies. We think the Sea of Thieves should have NPC fill in the remaining player's slot who is not joined as well as +4 NPC. In total, it will be 5-8 crew members on board.

    In order to gather NPC members, we would have to hire the crew and pay them coins every other week or month ingame to make it realistic.

    Each NPC would be under the captain's commands to help around the ship such as firing cannons, lowering the anchors, repairing, and possibly more. We think this would be fair and challenging for all of the online players to battle other ships rather than destroying inexperienced players who do not want to be bothered.
    Hope this brings new ideas to the table.

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  • @el-bromista1529 this idea again...that's a no from me

  • Personally i'd love it, but Rare will never go for it. The game is set up to be a social experience, and they want you to group up with players rather than NPC's.

    The only way i can see this being a thing is if they ever make some kind of singleplayer mode (maybe at the end of the games lifespan when keeping the servers online will not be profitable anymore and the game is hosted entirely on the PC/console of the player). In such a singleplayer mode you could have NPC's on board to help you fight skeleton ships and such, maybe even help you gather loot of they can get off the ship. But this is all wild speculation for a scenario that will likely never happen.

  • @greaves8721 sagte in NPC as part of our crew:

    Personally i'd love it, but Rare will never go for it. The game is set up to be a social experience, and they want you to group up with players rather than NPC's.

    The only way i can see this being a thing is if they ever make some kind of singleplayer mode (maybe at the end of the games lifespan when keeping the servers online will not be profitable anymore and the game is hosted entirely on the PC/console of the player). In such a singleplayer mode you could have NPC's on board to help you fight skeleton ships and such, maybe even help you gather loot of they can get off the ship. But this is all wild speculation for a scenario that will likely never happen.

    As the whole sea and waves are made on server side, when the servers go offline, the game won't be playable anymore...there won't be a singleplayer mode then, not possible without servers

  • would you run from a bear barefoot or use running shoes?
    would you use your skill of watching and learning or use your skill of doing and achieving?

  • @schwammlgott

    Interesting, i didn't know that. Not sure if this is something they could realistically change to all be hosted on player device, but i guess it's moot anyways since i don't see this happening for years or ever.

  • @greaves8721 sagte in NPC as part of our crew:


    Interesting, i didn't know that. Not sure if this is something they could realistically change to all be hosted on player device, but i guess it's moot anyways since i don't see this happening for years or ever.

    I don’t think actual machines can handle probably not

  • Add it.

    Game's too hard by yourself.

  • @el-bromista1529 said in NPC as part of our crew:

    Hello, Sea of Thieves creators, my friend and I have watched the season 7 trailer multiple times and are super excited to get our hands on it. After looking through the comments and finding out that many players play alone, we have come up with an interesting idea that we’d like to share. It can help one or more players to experience the feeling of true piracy and what it’s like to take control of the ship.

            Some online players play alone or have 2 players and want to ride on the Galleon just like in the movies. We think the Sea of Thieves should have NPC fill in the remaining player's slot who is not joined as well as +4 NPC. In total, it will be 5-8 crew members on board.             
            In order to gather NPC members, we would have to hire the crew and pay them coins every other week or month ingame to make it realistic.  
           Each NPC would be under the captain's commands to help around the ship such as firing cannons, lowering the anchors, repairing, and possibly more.                        We think this would be fair and challenging for all of the online players to battle other ships rather than destroying inexperienced players who do not want to be bothered.                          
                                                                                             Hope this brings new ideas to the table.

    Neat. While yes this is designed to be a social game, you honestly can say there are some days everyone can't get online. I like this idea.

  • New day, same old idea. That’s still a no for me even if i often play solo.

    • Firstly, I dont think AI would do a very good job at helping you on your boat.
    • Secondly, if it did, it would remove skills from the equation as you could always have your new aimbot friends shoot for you if you’re not good at it. Suddenly, having real friends or players as a crew would become a disadvantage in the game.
    • Thirdly, “experience the feeling of true piracy” is not something you can accomplish in a fantasy pirate game.
  • @lafrules This is coming from a friend of el-bromista1529 who worked on this idea together.

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Firstly, if a Skeleton Ship full of AI players can do a decent job of attacking online players, then I don’t see why AI crew members could do a decent job of helping around the ship.

    Secondly, this option is not required. It is a choice for players to choose. They can hire crew members or not. If players feel like it takes away skills or whatever, they have the option to get rid of crew members. Again it is an option, not requirement.

    And lastly, sure it’s a fantasy pirate game. But I’m sure people want to experience more life to the game.

  • @renesarjeant I think it would be a game changer for real 💯👌🏼

  • Make the npc overpowered and add it.

    Game's too hard. Make it easiest.

  • @pithyrumble hundred percent!!

  • @greaves8721 I can see where you’re coming from. What if it’s in a private session but with more npc pirates sailing across the ocean to keep it interesting and not quiet.

  • @crowedhunter If you can prevent them from boarding it would be seriously good to have even 1 NPC to repair and maybe some long distance aimbot shots, but as soon as they board you might as well be on your own.

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