To the Reapers who started the fight then portal hopped...

  • 6
    조회 수
  • Is this a tale or a rant?

  • @dr-orchamedes

    Cool story bro.

  • That's a part of rising a food chain, it's a part of feeding.

    Not everyone is on the top, most need to strike at opportunity and figure it out, sometimes living to strike another day, sometimes finding a meal.

    Piratical survival doesn't offer the luxury of bravery or cowardice. Everyone is just doing what they can for themselves.

    It was real and honest with opportunity on both ends, that's about as good as it gets.

  • @dr-orchamedes In my experience those with something to lose try to leave the battle first. Evidently they cared more about their flag than their pride.

  • Eh it happens. Count it as W and keep sailing.

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